path: root/nixos
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 609 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/aji.nix b/nixos/aji.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index abda9f8..0000000
--- a/nixos/aji.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, hardware, ... }:
- imports = [
- ./configuration.nix
- ];
- # Use the gummiboot efi boot loader.
- boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
- boot.loader.timeout = 0;
- boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
- boot.initrd.luks.devices = [
- {
- device = "/dev/sda2";
- name = "crypt";
- preLVM = true;
- allowDiscards = true;
- }
- ];
- boot.kernelModules = ["tp_smapi" "thinkpad_acpi" "fbcon" "i915"];
- boot.kernelParams = ["quiet" "acpi_osi=\"!Windows 2012\""];
- boot.extraModulePackages = [config.boot.kernelPackages.tp_smapi];
- boot.extraModprobeConfig = ''
- options i915 enable_rc6=1
- '';
- networking.hostName = "aji";
- fileSystems."/" = {
- mountPoint = "/";
- device = "/dev/mapper/cryptvg-root";
- fsType = "btrfs";
- options = ["subvol=aji-root" "discard" "compress=lzo"];
- };
- swapDevices =
- [ { device = "/dev/mapper/cryptvg-swap"; }
- ];
- services.tlp.enable = true;
- services.tlp.extraConfig = ''
- # Needed for either SSD or btrfs.
- SATA_LINKPWR_ON_BAT=max_performance
- '';
- services.xserver.xkbModel = "thinkpad60";
- # The NixOS release to be compatible with for stateful data such as databases.
- system.stateVersion = "16.03";
diff --git a/nixos/configuration.nix b/nixos/configuration.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa6e29..0000000
--- a/nixos/configuration.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, hardware, hostname, ... }:
- hardware.bluetooth.enable = true;
- hardware.enableAllFirmware = true;
- hardware.pulseaudio = {
- enable = true;
- package = pkgs.pulseaudioFull;
- tcp.enable = true;
- tcp.anonymousClients.allowAll = true;
- zeroconf.discovery.enable = true;
- zeroconf.publish.enable = true;
- };
- boot.earlyVconsoleSetup = true;
- boot.cleanTmpDir = true;
- networking.networkmanager.enable = true;
- # networking.wireless.enable = true;
- networking.firewall.enable = true;
- networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [1900];
- networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [8080 18080];
- programs.zsh.enable = true;
- = true;
- # Set your time zone.
- time.timeZone = "America/New_York";
- # security.grsecurity.enable = true;
- # security.grsecurity.lockTunables = false;
- # # Needed when using chromium with grsecurity.
- # security.chromiumSuidSandbox.enable = true;
- nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
- fonts = {
- fonts = with pkgs; [
- fira-code
- ];
- };
- # List packages installed in system profile. To search by name, run:
- # $ nix-env -qaP | grep wget
- environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;
- let
- myArduino = pkgs.stdenv.lib.overrideDerivation pkgs.arduino (o: {
- withGUI = true;
- });
- myWine = { wineBuild = "wine32"; };
- in [
- neovim
- rustc
- fish
- git
- dmenu2 i3blocks i3status
- rsync
- chromium firefox
- xscreensaver xss-lock xorg.xev
- which htop tree
- myArduino
- termite
- nix-repl
- nfs-utils
- nox
- pasystray
- pavucontrol
- powertop
- # kde4.digikam
- emacs25
- sshfsFuse
- xorg.xbacklight
- rtorrent
- hdparm
- bwm_ng
- geeqie
- inkscape
- silver-searcher
- rofi
- wireshark
- trayer
- myWine
- iperf
- telnet
- pass
- rxvt_unicode-with-plugins
- xsel
- geeqie
- gnupg
- myWine
- mumble
- wdfs
- whois
- dhcpcd
- haskellPackages.idris
- dnsutils
- # fonts
- source-code-pro
- inconsolata
- wirelesstools
- xbindkeys
- imagemagick
- ghc
- net_snmp
- #rxvt-unicode-with-perl-with-unicode3-with-plugins
- unzip
- linssid
- nix-repl
- youtube-dl
- vlc
- unrar
- mosh
- tldr
- fira-code
- haskellPackages.hledger
- haskellPackages.hledger-ui
- haskellPackages.hledger-web
- haskellPackages.hledger-iadd
- moreutils
- ledger
- xorg.xhost
- binutils
- pandoc
- # (callPackage ./stardew-valley.nix {})
- #temporary
- debootstrap
- wget
- # haskellPackages.xmonad
- # haskellPackages.xmonad-contrib
- haskellPackages.xmobar
- ];
- # List services that you want to enable:
- # Enable the OpenSSH daemon.
