path: root/users/ericgebhart/base_layers
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authorJoel Challis <>2023-11-26 18:36:45 +0000
committerGitHub <>2023-11-27 05:36:45 +1100
commit1ed03f498fa204178c2696c510ac6a2cd8524e2d (patch)
treeb97c1f983b7e4b57c007d0feedadd3ad3e39062b /users/ericgebhart/base_layers
parent4908d4b1ca260efecf3613e6517aa3a6f2034876 (diff)
Remove userspace keymaps (#22544)
Diffstat (limited to 'users/ericgebhart/base_layers')
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 1389 deletions
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/accents.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/accents.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad575da65c..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/accents.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// probably best to have e and é on different fingers.
-// doesnt work, oled displays garbage
-/* #define CARTE_ACCENTED \ */
-/* carte_de_map(" æœêùì ¿ïüöë ", \ */
-/* " àôèéî ûçñß^", \ */
-/* " âöíúí ") */
-// need to figure out a better way to display these on the oled.
- carte_de_map(" aoeui ?iuoe ", \
- " aoeei ucnS^", \
- " aoiúi ")
-#define ___ACCENTED___ \
-// A dead key layer, optimized for Most common,
-// western european.
-#define CARTE_MORTE \
- carte_de_map(" ˝˘̉ ̛ ˙° ", \
- "/`^´ ¸¨~¤", \
- " ,ˇ. ˛µ¯")
-#define ___MORTE___ \
- LANG_MAP(_, _DACU, _BREV, _HOKA, _, _, _HORN, _DOTA, _RNGA, _, \
- _DSLS, _DGRV, _DCIR, _ACUT, _, _, _CEDL, _DIAE, _DTIL, _CURR, \
- _, _DCMM, _CARN, _DOTB, _, _, _OGON, _DGRK, _MACR, _)
-// Just taking a guess and putting the things I know are most
-// used in easy to use places., not sure about ntil and ss, put
-// them in their dvorak spots on the home row.
-/* #define CARTE_ACCENTS_MORTE \ */
-/* carte_de_map(" æœêùì ¿`^´ë ", \ */
-/* " àôèéî ¸çñß~", \ */
-/* " âö,úí ¨ˇ° ") */
- carte_de_map(" aoeui ?`^'e ", \
- " aoeei ,cnS~", \
- " ao,ui \"^o")
-#define ___ACCENTS_MORTE___ \
-/* // DEAD layer. */
-/* BP_DCIR // ^ (dead) */
-/* BP_ACUT // ´ (dead) */
-/* BP_DGRV // ` (dead) */
-/* BP_CARN // ˇ (dead) */
-/* BP_DSLS // / (dead) */
-/* BP_BREV // ˘ (dead) */
-/* BP_DIAE // ¨ (dead) */
-/* BP_DTIL // ~ (dead) */
-/* BP_MACR // ¯ (dead) */
-/* BP_CEDL // ¸ (dead) */
-/* BP_RNGA // ° (dead) */
-/* BP_DGRK // µ (dead Greek key) */
-/* BP_OGON // ˛ (dead) */
-/* BP_DACU // ˝ (dead) */
-/* BP_DOTA // ˙ (dead) */
-/* BP_CURR // ¤ (dead) */
-/* BP_HORN // ̛ (dead) */
-/* BP_DCMM // , (dead) */
-/* BP_HOKA // ̉ (dead) */
-/* BP_DOTB // ̣ (dead) */
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/alt.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/alt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 28cf5ab738..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/alt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// e goes on the left thumb
-#define CARTE_MALTRON \
- carte_de_map(" qpycb vmuzl", \
- " anisf ctdor", \
- " ;/jg, .wk-x e")
-#define ___MALTRON___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _P, _Y, _C, _B, _V, _M, _U, _Z, _L, \
- _A, _N, _I, _S, _F, _D, _T, _D, _O, _R, \
-#define CARTE_EUCALYN \
- carte_de_map(" /,.fq aoeiu", \
- " zxcvw mrdyp", \
- " gtksn bhjl;")
-#define ___EUCALYN___ \
- LANG_MAP(TL_SLSH, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, _F, _Q, _A, _O, _E, _I, _U, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _W, _M, _R, _D, _Y, _P, \
- _G, _T, _K, _S, _N, _B, _H, _J, _L, TL_SCLN)
-/* j c y f k | z l , u q = */
-/* r s t h d | m n a i o - */
-/* / v g p b | x w . ; ' */
-/* e */
-// need a thumb cluster for this.
-// removed = and -, edge keys if you've got them.
