diff options
authorKjetil Orbekk <>2017-05-13 06:05:42 -0400
committerKjetil Orbekk <>2017-05-13 06:05:42 -0400
commit3822d05e45e6973824479fbb6973fa477d89c4e5 (patch)
parent8b04dd206d90667c5bf7f082eed52531a87fcdf0 (diff)
Nix packaging.
7 files changed, 344 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 894925e..91497e5 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-name = "v1"
+name = "rafs"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"fuse 0.3.0 (registry+",
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index a126a80..4e938a1 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-name = "v1"
+name = "rafs"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Kjetil Orbekk <>"]
diff --git a/default.nix b/default.nix
index 99e7ecd..59eea20 100644
--- a/default.nix
+++ b/default.nix
@@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
with import <nixpkgs> {};
-with rustPlatform;
+let mkRustCrate = import ./rust-utils.nix {
+ lib = pkgs.lib;
+ inherit buildPlatform stdenv;
+ }; in
+let deps = import ./deps.nix { inherit pkgs mkRustCrate; }; in
- rafs1 = buildRustPackage rec {
- name = "rafs-${version}";
- version = "0.1";
- buildInputs = [ fuse pkgconfig glibc ];
- logLevel = "debug";
- src = fetchgit {
- url = ""
- rev = "35f5d3c514b640d3b99c643890bb4a655025994d";
- sha256 = "1i5nr70jdqhfjmpnmcgnsyinh7rd3gaz2ka0adi9x5z0dx1ijg6g";
- };
- depsSha256 = "1i5nr70jdqhfjmpnmcgnsyinh7rd3gaz2ka0adi9x5z0dx1ijg6g";
- };
+ rafs = (deps.rafs_0_1_0 rustUnstable.rustc);
diff --git a/deps.nix b/deps.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f07958a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+{ pkgs, mkRustCrate }:
+with import <nixpkgs> {};
+let release = true;
+rec {
+ fuse_0_3_0 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "fuse";
+ version = "0.3.0";
+ dependencies = [ libc_0_2_22 log_0_3_7 pkg_config_0_3_9 thread_scoped_1_0_1 time_0_1_37 ];
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "1n49fdna5vxygl5v8s8i2brirg4zn7psc65chga4crcs9fk49w8i";
+ name = "fuse-0.3.0.tar.gz";
+ };
+ buildInputs = with pkgs; [fuse pkgconfig glibc];
+ libPath = "src/";
+ libName = "fuse";
+ build = "";
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "kernel32-sys";
+ version = "0.2.2";
+ dependencies = [ winapi_0_2_8 winapi_build_0_1_1 ];
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "1lrw1hbinyvr6cp28g60z97w32w8vsk6pahk64pmrv2fmby8srfj";
+ name = "kernel32-sys-0.2.2.tar.gz";
+ };
+ libName = "kernel32";
+ build = "";
+ buildDependencies = [ winapi_build_0_0_0 ];
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ libc_0_2_22 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "libc";
+ version = "0.2.22";
+ features = [ "use_std" ];
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "1yy25nhlyf7papwx2gjpck42p6smh1ilpinp0sij617819cpwj3q";
+ name = "libc-0.2.22.tar.gz";
+ };
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ log_0_3_7 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "log";
+ version = "0.3.7";
+ features = [ "use_std" ];
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "1qxrwkhpfzhgcmfnw4bl9yy7wwr92wwbin3dp6izcfy58lr369v4";
+ name = "log-0.3.7.tar.gz";
+ };
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ pkg_config_0_3_9 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "pkg-config";
+ version = "0.3.9";
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "06k8fxgrsrxj8mjpjcq1n7mn2p1shpxif4zg9y5h09c7vy20s146";
+ name = "pkg-config-0.3.9.tar.gz";
+ };
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ rafs_0_1_0 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "rafs";
+ version = "0.1.0";
+ dependencies = [ fuse_0_3_0 libc_0_2_22 ];
+ buildInputs = [ fuse pkgconfig glibc ];
+ src = ./.;
