path: root/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/
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index 0000000000..534f8b30ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/
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+# Minivan
+A 40% keyboard made first by TheVan Keyboards
+_https://thevankeyboards.com_ now taken over by TKC
+![Minivan layout all](
+Table of Contents
+ 1 Overview
+ 1.1 Hardware compatibility
+ 1.2 Software compatibility
+ 2 'make' example
+ 3 Base layouts
+ 3.1 Normal layouts
+ 3.1.1 Qwerty
+ 3.1.2 Qwerty with arrows on Base
+ 3.1.3 Dvorak
+ 3.1.4 Dvorak²
+ 3.1.5 Colemak
+ 3.1.6 Workman
+ 3.2 Special layouts
+ 3.2.1 Numbers pad
+ 4 The common system
+ 4.1 Main features
+ 4.2 Layer access
+ 4.3 Layout in graphics
+ 4.4 Layout in text
+ 4.5 Movement layer options
+ 4.6 Numbers pad layer options
+ 5 Led colors for layers
+ 6 Compile options
+ 7 Language support
+ 7.1 Input methods
+ 7.2 Unicode symbols
+ 8 Speed measuring
+ 8.1 Speed Led color compilation assist
+ 9 Text size measuring
+ 9.1 Text size Usage
+ 10 Making your own base layer(s)
+ 11 Eviscerations
+ 12 Key associations
+ 13 Trouble shooting
+ • Compiling
+ • Unicode
+ • Leds
+ • Weird layer jumping
+ • Difficult/impossible key combinations ?
+ 14 Why you want this layout
+ 15 BUGS
+ 16 Resources
+ 17 Author(s)
+1 Overview
+_A layout for the demanding keyboard user (10 fingers / blind)._
+Designed for intuitive key placement, more symbols than standard English
+keyboard, speed and text size measuring.
+*400%* _the capability in_ *40%* _the size_ (by key function count).
+For some ‛common layers’ (numbers pad, movement), different versions
+can be chosen than shown just below in this by layer view:
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers](
+By key view:
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key](
+1.1 Hardware compatibility
+This keymap functions on _Minivan_ hardware variants with 44, 45 and
+46 keys.
+It may be fairly easily ported to 12x12x12x[11|12|13] keyboards.
+1.2 Software compatibility
+This keymap relies on Unicode, in an attempt to avoid the
+“dead key” system for accented characters on many non-English keyboards.
+You need to have Unicode input working on your computer.
+On a Linux computer operating system, this keymap is designed to work
+with this keyboard/language setting:
+ > setxkbmap -layout us
+ > echo $LANG
+ `en_US.UTF-8`
+If that works for you, you can type the most important characters in
+the western European group of languages, native from the keyboard.
+This keymap might not function as expected if you want to use a
+different keyboard language setting in your operating system.
+See also chapter 6 _Language support_.
+2 'make' example
+ … Download the repository, resolve software dependencies etc..
+ … To change compile options: edit user_config.h (or `minifan_config_compact.h`)
+ > cd […]/qmk_firmware
+ > make thevankeyboards/minivan:josjoha
+ > su
+ # dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase
+ # dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash thevankeyboards_minivan_josjoha.hex
+ # dfu-programmer atmega32u4 start
+This “Mini*fan*” layout is explained in several readme files, with
+links to the others files in this readme. The common system is explained
+in this file. The options for the letters and number/symbol
+layer pairs (two pairs in the dual layout) are explained in their
+separate readme file, see immediately below. Compile options are detailed
+in `./user_config.h`.
+3 Base layouts
+Layouts are presented here in a sort of simplified keycaps view. If a
+base layer pair has its own user configuration options, they are located
+in `./base_NAME.h`.
+3.1 Normal layouts
+These are layouts for commonly used configurations, such as Qwerty or Dvorak.
+3.1.1 Qwerty
+![Minivan layout impression](
+For the readme about the Qwerty version, see ➡ ![](./ ⬅
+3.1.2 Qwerty with arrows on Base
+![Minivan layout impression](
+For the readme about this Qwerty variation, see ➡ ![](./ ⬅
+3.1.3 Dvorak
+![Minivan layout impression](
+For the readme about the Dvorak version, see ➡ ![](./ ⬅
+3.1.4 Dvorak²
+![Minivan layout impression](
+Regular Dvorak for a computer already set to Dvorak.
