diff options
authorKjetil Orbekk <>2015-07-16 09:07:00 -0400
committerKjetil Orbekk <>2015-07-16 09:07:00 -0400
commit34f49197cdf0882a5f1e6312c841818612bfdd4a (patch)
parent086be55a4327117a6d7a3216533781a5a49ff6b8 (diff)
parent26792463b3e1281cb3b58c8bfcb7d712d576f0e1 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
4 files changed, 117 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index ee52c20..918c41b 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ create_symlink() {
create_symlink dotfiles/gitconfig .gitconfig
+create_symlink dotfiles/taskrc .taskrc
create_symlink /dev/null .vimrc.local
if [[ "${SHELL}" = *zsh* ]]; then
diff --git a/i3/config b/i3/config
index 1d9f7e7..61290fb 100644
--- a/i3/config
+++ b/i3/config
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
# font for window titles. ISO 10646 = Unicode
-font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
+# font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
+font xft:Droid Sans Bold 9
# use Mouse+Mod4 to drag floating windows to their wanted position
floating_modifier Mod4
@@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ floating_modifier Mod4
# start a terminal
bindsym Mod4+Return exec urxvt
+bindsym Pause exec i3lock
# kill focused window
bindsym Mod4+Shift+q kill
@@ -105,6 +108,13 @@ bindsym Mod4+Shift+r restart
# exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
bindsym Mod4+Shift+e exit
+# # class border backgr. text indicator
+client.focused #000000 #76c7b7 #000000 #2e9ef4
+client.focused_inactive #333333 #999999 #000000 #484e50
+client.unfocused #333333 #cccccc #333333 #292d2e
+client.urgent #2f343a #900000 #ffffff #900000
+# client.placeholder #000000 #0c0c0c #ffffff #000000
# resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
mode "resize" {
# These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
@@ -143,14 +153,17 @@ mode "resize" {
bindsym Escape mode "default"
-bindsym Mod4+r mode "resize"
+# NOTE(orbekk): Disable resize mode: I never use it and sometimes I accidentally trigger it.
+# bindsym Mod4+r mode "resize"
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
bar {
status_command i3status
+ font xft:Droid Sans Mono 10
exec xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources
exec setxkbmap us -variant dvorak -option compose:ralt -option caps:ctrl_modifier
exec google-chrome &
+exec xautolock -time 10 -locker 'i3lock' &
diff --git a/taskrc b/taskrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db517f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskrc
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# [Created by task 2.2.0 6/9/2015 11:33:17]
+# Taskwarrior program configuration file.
+# For more documentation, see or try 'man task', 'man task-faq',
+# 'man task-tutorial', 'man task-color', 'man task-sync' or 'man taskrc'
+# Here is an example of entries that use the default, override and blank values
+# variable=foo -- By specifying a value, this overrides the default
+# variable= -- By specifying no value, this means no default
+# #variable=foo -- By commenting out the line, or deleting it, this uses the default
+# Use the command 'task show' to see all defaults and overrides
+# Files
+report.gtd.description=List GTD style task
+report.gtd.filter=status:pending limit:page
+# Color theme (uncomment one to use)
+#include /usr/share/task/light-16.theme
+# include /usr/share/task/light-256.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/dark-16.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/dark-256.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/dark-red-256.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/dark-green-256.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/dark-blue-256.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/dark-violets-256.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/dark-yellow-green.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/dark-gray-256.theme
+#include /usr/share/task/solarized-light-256.theme
+# Copy of light-256.theme:
+color.debug=color4 on rgb141
+color.summary.background=white on color0
+color.history.add=color0 on rgb500
+color.history.done=color0 on rgb050
+color.history.delete=color0 on rgb550
+color.burndown.pending=on rgb200
+color.burndown.started=on rgb520
+color.burndown.done=on rgb011
+color.undo.after=color2 on rgb013
+color.calendar.due=color0 on color9 on color1
+color.calendar.overdue=color0 on color1
+color.calendar.weekend=on color253 on color3
+color.due=color9 on rgb520
+color.blocked=gray12 on gray4
+color.blocking=gray12 on gray6
+color.alternate=on color254
+# Custom colors
+color.blocking=rgb111 on rgb543
diff --git a/zshrc b/zshrc
index 9194c5e..509ac31 100755
--- a/zshrc
+++ b/zshrc
@@ -2,13 +2,17 @@
# ulimit -v 4194304 # 4G
# ulimit -u 1024
+if [[ -f $HOME/.zshrc.local ]]; then
+ source $HOME/.zshrc.local
source $HOME/dotfiles/zgen/zgen.zsh
# check if there's no init script
if ! zgen saved; then
echo "Creating a zgen save"
zgen oh-my-zsh
# plugins
- zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/git
+ # zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/git
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/sudo
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/history
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/autojump
@@ -24,7 +28,10 @@ if ! zgen saved; then
zgen save
+setopt extendedglob
if (( $+commands[ack-grep] )) ; then
alias ack=ack-grep
@@ -44,10 +51,6 @@ fi
alias ff="fileutil --gfs_user=gfp-reporting"
alias diff=colordiff
-if [[ -f $HOME/.zshrc.local ]]; then
- source $HOME/.zshrc.local
export EDITOR=vim
export PAGER=less
export TZ='America/New_York'
@@ -57,3 +60,16 @@ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
autoload -U edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line
bindkey "^V" edit-command-line
+function get-parent-dir() {
+ words=(${(z)LBUFFER})
+ if [[ "${words[${#words}]}" = /* ]]; then
+ # There is already a path thing here.
+ words[${#words}]="${words[${#words}]:h}/" # Parent directory.
+ else
+ words=($words $PWD)
+ fi
+ LBUFFER="${words[@]}"
+zle -N get-parent-dir
+bindkey "^[u" get-parent-dir