-// e goes on left thumb
-#define CARTE_RSTHD \
- carte_de_map(" jcyfk zl,uq", \
- " rsthd mnaio", \
- " /vgpb xw.;' e")
-#define ___RSTHD___ \
- LANG_MAP(_J, _C, _Y, _F, _K, _Z, _L, TL_COMM, _U, _Q, \
- _R, _S, _T, _H, _D, _M, _N, _A, _I, _O, \
- _/, _V, _G, _P, _B, _X, _W, TL_DOT, TL_SCLN, TL_QUOT)
-#define CARTE_HANDS_UP \
- carte_de_map(" fyou, kwclp", \
- " hiea. dtsrn", \
- " bj'z; vmgxq")
-#define ___HANDS_UP___ \
- LANG_MAP(_F, _Y, _O, _U, TL_COMM, _K, _W, _C, _L, _P, \
- _H, _I, _E, _A, TL_DOT , _D, _T, _S, _R, _N, \
- _B, _J, TL_QUOT, _Z, TL_SCLN, _V, _M, _G, _X, _Q)
-#define CARTE_WHITE \
- carte_de_map(" vyd,' jmlu-", \
- " atheb csnoi", \
- " pkgwq xrf.z")
-#define ___WHITE___ \
- LANG_MAP(_V, _Y, _D, TL_COMM, TL_QUOT, _J, _M, _L, _U, _MINS, \
- _A, _T, _H, _E, _B, _C, _S, _N, _O, _I, \
- _P, _K, _G, _W, _Q, _X, _R, _F, TL_DOT, _Z)
-#define CARTE_ISRT \
- carte_de_map(" yclmk zfu,'", \
- " isrtg pneao", \
- " qvwdj bh/.x")
-#define ___ISRT___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Y, _C, _L, _M, _K, _Z, _F, _U, TL_COMM, TL_QUOT, \
- _I, _S, _R, _T, _G, _P, _N, _E, _A, _O, \
- _Q, _V, _W, _D, _J, _B, _H, TL_SLSH, TL_DOT, _X)
-#define CARTE_SOUL \
- carte_de_map(" qwldp kmuy;", \
- " srtg fneio", \
- " zxcvj bh,./")
-#define ___SOUL___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _L, _D, _P, _K, _M, _U, _Y, TL_SCLN, \
- _A, _S, _R, _T, _G, _F, _N, _E, _I, _O, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _J, _B, _H, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_NIRO \
- carte_de_map(" qwudp jfyl;", \
- " asetg hniro", \
- " zxcvb km,./")
-#define ___NIRO___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _U, _D, _P, _J, _F, _Y, _L, TL_SCLN, \
- _A, _S, _E, _T, _G, _H, _N, _I, _R, _O, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _B, _K, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_ASSET \
- carte_de_map(" qwjfg ypul;", \
- " asetd hnior", \
- " zxcvb km,./")
-#define ___Asset___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _J, _F, _G, _Y, _P, _U, _L, TL_SCLN, \
- _A, _S, _E, _T, _D, _H, _N, _I, _O, _R, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _B, _K, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_WHORF \
- carte_de_map("flhdm vwou,", \
- "srntk gyaei", \
- "xjbzq pc';. ")
-#define ___WHORF___ \
- LANG_MAP(_F, _L, _H, _D, _M, _V, _W, _O, _U, TL_COMM, \
- _S, _R, _N, _T, _K, _G, _Y, _A, _E, _I, \
- _X, _J, _B, _Z, _Q, _P, _C, TL_QUOT, TL_SCLN, TL_DOT )
-#define CARTE_WHORF6 \
- carte_de_map("vlhkj gwou.", \
- "srntk ydeai", \
- "xqbfz pc',; ")
-#define ___WHORF6___ \
- LANG_MAP(_V, _L, _H, _D, _M, _G, _W, _O, _U, TL_DOT, \
- _S, _R, _N, _T, _K, _Y, _D, _E, _A, _I, \
- _X, _Q, _B, _F, _Z, _P, _C, TL_QUOT, TL_COMM, TL_SCLN )
-/* rsht/iena */
-/* jfldv @uopq */
-/* zrshtg .iena: */
-/* xcmwk /y,b? */
-// pine
-/* y l r d w j m o u , */
-/* c s n t g p h a e i */
-/* x z q v k b f ' / . */
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/base_layers.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/base_layers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee784473fb..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/base_layers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#include "keycodes.h"
-#include "lang_map.h"
-#include "oled_stuff.h"
-// an empty template.
-/* #define CARTE_EMPTY \ */
-/* carte_de_map(" ", \ */
-/* " ", \ */
-/* " ") */
-/* */
-/* #define ___EMPTY___ \ */
-/* LANG_MAP(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, \ */
-/* _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, \ */
-/* _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) */
-// dvorak, capewell-dvorak, ahei, and boo.
-#include "dvorak.h"
-//qwerty, workman, norman,
-#include "qwerty.h"
-// Colemak, halmak, minimak, etc.
-#include "maks.h"
-// eucalyn, maltron
-#include "alt.h"
-// mtgap, ctgap, apt
-#include "gap.h"
-// some hands down.
-#include "hands_down.h"
-// some beakls.
-#include "beakl.h"
-// bepo, optimot, beakl19bis, godox-fr?.
-#include "bepo.h"
-// some carpalxs.
-#include "carpalx.h"
-// The symbol, number function rows for all the above.
-#include "toprows.h"
-// some layers with accents and dead keys.
-#include "accents.h"
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/beakl.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/beakl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 58b5fa4371..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/beakl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// beakl, balanced effort key layout.
-// Beakl 15 and 19 are somewhat more related.
-// Beakl-wi is the latest. It feels a little bit more like a system.
-// Remember the - and ; outside pinky keys.
-// Or use the 6 size.
-// Both are on the symbol layer too. So you
-// wont lose them at least.
-// KC_BK_COMM, KC_BK_QUOT, KC_BK_DOT - Beakl->Qwerty
-// BP_BK_COMM, BP_BK_QUOT, BP_BK_DOT - Beakl->Bepo
-// take care of the different shifted chars.