+For the readme about the Dvorak² version, see ➡ ![](./ ⬅
+3.1.5 Colemak
+![Minivan layout impression](
+For the readme about the Colemak version, see ➡ ![](./ ⬅
+3.1.6 Workman
+![Minivan layout impression](
+For the readme about the Workman version, see ➡ ![](./ ⬅
+3.2 Special layouts
+These are unusual layouts. Most people will probably only want one of these on the ‛Alternate’ layout,
+with a normal layout on ‛Default’. How this works is explained below.
+3.2.1 Numbers pad
+![Minivan layout impression](
+For the readme about the Numpad version, see ➡ ![](./ ⬅
+4 The common system
+![Minivan layout impression](
+4.1 Main features
+ • Dual layout. Several layouts to choose from (example: Qwerty
+ and Dvorak dual layout). Easy to add more layouts.
+ • Expanded character set with western European accented characters
+ (ëøßœç…); sub- super-script numbers (¹₂…) quite a few additional
+ symbols such as 《 ± • ☑ ❦ √ ┣ ≠ 》…
+ • Typing speed measuring. Led changes color with your speed. You can
+ ask for a report on your current and average typing speeds.
+ • Text size measuring. If you want to type some amount of words or
+ characters, the middle led will go from green to red as you go,
+ and prevent you going over the limit.
+4.2 Layer access
+This graphic shows how layers are reached from the ‛Default base’ layer.
+![Minivan layout Image associations](
+You can switch between the default base layer (typically letters), and
+another base layer, the alternate base layer (also typically letters),
+on the `_RAR` layer with key ‛Other Base’. Each base layer comes
+with its own second layer, typically numbers-symbols. The other
+layers are used common between the default and alternate base layers.
+The Base layers and their numbers layer are detailed in files beginning
+with `./base_…` (links below).
+ Layer overview: Defined in:
+ • Default Letters / Base ┓
+ • Default Numbers-symbols ┃
+ ┣ ./base_….c/md files
+ • Alternate Letters / Base ┃
+ • Alternate numbers-symbols layout ┛
+ • Numbers pad ┓
+ • Accented characters ┃
+ • Additional Unicode characters ┃
+ • More Additional Unicode characters ┣ ./keymap.c(etc)/
+ • Movement arrows/mouse ┃ “The common system”
+ • Function keys / layer toggles ┃
+ • Power, media, Speed, Text size, etc. ┛
+There are some additional layer switching keys due to key transparency
+artefacts, allowing for example to go back to ‛Base’ from a toggled `_MOV`
+layer with what is the ‛Enter’ key on Base.
+4.3 Layout in graphics
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](
+Layer: `DEF_BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image NSYdef](
+Layer: `DEF_NSY`
+![Minivan layout Image BASEalt](
+Layer: `ALT_BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image NSYalt](
+Layer: `ALT_NSY`
+![Minivan layout Image PAD](
+Layer: `_PAD`
+^ See below for a different configuration of the numbers pad keys. See above for a Base layout for a numbers pad.
+![Minivan layout Image ACC](
+Layer: `_ACC`
+![Minivan layout Image DRA](
+Layer: `_DRA`
+![Minivan layout Image BON](
+Layer: `_BON`
+![Minivan layout Image FUN](
+Layer: `_FUN`
+![Minivan layout Image MOV](
+Layer: `_MOV`
+^ There is an alternative flat arrow configuration for this layer (see below),
+and options to compile with the 'arrow' hardware layout.
+![Minivan layout Image RAR](
+Layer: `_RAR`
+4.4 Layout in text
+ Layer _DEF_BASE (Letters layer, see ./base* files for what comes on ‛__’)
+ | Right hand
+ <pink2 <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2> // Keys by finger
+ -o- <|> ... //-o- Base access
+ Esc __ __ __ __ __ | __ __ __ __ __ Bksp
+ Tab+LCtl __ __ __ __ __ | __ __ __ __ __ __
+ LSht+_PAD __ __ __ __ __ | __ __ __ __ __ RSht+_FUN
+ +_MOV⁵ | +_RAR⁶
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA) Enter+_MOV| Space _..._NSY(_DRA) RGUI Right;_RAR
+ hold hold₍₁,₂٭₎ hold | hold₍₁,₂٭₎ hold // switch type
+ hold₍₂₎ ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃ // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+ ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛ // ₂₎ both = _BON
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1> // Keys by number
+ ^³ ^⁴ // Optional more keys
+ (LGUI) (_MOV)
+ ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+ ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+ ³) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+ ⁴) 'Arrow' hardware configuration Configurable, default shown.