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ redox_syscall_0_1_17 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "redox_syscall";
+ version = "0.1.17";
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "03y0nsfmrcdi6syl31m94xpdjb2bz9ld9ik23cyb0an3kw79a9f7";
+ name = "redox_syscall-0.1.17.tar.gz";
+ };
+ libName = "syscall";
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ thread_scoped_1_0_1 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "thread-scoped";
+ version = "1.0.1";
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "0fhr1m23qs02iqy27qrc9a62pd150ki8jyn3fb99d4isi5h875pb";
+ name = "thread-scoped-1.0.1.tar.gz";
+ };
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ time_0_1_37 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "time";
+ version = "0.1.37";
+ dependencies = [ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 libc_0_2_22 redox_syscall_0_1_17 winapi_0_2_8 ];
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "17hsakmyg47gz6b6hcjdyp4wazpqphyzgiwpgfa5rh43shsjvhpb";
+ name = "time-0.1.37.tar.gz";
+ };
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ winapi_0_2_8 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "winapi";
+ version = "0.2.8";
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "0a45b58ywf12vb7gvj6h3j264nydynmzyqz8d8rqxsj6icqv82as";
+ name = "winapi-0.2.8.tar.gz";
+ };
+ inherit release;
+ };
+ winapi_build_0_1_1 = mkRustCrate {
+ crateName = "winapi-build";
+ version = "0.1.1";
+ src = fetchzip {
+ url = "";
+ sha256 = "1lxlpi87rkhxcwp2ykf1ldw3p108hwm24nywf3jfrvmff4rjhqga";
+ name = "winapi-build-0.1.1.tar.gz";
+ };
+ libName = "build";
+ inherit release;
+ };
diff --git a/release.nix b/release.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10949d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{ supportedSystems ? ["x86_64-linux"]
+, pkgs ? <nixpkgs>
+with import ./default.nix {};
+ inherit rafs;
diff --git a/rust-utils.nix b/rust-utils.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be6ed39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust-utils.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+{ lib, buildPlatform, stdenv }:
+let buildCrate = { crateName, crateVersion, dependencies, complete, crateFeatures, libName, build, release, libPath, crateType, metadata, crateBin, finalBins }:
+ let depsDir = builtins.foldl' (deps: dep: deps + " " + dep.out) "" dependencies;
+ completeDepsDir = builtins.foldl' (deps: dep: deps + " " + dep.out) "" complete;
+ deps =
+ builtins.foldl' (deps: dep:
+ let extern = lib.strings.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"] dep.libName; in
+ deps + (if dep.crateType == "lib" then
+ " --extern ${extern}=${dep.out}/lib${extern}-${dep.metadata}.rlib"
+ else
+ " --extern ${extern}=${dep.out}/lib${extern}-${dep.metadata}.so")
+ ) "" dependencies;
+ optLevel = if release then 3 else 0;
+ rustcOpts = (if release then "-C opt-level=3" else "-g");
+ rustcMeta = "-C metadata=" + metadata + " -C extra-filename=-" + metadata;
+ in ''
+ mkdir -p target/deps
+ mkdir -p target/build
+ chmod uga+w target -R
+ for i in ${completeDepsDir}; do
+ ln -s -f $i/*.rlib target/deps #*/
+ ln -s -f $i/*.so target/deps #*/
+ if [ -e "$i/link" ]; then
+ cat $i/link >> target/link
+ cat $i/link >> target/
+ fi
+ done
+ export CARGO_PKG_NAME=${crateName}
+ export CARGO_PKG_VERSION=${crateVersion}
+ export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH=$(echo ${buildPlatform.system} | sed -e "s/\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)/\1/")
+ export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS=$(echo ${buildPlatform.system} | sed -e "s/\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)/\2/")
+ export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV="gnu"