-/* BEAKL 27 (main layer): */
-/* // altered shifted pairs: dot = .` comma = ,? dquot = !" */
-/* Alt target is BK2 */
-/* 32104 76598 */
-/* qhoux gcmrv */
-/* yiea. dstnb */
-/* j",k' wflpz */
-/* BEAKL 27 (shift layer): */
-/* !@$#% ^(*)& */
-/* YIEA` DSTNB */
-/* J!?K' WFLPZ */
-#define CARTE_BEAKL27 \
- carte_de_map(" qhoux gcmrz ", \
- " yiea. dstnb ", \
- " j\",k' wflpv ")
-// Alt target is BK
-#define ___BEAKL27___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _H, _O, _U, _X, _G, _C, _M, _R, _Z, \
- _Y, _I, _E, _A, TL_DOT, _D, _S, _T, _N, _B, \
- _J, TL_EXLM, TL_COMM, _K, TL_QUOT, _W, _F, _L, _P, _V)
-/* BEAKL 15 (main layer): */
-// altered shifted pairs: quot = '` comma = ,! dot = .@
-/* 40123 76598 */
-#define CARTE_BEAKL15 \
- carte_de_map(" qhoux gcrfz ", \
- " yiea. dstnb ", \
- " j/,k' wmlpv ")
-// Alt target is BK
-#define ___BEAKL15___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _H, _O, _U, _X, _G, _C, _R, _F, _Z, \
- _Y, _I, _E, _A, TL_DOT, _D, _S, _T, _N, _B, \
- _J, _SLSH, TL_COMM, _K, TL_QUOT, _W, _M, _L, _P, _V)
-/* BEAKL 19 */
-// Beakl 19. scores better than 15, better in french also.
-// Both are lots better than dvorak or bepo.
-/* same symbols and keypad as 15 */
-/* number row is different */
-/* 32104 76598 */
-// Alt target is BK
-#define CARTE_BEAKL19 \
- carte_de_map(" q.ouj wdnm, ", \
- " haeik gsrtp ", \
- " z'/yx bclfv ")
-#define ___BEAKL19___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _DOT, _O, _U, _J, _W, _D, _N, _M, TL_COMM, \
- _H, _A, _E, _I, _K, _G, _S, _R, _T, _P, \
- _Z, _QUOT, _SLSH, _Y, _X, _B, _C, _L, _F, _V)
-//BEAKL 19bis - original.
-// the é and è were simply added for analysis not real use.
-// even so, this layout scores well for french, better than
-// bepo and mtgap
-/* qyouz wdnck */
-/* -hiea, gtrsp; */
-/* èj'é.x vmlfb */
-// A 3x12
-//BEAKL 19bis mod z.
-// French optimised with some english.
-// This version rearranges things a little based on fequency.
-// Since it needs 3x12, I filled in the corners and removed ;.
-// Leaving y where it is. the o and the e might cause sfbs.
-// Put é on a different finger from e.
-// swap z, e's, add à, ^, and ê, swap ; for -.
-// it might be beneficial to swap w and à, as à is much more frequent than w
-#define CARTE_BEAKL19bis \
- carte_de_map(" àqyoué wdnck^ ", \
- " ;hiea, gtrsp- ", \
- " zj'è.x vmlfbê ")
-#define ___BEAKL19bis_3x12___ \
- LANG_MAP6( \
- _AGRV, _Q, _Y, _O, _U, _EACU, _W, _D, _N, _C, _K, _DCIR, \
- _SCLN, _H, _I, _E, _A, _COMM, _G, _T, _R, _S, _P, _MINS, \
- _Z, _J, _QUOT, _EGRV, _DOT, _X, _V, _M, _L, _F, _B, _ECIR)
-// Beakl Wi. This is the most current beakl this size. 18/01/2022.
-// Nothing on the 6th outer columns but layer toggle buttons. All 6.
-// altered shifted pairs: dot = .` comma = ,~ colon = :;
-// i is on the left thumb.
-/* ;you- ctrsv */
-/* qheaw gdnmz */
-/* j,.k' bplfx */
-/* i */
-#define CARTE_BEAKLWI \
- carte_de_map(" ;you- ctrsv ", \
- " qheaw gdnmz ", \
- " j,.k' bplfx i")
-#define ___BEAKLWI___ \
- LANG_MAP(TL_COLN, _Y, _O, _U, _MINS, _C, _T, _R, _S, _V, \
- _Q, _H, _E, _A, _W, _G, _D, _N, _M, _Z, \
- _J, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, _K, _QUOT, _B, _P, _L, _F, _X)
-// Thumbs.
-// My version, loses KC_mins, because it's easier on my symbol layer.
-// put I in it's dvorak spot instead of thumbs, move W up to make room for I.
-// I'd rather have w and i on different fingers. One domino...
-// beakl-wi - mod iw-
-#define CARTE_BEAKLWIa \
- carte_de_map(" ;youw ctrsv ", \
- " qheai gdnmz ", \
- " j,.k' bplfx ")
-// Alt target is BKW
-#define ___BEAKLWIa___ \
- LANG_MAP(TL_COLN, _Y, _O, _U, _W, _C, _T, _R, _S, _V, \
- _Q, _H, _E, _A, _I, _G, _D, _N, _M, _Z, \
- _J, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, _K, _QUOT, _B, _P, _L, _F, _X)
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/bepo.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/bepo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 64f56ec9ab..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/bepo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// Maps based on BEPO Mostly 3x12
-// BEAKL 19bis - English with French optimisations.
-// Least used letters in french xzykw QJÀ are fairly high.
-// XZ are good choices for pushing out, from english and french,
-// or using chords in both languages.
-// Note: The percentages came from different sources so do not
-// match between languages.