- # services.openssh.enable = true;
- services.avahi.enable = true;
- services.redshift = {
- enable = true;
- latitude = "40";
- longitude = "-74";
- extraOptions = ["-r"];
- };
- # Enable the X11 windowing system.
- services.xserver.displayManager.slim = {
- enable = true;
- autoLogin = true;
- defaultUser = "orbekk";
- };
- services.xserver.enable = true;
- services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad.enable = true;
- services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad.enableContribAndExtras = true;
- services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad.extraPackages = haskellPackages: [
- haskellPackages.xmobar ];
- services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;
- services.xserver.layout = "us";
- services.xserver.xkbVariant = "dvorak";
- i18n = {
- consoleFont = "ter-132n";
- consoleKeyMap = "dvorak";
- consolePackages = [ pkgs.terminus_font ];
- };
- services.cron.enable = true;
- services.xserver.synaptics = {
- enable = true;
- twoFingerScroll = true;
- };
- users = {
- defaultUserShell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/fish";
- extraUsers.orbekk = {
- isNormalUser = true;
- home = "/home/orbekk";
- uid = 1000;
- description = "KJ";
- extraGroups = ["wheel" "networkmanager" "dialout" "uucp"];
- shell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/fish";
- };
- extraUsers.guest = {
- isNormalUser = true;
- home = "/home/guest";
- uid = 10001;
- description = "Guest";
- extraGroups = ["networkmanager"];
- };
- };
- nix.maxJobs = 8;
- nix.buildCores = 0; # as many as I have CPUs
- nix.useSandbox = true;
diff --git a/nixos/packages/gupnp_dlna/default.nix b/nixos/packages/gupnp_dlna/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b77a1..0000000
--- a/nixos/packages/gupnp_dlna/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, libxml2, glib, gst_all_1 }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
- name = "gupnp-dlna-${version}";
- majorVersion = "0.10";
- version = "${majorVersion}.4";
- buildInputs = [ pkgconfig libxml2 glib gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base ];
- src = fetchurl {
- url = "mirror://gnome/sources/gupnp-dlna/${majorVersion}/${name}.tar.xz";
- sha256 = "5641134baa8fe3a2e129de15fc6a992f2fe1006ea446b7566483eada4840e1d6";
- };
diff --git a/nixos/packages/pulseaudio-dlna/default.nix b/nixos/packages/pulseaudio-dlna/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 509920f..0000000
--- a/nixos/packages/pulseaudio-dlna/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, python27Packages }:
-python27Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
- name = "pulseaudio-dlna-${version}";
- version = "0.5.2";
- src = fetchFromGitHub {
- owner = "masmu";
- repo = "pulseaudio-dlna";
- rev = version;
- sha256 = "1y8mhd537x0nfippy8mn9a0iq9xdisixign0372ldp9pwy8w7fd4";
- };
- propagatedBuildInputs = with python27Packages; [
- docopt requests2 setproctitle protobuf notify2 psutil futures chardet
- netaddr netifaces lxml zeroconf pygobject2
- ];
- meta = with stdenv.lib; {
- homepage =;
- description = "A DLNA server which brings DLNA / UPNP support to PulseAudio";
- license = licenses.gpl3;
- maintainers = with maintainers; [ orbekk ];
- platforms = platforms.linux;
- };
diff --git a/nixos/packages/rygel/default.nix b/nixos/packages/rygel/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 4354a75..0000000
--- a/nixos/packages/rygel/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv
-, fetchurl
-, glib
-, gnome3
-, gobjectIntrospection
-, gst_all_1
-, gst_plugins ? with gst_all_1; [ gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly ]
-, gupnp
-, gupnp_av
-, gupnp_dlna
-, intltool
-, makeWrapper
-, pkgconfig
-, sqlite
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
- name = "rygel-${version}";
- version = "0.28.3";
- enableParallelBuilding = true;
- buildInputs = [
- gnome3.libgee
- gnome3.libmediaart
- gst_all_1.gstreamer
- gupnp
- gupnp_av
- intltool
- makeWrapper
- pkgconfig
- sqlite
- ] ++ gst_plugins;
- propagatedBuildInputs = [
- gnome3.tracker
- gobjectIntrospection
- ];
- preConfigure = ''
- export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${gupnp_dlna}/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
- '';
- postInstall = ''
- wrapProgram "$out/bin/rygel" \
- '';
- src = fetchurl {
- url = "${version}.tar.xz";
- sha256 = "bedb76ecb1f36b721914b5c65934f8cd01f281f9ab40c22c583902c22f169c77";
- };
diff --git a/nixos/packages/the-long-dark/default.nix b/nixos/packages/the-long-dark/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index def570c..0000000
