path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-20Add error handling for unauthorized page access.Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-19Very preliminary ACLs.Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-18Support base_url.Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-18Inline the css file in the source code.Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-18fix: Create working urls based on the incoming request.Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-17rustfmt: Reformatted all the code.Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-17feature: Working login with authentication.Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-17Add login / logout functionality.Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-17Add login page (not done).Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-17ui: Add navigation bar (for login details).Kjetil Orbekk
2017-06-17refactor: Move server part to the library.Kjetil Orbekk