-// French
-/* Q 0.89 % */
-/* J 0.71 % */
-/* À 0.54 % */
-/* X 0.42 % */
-/* È 0.35 % */
-/* Ê 0.24 % */
-/* Z 0.21 % */
-/* Y 0.19 % */
-/* K 0.16 % */
-/* Ô 0.07 % */
-/* Û 0.05 % */
-/* W 0.04 % */
-/* Least used letters in english. */
-/* X 0.2902% 1.48 */
-/* Z 0.2722% 1.39 */
-/* J 0.1965% 1.00 */
-/* Q 0.1962% (1) */
-// OPtimot by @Pyjam.
-/* àjoéb fdl’qxz */
-/* aieu, ptsrn^ç */
-/* êkyè.w gcmhvz */
-// -- rearranged z, and ç to get 3x12
-#define CARTE_OPTIMOT \
- carte_de_map(" çàjoéb fdl’qx ", \
- " aieu, ptsrn^ ", \
- " êkyè.w gcmhvz ")
-#define ___OPTIMOT_3x12___ \
- LANG_MAP6( \
- _CCED, _AGRV, _J, _O, _EACU, _B, _F, _D, _L, _QUOT, _Q, _X, \
- _TAB, _A, _I, _E, _U, _COMM, _P, _T, _S, _R, _N, _DCIR, \
- _ECIR, _K, _Y, _EGRV, _DOT, _W, _G, _C, _M, _H, _V, _Z)
-// no z or x. combos exist for them.
- carte_de_map(" àjoéb fdl’q ", \
- " aieu, ptsrn ", \
- " kyè.w gcmhv ")
-#define ___OPTIMOT_3x10___ \
- LANG_MAP6( \
- _AGRV, _J, _O, _EACU, _B, _F, _D, _L, _QUOT, _Q, \
- _A, _I, _E, _U, _COMM, _P, _T, _S, _R, _N, \
- _K, _Y, _EGRV, _DOT, _W, _G, _C, _M, _H, _V,)
-// Maybe Use this for C
-// BEPO
-// No quot, à or ç
-/* bépoè vdljz */
-/* auie, ctsrn */
-/* myx.k qghfw */
-#define CARTE_BEPOc \
- carte_de_map(" bépoè vdljz", \
- " auie, ctsrn", \
- " myx.k qghfw")
-#define ___BEPOc_3x10___ \
- _B, _EACU, _P, _O, _EGRV, _V, _D, _L, _J, _Z, \
- _A, _U, _I, _E, _COMM, _C, _T, _S, _R, _N, \
- _M, _Y, _X, _DOT, _K, _Q, _G, _H, _F, _W)
-#define CARTE_BEPO \
- carte_de_map(" çbépoè ^vdljz ", \
- " auie, ctsrnm ", \
- " êàyx.k ’qghfw ")
-#define ___BEPO_3x12___ \
- LANG_MAP6(_CCED, _B, _EACU, _P, _O, _EGRV, _DCIR, _V, _D, _L, _J, _Z, \
- _TAB, _A, _U, _I, _E, _COMM, _C, _T, _S, _R, _N, _M, \
- _ECIR, _AGRV, _Y, _X, _DOT, _K, _QUOT, _Q, _G, _H, _F, _W)
-// dont like this one much.
-/* #define ___GODOX_3x12___ \ */
-/* LANG_MAP6(___, _AGRV, _B, _EACU, _dot, _mins, _DCIR, _V, _L, _M, _X, _CCED, \ */
-/* ___, _O, _U, _I, _A, _J, _G, _T, _S, _N, _R, _F, \ */
-/* ___, _Q, _Y, _EGRV, _P, _K, _W, _D, _UP, _H, _C, _Z) */
-/* // E goes on left thumb. */
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/carpalx.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/carpalx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ae2ed708a5..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/carpalx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
- carte_de_map(" qfmlw yuobj", \
- " dstnr iaeh;", \
- " zvgcx pk,./")
-#define ___CARPALX_QFMLWY___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _F, _M, _L, _W, _Y, _U, _O, _B, _J, \
- _D, _S, _T, _N, _R, _I, _A, _E, _H, TL_SCLN, \
- _Z, _V, _G, _C, _X, _P, _K, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
- carte_de_map(" qgmlw byuv;", \
- " dstnr iaeoh", \
- " zxcfj kp,./")
-#define ___CARPALX_QGMLWB___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _G, _M, _L, _W, _B, _Y, _U, _V, TL_SCLN, \
- _D, _S, _T, _N, _R, _I, _A, _E, _O, _H, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _F, _J, _K, _P, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
- carte_de_map(" qgmlw yfub;", \
- " dstnr iaeoh", \
- " zxcvj kp,./")
-#define ___CARPALX_QGMLWY___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _G, _M, _L, _W, _Y, _F, _U, _B, TL_SCLN, \
- _D, _S, _T, _N, _R, _I, _A, _E, _O, _H, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _J, _K, _P, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/dvorak.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/dvorak.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8deee2005c..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/dvorak.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#define CARTE_DVORAK \
- carte_de_map(" ',.py fgcrl ", \
- " aoeui dhtns ", \
- " ;qjkx bmwvz ")
-#define ___DVORAK___ \
- LANG_MAP(TL_QUOT, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, _P, _Y, _F, _G, _C, _R, _L, \
- _A, _O, _E, _U, _I, _D, _H, _T, _N, _S, \
- TL_SCLN, _Q, _J, _K, _X, _B, _M, _W, _V, _Z)
- carte_de_map(" ',.py fgrlc ", \
- " aoeiu dhtns ", \
- " ;qjkx bmwvz ")
-#define ___DVORAK_RLC_IU___ \
- LANG_MAP(TL_QUOT, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, _P, _Y, _F, _G, _R, _L, _C, \
- _A, _O, _E, _I, _U, _D, _H, _T, _N, _S, \
- TL_SCLN, _Q, _J, _K, _X, _B, _M, _W, _V, _Z)
-#define CARTE_BOO \
- carte_de_map(" ,.ucv qfdly", \
- " aoesg bntri", \
- " ;x'wz phmkj")
-#define ___BOO___ \
- LANG_MAP( TL_COMM, TL_DOT, _U, _C, _V, _Q, _F, _D, _L, _Y, \
- _A, _O, _E, _S, _G, _B, _N, _T, _R, _I, \
- TL_SCLN, _X, TL_QUOT, _W, _Z, _P, _H, _M, _K, _J)
- carte_de_map( " ',.py qfgrk", \
- " oaeiu dhtns", \
- " zxcvj lmwb;")
-#define ___CAPEWELL_DVORAK___ \
- LANG_MAP(TL_QUOT, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, _P, _Y, _Q, _F, _G, _R, _K, \
- _O, _A, _E, _I, _U, _D, _H, _T, _N, _S, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _J, _L, _M, _W, _B, TL_SCLN)
-//ahei - derived from dvorak.
