diff options
authorKjetil Orbekk <>2015-10-15 21:19:39 -0400
committerKjetil Orbekk <>2015-10-15 21:19:39 -0400
commitc32c97d6907d8b69e5d651bc44831001fffcfda0 (patch)
parentb9959e5a3da72e97f5c51ba07a76e252e1e39f25 (diff)
Verify client id in Authentication.
3 files changed, 11 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 5a208e6..b4e03b5 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-stack exec photos -- --pending_path=/tmp --photos_path=/tmp
+stack exec photos -- --pending_path=/tmp --photos_path=/tmp
diff --git a/src/Authentication.hs b/src/Authentication.hs
index bc00863..a0d3d8c 100644
--- a/src/Authentication.hs
+++ b/src/Authentication.hs
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ type Token = String
data User = User
{ email :: String
, name :: String
+ , aud :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON User
queryUser :: Token -> IO (Maybe User)
@@ -36,15 +36,18 @@ queryUser' token = do
response <- simpleHttp (makeUrl token)
return (decode response)
-isAuthenticated :: [String] -> MVar [Token] -> Token -> IO Bool
-isAuthenticated allowedUsers tokenCache token = runEitherT runner >>= return . fromEither
+isAuthenticated :: [String] -> [String] -> MVar [Token] -> Token -> IO Bool
+isAuthenticated clientIds allowedUsers tokenCache token = runEitherT runner >>= return . fromEither
where runner :: EitherT Bool IO Bool
runner = do
ts <- lift $ readMVar tokenCache
_ <- leftIf (token `elem` ts) True
user <- lift $ queryUser token
email' <- return $ fromMaybe "" (user >>= return . email)
+ aud' <- return $ fromMaybe "" (user >>= return . aud)
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Trying to authenticate user: " ++ show user
_ <- leftIf (not (email' `elem` allowedUsers)) False
+ _ <- leftIf (not (aud' `elem` clientIds)) False
tokens <- lift $ takeMVar tokenCache
lift $ putMVar tokenCache (token:tokens)
return True
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index c091c8f..46b6108 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ defineFlag "host" ("*6" :: String) "Host to serve on (*6 for ipv6 mode)"
defineFlag "pending_path" ("" :: String) "Path to pending albums"
defineFlag "photos_path" ("" :: String) "Path to permanent albums"
defineFlag "allowed_users" ("" :: String) "Comma separated list of emails"
+defineFlag "client_ids" ("" :: String) "Comma separated list of client ids"
$(return []) -- Somehow forces the flags to be set.
instance ToJSON Album
@@ -56,8 +57,9 @@ type PhotoApi =
type Token = String
-isAuthenticated = Authentication.isAuthenticated users cache
- where users = splitOn "," flags_allowed_users
+isAuthenticated = Authentication.isAuthenticated clientIds users cache
+ where clientIds = splitOn "," flags_client_ids
+ users = splitOn "," flags_allowed_users
cache = unsafePerformIO (newMVar [])
config = Config