+ ³ ⁴) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+ a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+ ⁵) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+ ⁶) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus).
+It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the
+±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (`_PAD`, `_MOV`), using the layer toggle on
+left shift.
+The two keys with ';' (Del;`_ACC`, Right;`_RAR`) do not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys.
+There is an uncluttered _Delete_ on `_PAD`, an uncluttered _Right_ arrow on the `_MOV` layer.
+There is an uncluttered _Tab_ on both the `_DRA` and `_ACC` layers. They can be modified with _Control_ there.
+Holding both `_..._NSY` keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer `_DRA`.
+Holding either one of the just above mentioned `_..._NSY` layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the `_ACC` layer key
+(on <2) results in layer `_BON`.
+- - -
+ Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols, ./base* files for what comes on ‛__’)
+ <pink2 <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+ -*- <|> //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+ BASE __ __ __ __ __ | __ __ __ __ __ Bspc
+ Tab+LCtl __ __ __ __ __ | __ __ __ __ __ __+RCtl
+ -+LSht __ __ __ __ __ | __ __ __ __ __ __+RSht
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Left+LAlt ___ ___ Ent | . ___ RGUI Right+RAlt
+ -*- <|> -*- //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ ^ ^
+ (LGUI) (_MOV)
+- - -
+ Layer _FUN (F-keys, Layer access)
+ <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+ toggl toggl set toggl toggl toggl | toggl toggl // Type of layer switch
+ <|>
+ BASE: NUMS: _PAD _ACC _DRA _BON | _MOV _RAR xxx xxx xxx Bspc //':' are dynamic ...
+ LCtl F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 | F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 RCtl
+ LSht F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 | F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 RSht
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------*-- //-*- toggle on Base
+ LAlt LCtl& LCtl& LSht& | FUN< +LCtl&LSht RGUI RAlt //... < toggle 'stay'
+ LSht LAlt LAlt | &LAlt
+ +xxx +xxx +xxx | +xxx
+ <|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ ^ ^
+ (LGUI) (_MOV)
+Remarks. FUN< toggles an immediate return to the Base layer after pressing an F-key,
+or staying on the `_FUN` layer. Right led yellow indicates F-layer stays active.
+- - -
+This is the _triangle_ configuration for arrows, arrow are on left hand (WASD):
+ Layer _MOV (MOVement, mouse movement on right hand)
+ <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+ <|>-*-
+ Base PgDn Up PgUp Home Btn3 | xxx WhDn MsUp WhU WhLft Bksp
+ LCtl Left Down Right End Btn1 | Btn1 MsLft MsDn MsRht WhRht RCtl
+ LSht xxx Acc2 Acc1 Acc0 Btn2 | Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 xxx RSht
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt Del Ent ___ | PgUp PgDn RGUI RAlt
+ -*-<|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ ^ ^
+Remarks. For the Minivan _arrow_ hardware layout with arrow cluster, you get this on ‛Base’:
+ (…)
+ LSht+_PAD ;: qQ jJ kK xX | bB mM wW vV zZ RSht+_FUN
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA) Enter+_MOV| Space _..._NSY(_DRA) RGUI _MOV Right;_RAR
+ ^^^^ // new key (toggle)
+… and this on `_MOV` for the _triangle_ configuration:
+ (…)
+ LSht*- xxx Acc2 Acc1 Acc0 Btn2 | Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 _Up_ RSht
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt Del Ent ___ | PgUp PgDn _Left__Down__Right_
+ -*-<|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> _±_ 1>