-// x moved to left side. j on pinky.
-/*;pouyq gdlm/= */
-/* ahei, fstnr- */
-/* j'k.x bcwvz */
-#define CARTE_AHEI \
- carte_de_map("pouyq gdlm/", \
- "ahei, fstnr", \
- "j'k.x bcwvz")
-#define ___AHEI___ \
-LANG_MAP(_P, _O, _U, _Y, _Q, _G, _D, _L, _M, TL_SLSH, \
- _A, _H, _E, _I, TL_COMM, _F, _S, _T, _N, _R, \
- _J, TL_QUOT, _K, TL_DOT, _X, _B, _C, _W, _V, _Z)
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/gap.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/gap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 76310bc6f9..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/gap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// an alternate I found.
-/* Reference: MTGAP */
-/* y p o u - | b d l c k j */
-/* i n e a , | m h t s r v */
-/* ( " ' . _ | ) f w g x */
-/* z */
-#define CARTE_MTGAP \
- carte_de_map(" ypouj kdlcw", \
- " inea, mhtsr", \
- " qz/.; bfgvx")
-#define ___MTGAP___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Y, _P, _O, _U, _J, _K, _D, _L, _C, _W, \
- _I, _N, _E, _A, TL_COMM, _M, _H, _T, _S, _R, \
- _Q, _Z, TL_SLSH, TL_DOT, TL_SCLN, _B, _F, _G, _V, _X)
-/* //APT v3*/
-/* */
-#define CARTE_APT \
- carte_de_map(" wgdfb qluoy", \
- " rsthk jneai; ", \
- " xcmpv z,.'/")
-#define ___APT___ \
- LANG_MAP(_W, _G, _D, _F, _B, _Q, _L, _U, _O, _Y, \
- _R, _S, _T, _H, _K, _J, _N, _E, _A, _I, TL_SCLN, \
- _X, _C, _M, _P, _V, _Z, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_QUOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_CTGAP \
- carte_de_map(" vplcf kuoyj", \
- " rntsd 'aeih", \
- " zbmgw x,.;q")
-#define ___CTGAP___ \
- LANG_MAP(_V, _P, _L, _C, _F, _K, _U, _O, _Y, _J, \
- _R, _N, _T, _S, _D, TL_QUOT, _A, _E, _I, _H, \
- _Z, _B, _M, _G, _W, _X, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SCLN, _Q)
-#define CARTE_CANARY \
- carte_de_map( " wlypb zfou'", \
- " crstg mneia", \
- " qjvd kxh/,.")
-#define ___CANARY___ \
- LANG_MAP(_W, _L, _Y, _P, _B, _Z, _F, _O, _U, TL_QUOT, \
- _C, _R, _S, _T, _G, _M, _N, _E, _I, _A, \
- _Q, _J, _V, _D, _K, _X, _H, TL_SLSH, TL_COMM, TL_DOT)
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/hands_down.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/hands_down.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0841a358d2..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/hands_down.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// The only 3x12 layout. The rest are 3x10.
-#define CARTE_HD_NEU \
- carte_de_map( " wfmpv /.q\"'z", \
- " rsntb ,aeihj", \
- " xcldg -uoykK")
-#define ___HD_NEU___ \
- LANG_MAP(_SML_NAV, _W, _F, _M, _P, _V , TL_SLSH, TL_DOT, _Q, TL_DQUO, TL_QUOT, _Z, \
- _TAB, _R, _S, _N, _T, _B , TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _H, _J, \
- _OS_ACCENT, _X, _C, _L, _D, _G , TL_MINS, _U, _O, _Y, _K, _SML_KEYPAD)
-// modified to fit 3x10.
- carte_de_map(" xcldb zuoyq", \
- " rsntg ,aeih", \
- " wfmpv ;./jk")
-#define ___HD_NEU_NARROW___ \
- LANG_MAP(_X, _C, _L, _D, _B, _Z, _U, _O, _Y, _Q, \
- _R, _S, _N, _T, _G, TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _H, \
- _W, _F, _M, _P, _V, _SCLN, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH, _J, _K)
-#define CARTE_HD_REF \
- carte_de_map(" qchpv kyoj/", \
- " rsntg wueia", \
- " xmldb zf',.")
-#define ___HD_REF___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _C, _H, _P, _V, _K, _Y, _O, _J, TL_SLSH, \
- _R, _S, _N, _T, _G, _W, _U, _E, _I, _A, \
- _X, _M, _L, _D, _B, _Z, _F, TL_QUOT, TL_COMM, TL_DOT )
-// All of these have a consonant or vowel on the thumb keys.