--- a/nixos/packages/the-long-dark/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-{stdenv, glibc, coreutils, patchelf, requireFile, unzip, xorg, libXrandr, makeWrapper, libpulseaudio, mesa_noglu, gcc, systemd, alsaLib, wayland, libxkbcommon }:
-with stdenv.lib;
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
- name = "the-long-dark-${version}";
- version = "";
- src = requireFile {
- name = "gog_the_long_dark_${version}.sh";
- sha256 = "3bb5feaa921334dfca28ad42ff6c87980fa445dd4d2547fc97e9e3adbcea1725";
- url = "";
- };
- buildInputs = [ coreutils unzip makeWrapper ];
- unpackPhase = ''
- mkdir src
- cd src
- unzip $src || true
- # offset=$(${} -c "$(grep -axm1 -e 'offset=.*' $src); echo \$offset" $src)
- # dd if="$src" ibs=$offset skip=1 | gzip -cd | tar xvf - || true
- '';
- libPath = stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [
- glibc mesa_noglu xorg.libX11 xorg.libXext xorg.libXcursor libXrandr
- xorg.libXinerama xorg.libXi xorg.libXScrnSaver
- libpulseaudio systemd.lib alsaLib wayland libxkbcommon ];
- buildPhase = ''
- patchelf \
- --set-rpath "${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ xorg.libX11 ]}" \
- --set-interpreter "$(cat ${}/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" \
- ./data/noarch/game/tld.x86_64
- # patchelf \
- # --set-rpath "${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ xorg.libX11 ]}" \
- # --set-interpreter "$(cat ${}/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" \
- # ./data/noarch/game/StardewValley.bin.x86_64
- '';
- installPhase = ''
- mkdir $out
- cp -r * $out/
- makeWrapper "$out/data/noarch/" "$out/bin/the-long-dark" \
- --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${libPath}"
- # makeWrapper \
- # "$out/data/noarch/" \
- # "$out/bin/stardew-valley" \
- # --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${libPath}"
- '';
diff --git a/nixos/pincer.nix b/nixos/pincer.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index f385f0b..0000000
--- a/nixos/pincer.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, hardware, ... }:
- imports = [
- ./configuration.nix
- ];
- networking.hostName = "pincer";
- networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [5201 34196 34197 5556 5558];
- networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [5201 34196 34197];
- # hardware.pulseaudio.systemWide = true;
- # hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true;
- # hardware.pulseaudio.tcp.enable = true;
- # hardware.pulseaudio.tcp.anonymousClients.allowAll = true;
- # hardware.pulseaudio.zeroconf.discovery.enable = true;
- # hardware.pulseaudio.zeroconf.publish.enable = true;
- = true;
- hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit = true;
- boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
- boot.loader.timeout = 0;
- boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
- boot.initrd.luks.devices = [
- {
- device = "/dev/sda6";
- name = "cryptroot";
- allowDiscards = true;
- }
- ];
- # boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_7;
- boot.kernelModules = ["tp_smapi" "thinkpad_acpi" "fbcon" "i915" "acpi_call"];
- boot.extraModulePackages = with config.boot.kernelPackages;
- [tp_smapi acpi_call];
- boot.extraModprobeConfig = ''
- options iwlwifi swcrypto=1
- '';
- fileSystems = {
- "/boot" = {
- mountPoint = "/boot";
- device = "/dev/sda1";
- fsType = "vfat";
- };
- "/" = {
- mountPoint = "/";
- device = "/dev/mapper/cryptroot";
- fsType = "btrfs";
- options = ["subvol=active/nixos-root" "discard" "compress=lzo"];
- };
- "/btrfs" = {
- mountPoint = "/btrfs";
- device = "/dev/mapper/cryptroot";
- fsType = "btrfs";
- options = ["discard" "compress=lzo"];
- };
- };
- environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;
- let
- myMinecraft = minecraft.override {
- jre = oraclejre8;
- };
- myFactorio = pwFactorio.overrideDerivation (o: {
- version = "0.14.20";
- src = requireFile {
- name = "factorio_alpha_x64_0.14.20.tar.gz";
- url = "test";
- sha256 = "c7955fdb19895a38d02a536e0bb225ac3bbbc434fcf9c4968fbb4bd5c49329ae";
- };
- });
- in [
- # myMinecraft
- # myFactorio
- tpacpi-bat
- ];
- = {
- description = "Set battery charging thresholds.";
- path = [ pkgs.tpacpi-bat ];
- after = [ "" ];
- wantedBy = [ "" ];
- script = ''
- tpacpi-bat -s ST 1 39
- tpacpi-bat -s ST 2 39
- tpacpi-bat -s SP 1 80
- tpacpi-bat -s SP 2 80
- '';
- };
- services.tlp.enable = true;
- services.tlp.extraConfig = ''
- # Needed for either SSD or btrfs.