+ export DEBUG="${toString (!release)}"
+ export OPT_LEVEL="${toString optLevel}"
+ export TARGET="${buildPlatform.system}-gnu"
+ export HOST="${buildPlatform.system}-gnu"
+ export PROFILE=${if release then "release" else "debug"}
+ export OUT_DIR=target/build/${crateName}.out
+ if [[ ! -z "${build}" ]] ; then
+ echo "Building ${build}"
+ mkdir -p target/build/${crateName}
+ rustc --crate-name build_script_build ${build} --crate-type bin ${rustcOpts} ${crateFeatures} --out-dir target/build/${crateName} --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=target/deps ${deps} --cap-lints allow
+ mkdir -p target/build/${crateName}.out
+ mkdir -p $OUT_DIR
+ target/build/${crateName}/build_script_build > target/build/${crateName}.opt
+ set +e
+ EXTRA_BUILD=$(grep "^cargo:rustc-flags=" target/build/${crateName}.opt | sed -e "s/cargo:rustc-flags=\(.*\)/\1/")
+ EXTRA_FEATURES=$(grep "^cargo:rustc-cfg=" target/build/${crateName}.opt | sed -e "s/cargo:rustc-cfg=\(.*\)/--cfg \1/")
+ EXTRA_LINK=$(grep "^cargo:rustc-link-lib=" target/build/${crateName}.opt | sed -e "s/cargo:rustc-link-lib=\(.*\)/\1/")
+ EXTRA_LINK_SEARCH=$(grep "^cargo:rustc-link-search=" target/build/${crateName}.opt | sed -e "s/cargo:rustc-link-search=\(.*\)/\1/")
+ set -e
+ if [ -n "$(ls target/build/${crateName}.out)" ]; then
+ if [ -e "${libPath}" ] ; then
+ cp -r target/build/${crateName}.out/* $(dirname ${libPath}) #*/
+ else
+ cp -r target/build/${crateName}.out/* src #*/
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # echo "Features: ${crateFeatures}" $EXTRA_FEATURES
+ CRATE_NAME=$(echo ${libName} | sed -e "s/-/_/g")
+ # echo "Libname" ${libName} ${libPath}
+ # echo "Deps: ${deps}"
+ if [ -e "${libPath}" ] ; then
+ echo "Building ${libPath}"
+ rustc --crate-name $CRATE_NAME ${libPath} --crate-type ${crateType} ${rustcOpts} ${rustcMeta} ${crateFeatures} --out-dir target/deps --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=target/deps ${deps} --cap-lints allow $BUILD_OUT_DIR $EXTRA_BUILD $EXTRA_FEATURES
+ EXTRA_LIB=" --extern $CRATE_NAME=target/deps/lib$CRATE_NAME-${metadata}.rlib"
+ elif [ -e src/ ] ; then
+ echo "Building src/"
+ rustc --crate-name $CRATE_NAME src/ --crate-type ${crateType} ${rustcOpts} ${rustcMeta} ${crateFeatures} --out-dir target/deps --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=target/deps ${deps} --cap-lints allow $BUILD_OUT_DIR $EXTRA_BUILD $EXTRA_FEATURES
+ EXTRA_LIB=" --extern $CRATE_NAME=target/deps/lib$CRATE_NAME-${metadata}.rlib"
+ elif [ -e src/${libName}.rs ] ; then
+ echo "Building src/${libName}.rs"
+ rustc --crate-name $CRATE_NAME src/${libName}.rs --crate-type ${crateType} ${rustcOpts} ${rustcMeta} ${crateFeatures} --out-dir target/deps --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=target/deps ${deps} --cap-lints allow $BUILD_OUT_DIR $EXTRA_BUILD $EXTRA_FEATURES
+ EXTRA_LIB=" --extern $CRATE_NAME=target/deps/lib$CRATE_NAME-${metadata}.rlib"
+ fi
+ echo "$EXTRA_LINK_SEARCH" | while read i; do
+ if [ ! -z "$i" ]; then
+ echo "-L $i" >> target/link
+ L=$(echo $i | sed -e "s#target/build#$out#")
+ echo "-L $L" >> target/
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$EXTRA_LINK" | while read i; do
+ if [ ! -z "$i" ]; then
+ echo "-l $i" >> target/link
+ echo "-l $i" >> target/
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -e target/link ]; then
+ LINK=$(cat target/link)
+ fi
+ mkdir -p target/bin
+ echo "${crateBin}" | sed -n 1'p' | tr ',' '\n' | while read BIN; do
+ if [ ! -z "$BIN" ]; then
+ echo "Building $BIN"
+ echo rustc --crate-name $BIN --crate-type bin ${rustcOpts} ${crateFeatures} --out-dir target/bin --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=target/deps ${deps}$EXTRA_LIB --cap-lints allow $BUILD_OUT_DIR $EXTRA_BUILD $EXTRA_FEATURES -C link-args="$LINK"