-/* alt shift keys "? '! dash and elan */
-/* (< {[ - elan */
-/* dash has thumbs of ,; and .: */
-/* dash and the rest get these too. */
-/* alt shifts ;: .& /\* '? "! ,| -+ */
-/* COMBOS - z = jg, z=vg, q=uk, q=mp. */
-// no z or q, use combos.
- carte_de_map(" jgmpv ;./\"' ", \
- " csntw ,aeih ", \
- " xfldb -uoyk r")
-#define ___HD_TITANIUM___ \
- _C, _S, _N, _T, _W , TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _H, \
- _X, _F, _L, _D, _B , TL_MINS, _U, _O, _Y, _K)
-#define CARTE_HD_GOLD \
- carte_de_map(" jgmpv ;./\"' ", \
- " rsndb ,aeih ", \
- " xflcw -uoyk t")
-#define ___HD_GOLD___ \
- _R, _S, _N, _D, _B , TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _H, \
- _X, _F, _L, _C, _W , TL_MINS, _U, _O, _Y, _K)
-/* t, ␣ */
-/* jz pq alt shifts ;: .& /\* '? "! ,| -+ */
- carte_de_map( "jghpv ;./'\"", \
- "rsntb ,aeic", \
- "xfmdk -uowy l")
-/* l ␣ */
-#define ___HD_PLATINUM___ \
- _R, _S, _N, _T, _B, TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _C, \
- _X, _F, _M, _D, _K, TL_MINS, _U, _O, _W, _Y)
-#define CARTE_HD_SILVER \
- carte_de_map("jgmpv ;./'\"", \
- "rshtb ,aeic", \
- "xfldk -uowy n")
-/* n ␣ */
-#define ___HD_SILVER___ \
- _R, _S, _H, _T, _B, TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _C, \
- _X, _F, _L, _D, _K, TL_MINS, _U, _O, _W, _Y)
-#define CARTE_HD_BRONZE \
- carte_de_map("jgmpv ;./'\"", \
- "rsntb ,aeic", \
- "xfldk -uowy h")
-/* h ␣ */
-#define ___HD_BRONZE___ \
- _R, _S, _N, _T, _B , TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _C, \
- _X, _F, _L, _D, _K , TL_MINS, _U, _O, _W, _Y)
-#define CARTE_HD_ELAN \
- carte_de_map("vghpk /({'\"", \
- "rsntf jaeci", \
- "xmldb -uowy")
-/* ,; .: ␣ ⏎ */
-/* vz g h p kq /\* (< {[ '! "? */
-/* TL_COMM; TL_DOT: _␣ ⏎ */
-#define ___HD_ELAN___ \
- _R, _S, _N, _T, _F, _J, _A, _E, _C, _I, \
- _X, _M, _L, _D, _B, TL_MINS, _U, _O, _W, _Y)
-#define CARTE_HD_DASH \
- carte_de_map("jgmpv ;.'\"/", \
- "rsntb ,haoi", \
- "xcldw -fuky e")
- /* e ␣ */
-#define ___HD_DASH___ \
- _R, _S, _N, _T, _B , TL_COMM, _H, _A, _O, _I, \
- _X, _C, _L, _D, _W , TL_MINS, _F, _U, _K, _Y)
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/keymaps.txt b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/keymaps.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 56dc7d79e3..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/keymaps.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-This file can be commented by blocks or single lines using //
-Blank lines are ignored
-Bigram frequencies in stats.csv
-L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 R26 R25 R24 R23 R22 R21
-L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 L36 R36 R35 R34 R33 R32 R31
-L41 L42 L43 L44 L45 L46 R46 R45 R44 R43 R42 R41
-5.0 3.6 2.4 1.8 2.2 3.5 3.5 2.2 1.8 2.4 3.6 5.0
-4.0 1.6 1.2 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.6 4.0
-5.0 3.4 2.6 2.2 1.8 4.0 4.0 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.4 5.0
-Weights should:
-- limit weak fingers
-- limit bottom row
-- increase home row
-- limit finger travel distance
- ,same_row,row_jump1,row_jump2
-ii, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 // same finger
-im, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
-ir, 0.5, 0.8, 1.5
-ip, 0.5, 0.8, 1.1
-mi, -1.5, -0.5, 1.5 // inward roll
-mm, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 // same finger
-mr, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
-mp, 0.5, 0.8, 1.5
-ri, -1.5, -0.5, 1.5 // inward roll
-rm, -2.0, -0.5, 1.2 // inward roll
-rr, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 // same finger
-rp, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5
-pi, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 // inward roll
-pm, -1.0, 0.0, 1.5 // inward roll
-pr, -1.0, 0.0, 1.5 // inward roll
-pp, 3.0, 4.0, 5.5 // same finger
-Only apply if not the same letter, and both letters on the same hand.