- SATA_LINKPWR_ON_BAT=max_performance
- '';
- services.xserver.xkbModel = "thinkpad60";
- # The NixOS release to be compatible with for stateful data such as databases.
- system.stateVersion = "16.03";
diff --git a/nixos/shell.nix b/nixos/shell.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index d2798f3..0000000
--- a/nixos/shell.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-{ nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>, ...}:
-with import nixpkgs {};
-rec {
- myPythonPackages = python27Packages // rec {
- enum_compat = python27Packages.buildPythonPackage rec {
- name = "enum-compat-${version}";
- version = "0.0.2";
- propagatedBuildInputs = with python27Packages; [
- enum34
- ];
- src = pkgs.fetchurl {
- url = "mirror://pypi/e/enum-compat/${name}.tar.gz";
- sha256 = "939ceff18186a5762ae4db9fa7bfe017edbd03b66526b798dd8245394c8a4192";
- };
- };
- zeroconf = python27Packages.buildPythonPackage rec {
- name = "zeroconf-${version}";
- version = "0.17.0";
- propagatedBuildInputs = with python27Packages; [
- netifaces six enum_compat
- ];
- src = pkgs.fetchurl {
- url = "mirror://pypi/z/zeroconf/${name}.tar.gz";
- sha256 = "0qv64kq86rifpif4p660wm6a2cjxck8cff9wcah7hij051c1c9r5";
- };
- };
- notify2 = python27Packages.buildPythonPackage rec {
- name = "notify2-${version}";
- version = "0.3";
- propagatedBuildInputs = with python27Packages; [
- dbus-python
- ];
- src = pkgs.fetchurl {
- url = "mirror://pypi/n/notify2/${name}.tar.gz";
- sha256 = "684281f91c51fc60bc7909a35bd21d043a2a421f4e269de1ed1f13845d1d6321";
- };
- };
- };
- vlc-nightly = callPackage ./vlc-nightly.nix {};
- stardew-valley = callPackage ./stardew-valley.nix {};
- the-long-dark = callPackage ./packages/the-long-dark {};
- pulseaudio-dlna = callPackage ./packages/pulseaudio-dlna {
- python27Packages = myPythonPackages;
- };
- gupnp_dlna = callPackage ./packages/gupnp_dlna {};
- rygel = callPackage ./packages/rygel { inherit gupnp_dlna; };
diff --git a/nixos/stardew-valley.nix b/nixos/stardew-valley.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2bb55..0000000
--- a/nixos/stardew-valley.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-{stdenv, glibc, coreutils, patchelf, requireFile, unzip, xorg, makeWrapper, libpulseaudio }:
-with stdenv.lib;
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
- name = "stardew-valley-${version}";
- version = "";
- src = requireFile {
- name = "gog_stardew_valley_${version}.sh";
- sha256 = "88e1fae7226c7bfa91cb28c137c24867e12b1a0b6e824e6ffe73e1eefc166aac";
- url = "";
- };
- buildInputs = [ coreutils unzip makeWrapper ];
- unpackPhase = ''
- mkdir src
- cd src
- unzip $src || true
- # offset=$(${} -c "$(grep -axm1 -e 'offset=.*' $src); echo \$offset" $src)
- # dd if="$src" ibs=$offset skip=1 | gzip -cd | tar xvf - || true
- '';
- libPath = stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ glibc xorg.libX11 xorg.libXext libpulseaudio ];
- buildPhase = ''
- patchelf \
- --set-rpath "${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ xorg.libX11 ]}" \
- --set-interpreter "$(cat ${}/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" \
- ./data/noarch/game/mcs.bin.x86_64
- patchelf \
- --set-rpath "${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ xorg.libX11 ]}" \
- --set-interpreter "$(cat ${}/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" \
- ./data/noarch/game/StardewValley.bin.x86_64
- '';
- installPhase = ''
- mkdir $out
- cp -r * $out/
- makeWrapper \
- "$out/data/noarch/" \
- "$out/bin/stardew-valley" \
- --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${libPath}"
- '';
diff --git a/nixos/vlc-nightly.nix b/nixos/vlc-nightly.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae95b4..0000000
--- a/nixos/vlc-nightly.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-{vlc, autoconf, automake, libtool, stdenv, fetchurl, gettext, m4}:
-with stdenv.lib;
-vlc.overrideDerivation (o: rec {
- buildInputs = [autoconf automake libtool gettext m4] ++ o.buildInputs;
- version = "3.0.0-20161224-0237";
- preConfigure = ''export BUILDCC=gcc; libtoolize && ./bootstrap; '' + o.preConfigure;
- src = fetchurl {
- url = "${version}-git.tar.xz";
- sha256 = "0hbn2psqpr4cg9hhphdn4sqm7k5syfi7yflhf9ag33cl7zrqd83x";
- };