+ rustc --crate-name $BIN --crate-type bin ${rustcOpts} ${crateFeatures} --out-dir target/bin --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=target/deps ${deps}$EXTRA_LIB --cap-lints allow $BUILD_OUT_DIR $EXTRA_BUILD $EXTRA_FEATURES -C link-args="$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ (-z "${crateBin}") && (-e src/ ]]; then
+ echo "Building src/"
+ echo rustc --crate-name $CRATE_NAME src/ --crate-type bin ${rustcOpts} ${crateFeatures} --out-dir target/bin --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=target/deps ${deps}$EXTRA_LIB --cap-lints allow $BUILD_OUT_DIR $EXTRA_BUILD $EXTRA_FEATURES -C link-args="$LINK"
+ rustc --crate-name $CRATE_NAME src/ --crate-type bin ${rustcOpts} ${crateFeatures} --out-dir target/bin --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=target/deps ${deps}$EXTRA_LIB --cap-lints allow $BUILD_OUT_DIR $EXTRA_BUILD $EXTRA_FEATURES -C link-args="$LINK"
+ fi
+ '' + finalBins;
+ installCrate = crateName: ''
+ mkdir -p $out
+ if [ -e target/ ]; then
+ cp target/ $out/link
+ fi
+ cp -PR target/deps/* $out # */
+ if [ "$(ls -A target/build)" ]; then # */
+ cp -PR target/build/* $out # */
+ fi
+ if [ "$(ls -A target/bin)" ]; then # */
+ mkdir -p $out/bin
+ cp -P target/bin/* $out/bin # */
+ fi
+ '';
+crate: rust: stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+ inherit (crate) crateName src;
+ release = if crate ? release then crate.release else false;
+ name = "rust_${crate.crateName}-${crate.version}";
+ buildInputs = [ rust ] ++ (lib.attrByPath ["buildInputs"] [] crate);
+ dependencies = (dep: dep rust) (lib.attrByPath ["dependencies"] [] crate);
+ complete = builtins.foldl' (comp: dep: if lib.lists.any (x: x == comp) dep.complete then comp ++ dep.complete else comp) dependencies dependencies;
+ crateFeatures = if crate ? features then
+ builtins.foldl' (features: f: features + " --cfg feature=\\\"${f}\\\"") "" crate.features
+ else "";
+ libName = if crate ? libName then crate.libName else crate.crateName;
+ libPath = if crate ? libPath then crate.libPath else "";
+ metadata = builtins.substring 0 10 (builtins.hashString "sha256" (crateName + "-" + crateVersion));
+ crateBin = if crate ? crateBin then
+ builtins.foldl' (bins: bin:
+ let name =
+ lib.strings.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"]
+ (if bin ? name then else crateName);
+ path = if bin ? path then bin.path else "src/";
+ in
+ bins + (if bin == "" then "" else ",") + "${name} ${path}"
+ ) "" crate.crateBin
+ else "";
+ finalBins = if crate ? crateBin then
+ builtins.foldl' (bins: bin:
+ let name = lib.strings.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"]
+ (if bin ? name then else crateName);
+ new_name = if bin ? name then else crateName;
+ in
+ if name == new_name then bins else
+ (bins + "mv target/bin/${name} target/bin/${new_name};")
+ ) "" crate.crateBin
+ else "";
+ build = if crate ? build then else "";
+ crateVersion = crate.version;
+ crateType = if crate ? procMacro then if crate.procMacro then "proc-macro" else "lib" else "lib";
+ buildPhase = buildCrate { inherit crateName dependencies complete crateFeatures libName build release libPath crateType crateVersion metadata crateBin finalBins; };
+ installPhase = installCrate crateName;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index babac6a..9ad2982 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
extern crate fuse;
extern crate libc;
-extern crate v1;
+extern crate rafs;
-use v1::data::get_data1;
-use v1::data::SimpleFsData;
+use rafs::data::get_data1;
+use rafs::data::SimpleFsData;
use fuse::{Filesystem, Request, ReplyEntry, ReplyAttr, ReplyDirectory, ReplyData};
use libc::ENOENT;
use std::ffi::OsStr;