-i, m, r, and p refer to the fingers (index, middle, ring, pinky)
-The columns refer to how many rows separate the two keys
-Penalties should:
-- limit same finger typing (except same key twice)
-- balance hands
-- favor inward rolling
-(last 2 in opposition with each other)
-# q w e r t y i o u p #
-é a s d f g h j k l ; '
-è z x c v b n m , . / -
-è a z e r t y u i o p ^
-' q s d f g h j k l m ù
-é w x c v b n , . : ! -
-# q w e r t z u i o p ü
-é a s d f g h j k l ö ä
-è y x c v b n m , . - '
->>Bépo 40%
-# b é p o è ^ v d l j z
-- a u i e , c t s r n m
-ç à y x . k ' q g h f w
->>Bépo keyberon
-# b é p o è ^ v d l j z
-w a u i e , c t s r n m
-- à y x . k ' q g h f ç
-- ' , . p y f g c r l #
-é a o e u i d h t n s #
-è ; q j k x b m w v z #
-# q w f p g j l u y ; #
-é a r s t d h n e i o '
-è z x c v b k m , . / -
->>Colemak DH
-# q w f p b j l u y ; #
-é a r s t g m n e i o '
-è z x c d v k h , . / -
->>Colemak DH mod
-# q w f p b j l u y é è
-# a r s t g m n e i o -
-# z x c d v k h , . ' /
-# q d r w b j f u p ; #
-é a s h t g y n e o i '
-è z x m c v k l , . / -
-# q w d f k j u r l ; #
-é a s e t g y n i o h '
-è z x c v b p m , . / -
-# q g m l w b y u v ; é
-è d s t n r i a e o h '
-# z x c f j k p , . / -
-- x v l c w k h g f q ß
-é u i a e o s n r t d y
-è ü ö ä p z b m , . j '
-# q g m l w y f u b ; é
-è d s t n r i a e o h '
-# z x c v j k p , . / -
-# y p o u j k d l c w #
-é i n e a , m h t s r '
-è q z / . : b f g v x -
->>MTGAP 2.0
-# , f h d k j c u l . #
-é o a n t g m s e r i -
-è q x b p z y w ' v ; #
->>MTGAP "Easy"
-# q w l d b j f u k p #
-é a s r t g h n e o i -
-è z x c v ; y m , . / '
->>MTGAP "shortcuts"
-# k g l d b j h u f . #
-é r o t s w m n e a i -
-è z x v c q y p , ' ; #
->>MTGAP "standard"
-# k l h c b j d u f . #
-é o r n s g w t e a i -
-è x q v m z y p , ' ; #
->>MTGAP "ergonomic"
-# . f u d j q h c w k #
-é i a e t p l n s r o -
-è ' , y g z - m b v x #
-# p l d w g j x o y q è
-- n r s t m u a e i h '
-# z c f v b , . ? ; k é
-# é w o p y b ' d l j z
-x a u e i , c t s r n h
-# - à è . k g m f q v #
-# q w l d g j u o p / é
-è n r s t m k a e h i '
-# z x c v b y f , . ; -
->>BEAKL 15
-é q h o u x g c r f z #
-- y i e a . d s t n b ;
-è j / , k ' w m l p v #
->>BEAKL 19
-é q . o u j w d n m , #
-- h a e i k g s r t p ;
-è z ' / y x b c l f v #
->>BEAKL 19bis
-# q y o u z w d n c k #
-- h i e a , g t r s p ;
-è j ' é . x v m l f b #
->>BEAKL 19 Opt French
-# w m r d v y u o q x #
-# g s n t p , i e a h -
-# k f l c b j é ' . z è
-# q w j f g y p u l ; #
-é a s e t d h n i o r '
-è z x c v b k m , . / -
-# q w p r f y u k l ; #
-é a s d t g h n i o e '
-è z x c v b j m , . / -
-# q w d r k y u i l p #
-é a s t f g h n e o ; '
-è z x c v b j m , . / -
-// adapted to ergo keyboard
-# v y d , ' j m l u ( )
-é a t h e b c s n o i -
-è p k g w q x r f . z #
-# q f u y z x k c w b #
-é o h e a i d r t n s -
-è , m . j ; g l p v ' #
->>Hands down
-# q c h g j y f o b ' #
-é s n r t p w u e i a #
-è x m l d z v k . , ; -
-# q w d f p y u k l ' #
-é a s t e g h n i o r #
-è z x c v b j m . , ; -
->>Soul mod
-# q w l d p k m u y ; '
-è a s r t g f n e i o é
-# j z x c v b h , . / -
->>Niro mod
-# q w u d p j f y l ; #
-é a s e t g h n i r o '
-è b z x c v k m , . / -
-# k m l u ? v d r ' q #
-é a t h e . c s n o i -
-è z p f j , b g w x y /
->>Engram 2.0
-# b y o u ' " l d w v z
-é c i e a , . h t s n q
-è g x j k - ? r m f p #
-# w l r b z ; q u d j #
-é s h n t , . a e o i '
-è f m v c / g p x k y -
->>Optimal digram
-# q y u . , f m l d p z
-é s i e a o h n r t c g
-è j ) ' ? ( x v w k b -
-# p y u o - k d h f x q
-é c i e a ' g t n s r v
-è z " , . ; w m l b j -
-// . and , moved
-# k y o ' ! f c l p q z
-é h i e a u d s t n r v
-è j ? . , # w g m b x -
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/maks.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/maks.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f78819421..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/maks.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#define CARTE_COLEMAK \
- carte_de_map(" qwfpg jluy;", \
- " arstd hneio", \
- " zxcvb km,./")
-#define ___COLEMAK___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _F, _P, _G, _J, _L, _U, _Y, TL_SCLN, \
- _A, _R, _S, _T, _D, _H, _N, _E, _I, _O, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _B, _K, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
- carte_de_map(" qwfpb jluy;", \
- " arstg mneio", \
- " zxcdv kh,./")
-#define ___COLEMAK_DH___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _F, _P, _B, _J, _L, _U, _Y, TL_SCLN, \
- _A, _R, _S, _T, _G, _M, _N, _E, _I, _O, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _D, _V, _K, _H, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_HALMAK \
- carte_de_map(" wlrbz ;qudj", \
- " shnt, .aeoi", \
- " fmvc/ gpxky")
-#define ___HALMAK___ \
- LANG_MAP(_W, _L, _R, _B, _Z, TL_SCLN, _Q, _U, _D, _J, \
- _S, _H, _N, _T, TL_COMM, _DOT, _A, _E, _O, _I, \
- _F, _M, _V, _C, TL_SLSH, _G, _P, _X, _K, _Y)
-#define CARTE_MINIMAK \
- carte_de_map(" qwdrk yuiop", \
- " astfg hjel;", \
- " zxcvb nm,./")
-#define ___MINIMAK___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _D, _R, _K, _Y, _U, _I, _O, _P, \
- _A, _S, _T, _F, _G, _H, _J, _E, _L, TL_SCLN, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _B, _N, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_MINIMAK_8 \
- carte_de_map(" qwdrk yuilp", \
- " astfg hneo;", \
- " zxcvb jm,./")
-#define ___MINIMAK_8___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _D, _R, _K, _Y, _U, _I, _L, _P, \
- _A, _S, _T, _F, _G, _H, _N, _E, _O, TL_SCLN, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _B, _J, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_MINIMAK_12 \
- carte_de_map(" qwdfk yuil;", \
- " astrg hneop", \
- " zxcvb jm,./")
-#define ___MINIMAK_12___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _D, _F, _K, _Y, _U, _I, _L, _SCLN, \
- _A, _S, _T, _R, _G, _H, _N, _E, _O, _P, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _B, _J, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/qwerty.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/qwerty.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 47aead197c..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/qwerty.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// Layer for combo reference. Make more than one by changing lang is.
-#define ___COMBO_REF___ \
- LANG_MAP(_1L1, _1L2, _1L3, _1L4, _1L5, _1R1, _1R2, _1R3, _1R4, _1R5, \
- _2L1, _2L2, _2L3, _2L4, _2L5, _2R1, _2R2, _2R3, _2R4, _2R5, \
- _3L1, _3L2, _3L3, _3L4, _3L5, _3R1, _3R2, _3R3, _3R4, _3R5)
-#define CARTE_QWERTY \
- carte_de_map(" qwert yuiop", \
- " asdfg hjkl;", \
- " zxcvb nm,./")
-// Need TLKC around comm, dot, and quot, and scln
-// Qwerty based layers that I don't really use.
-#define ___QWERTY___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _E, _R, _T, _Y, _U, _I, _O, _P, \
- _A, _S, _D, _F, _G, _H, _J, _K, _L, TL_SCLN, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _B, _N, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_AZERTY \
- carte_de_map(" azert yuiop", \
- " qsdfg hjkl;", \
- " wxcvb nm,./")
-// Need TLKC around comm, dot, and quot, and scln
-// Qwerty based layers that I don't really use.
-#define ___AZERTY___ \
- LANG_MAP(_A, _Z, _E, _R, _T, _Y, _U, _I, _O, _P, \
- _Q, _S, _D, _F, _G, _H, _J, _K, _L, TL_SCLN, \
- _W, _X, _C, _V, _B, _N, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_WORKMAN \
- carte_de_map(" qdrwb jfup;", \
- " ashtg yneio", \
- " zxmcv kl,./")
-#define ___WORKMAN___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _D, _R, _W, _B, _J, _F, _U, _P, _SCLN, \
- _A, _S, _H, _T, _G, _Y, _N, _E, _O, _I, \
- _Z, _X, _M, _C, _V, _K, _L, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
-#define CARTE_NORMAN \
- carte_de_map(" qwdfk jurl;", \
- " asetg yniou", \
- " zxcvb pm,./")
-#define ___NORMAN___ \
- LANG_MAP(_Q, _W, _D, _F, _K, _J, _U, _R, _L, TL_SCLN, \
- _A, _S, _E, _T, _G, _Y, _N, _I, _O, _U, \
- _Z, _X, _C, _V, _B, _P, _M, TL_COMM, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH)
diff --git a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/toprows.h b/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/toprows.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ba32118537..0000000000
--- a/users/ericgebhart/base_layers/toprows.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-/** TOP ROWS Func,Symbols, Numbers you find there. **/
-// ltkc language target keycode DV, BK, BKW, NONE
-// _1 = DV_1 or _1 = BP_DV_1 or KC_1
-#define ___10_NUMBERS___ \
- LANG_ROW(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _0)
-/* 40123 76598 */
-#define ___10_NUMBERS_BEAKL15___ \
- LANG_ROW(_4, _0, _1, _2, _3, _7, _6, _5, _9, _8)
-/* 32104 76598 */
-#define ___10_NUMBERS_BEAKL19___ \
- LANG_ROW(_3, _2, _1, _0, _4, _7, _6, _5, _9, _8)
-// a top symbol row if someone wants it.
-#define ___10_SYMBOLS___ \
-// standard bepo top row
-#define ___10_SYMBOLS_BEPO___ \
-#define ___12_SYMBOLS_BEPO___ \
-// function key rows work for everyone.
-#define ___10_FUNCS___ \
- KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, KC_F5, KC_F6, KC_F7, KC_F8, KC_F9, KC_F10
-#define ___12_FUNCS___ ___10_FUNCS___, KC_F11, KC_F12
-#define ___10_FUNCS_BEAKL15___ \
- KC_F4, KC_F10, KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, \
- KC_F7, KC_F6, KC_F5, KC_F9, KC_F8
-#define ___12_FUNCS_BEAKL15___ KC_F11, ___10_FUNCS_BEAKL15___, KC_F12