+ ^
+ (LGUI)
+… or this on `_MOV` for the _triangle_ arrow configuration with additional _navigation_ keys:
+ BASE PgDn Up PgUp Home _Btn4_ | xxx WhDn MsUp WhU WhLft Bksp
+ LCtl Left Down Right End Btn1 | Btn1 MsLft MsDn MsRht WhRht RCtl
+ LSht*- xxx Acc2 Acc1 Acc0 _Btn5_ | Btn2 Btn3 _Home__PgUp_ _Up_ _PgDn_
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt Del Ent ___ | PgUp _End_ _Left__Down__Right_
+ -*-<|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> _±_ 1>
+ ^
+ (LGUI)
+This is the _flat_ configuration for arrows, arrow are on right hand:
+ <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+ <|>-*-
+ BASE WLft WDn WUp WRht xxx | Btn3 PgUp Home End PgDn Bksp
+ LCtl MLft MDn MUp MRht Btn1 | Btn1 Left Up Down Right RCtl
+ LSht*- Btn5 Btn4 Btn3 Butn2 xxx | Btn2 Acc0 Acc1 Acc2 xxx RSht
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt Del Ent ___ | PgUp PgDn RGUI RAlt
+ -*-<|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ ^ ^
+For the Minivan _arrow_ hardware layout with _flat_ arrow cluster, you get this on `_MOV`:
+ (…)
+ BASE WLft WDn WUp WRht xxx | Btn3 PgUp Home End PgDn Bksp
+ LCtl MLft MDn MUp MRht Btn1 | Btn1 Left Up Down Right RCtl
+ LSht*- Btn5 Btn4 Btn3 Butn2 xxx | Btn2 Acc0 Acc1 Acc2 xxx RSht
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt Del Ent ___ | PgUp _Left_ _UP_ _Down__Right_
+ -*-<|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> _±_ 1>
+ ^
+ (LGUI)
+… or this on `_MOV` for the _flat_ arrow configuration with additional _navigation_ keys:
+ BASE WLft WDn WUp WRht xxx |_Acc2_ PgUp Home End PgDn Bksp
+ LCtl MLft MDn MUp MRht Btn1 | Btn1 Left Up Down Right RCtl
+ LSht*- Btn5 Btn4 Btn3 Butn2 xxx |_Acc1_ Acc0 _PgUp__Home__End_ _PgDn_
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt Del Ent ___ | PgUp _Left_ _UP_ _Down__Right_
+ -*-<|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> _±_ 1>
+ ^
+ (LGUI)
+… or this on `_MOV` for the _flat_ arrow configuration, […], and vi(1) layout:
+ <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+ <|>-*-
+ BASE WLft WDn WUp WRht xxx |_Acc2_ PgUp Home End PgDn Bksp
+ LCtl MLft MDn MUp MRht Btn1 | Left Down Up Right Btn1 RCtl // vi as in Qwerty
+ LSht*- Btn5 Btn4 Btn3 Butn2 xxx |_Acc1_ Acc0 _PgUp__Home__End_ _PgDn_
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt Del Ent ___ | PgUp _Left_ _Down__Up_ _Right_ // vi as in Qwerty
+ -*-<|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> _±_ 1>
+ ^
+ (LGUI)
+For the 'arrow' hardware layout (additional key on the right), keys on the first
+row are sacrificed and lost. The right most key on the second row is also lost.
+The two keys on places 3 and 4 when counting from the right on the second row,
+are being moved to the spots for Btn2 and Btn3 on the hand that also has the
+arrows (those keys are otherwise twice defined for left and right hand).
+- - -
+ _RAR (RARe keys. Power keys, Unicode mode, Alternate Base, Media, Brightness, Speed, Size, leds, …)
+ <pink2<pinky <ring <middl <indexx<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky> pink2>
+ <|> -*- //(toggle) on _FUN
+ BASE Cnt/Mx Cnull CWmin CRprt Speed | SRprt Play Next Prev Stop RSht(•)
+ CapsL Power• Wake• Sleep• Pause• ScrLk | PrtSc xxx Vol+ Vol- Mute Insert // • requires Shift
+ ☑ uLNX uBSD uOSX uWIN uWNC | xxx xxx Bri+ Bri- xxx APP // Ü(nicode) tester
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SLed MLeds LGUI xxx | !Alter xxx RGUI ___ // Mid-led, Side-leds, !Alternate
+ <|> -*- // (Hold) on Base
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ ^ ^
+ (LGUI) (_MOV)
+Remarks. !Alter switches between normal and alternate Base layer.
+☑ is a Unicode tester key. uLNX for Linux Unicode input encoding, uBSD
+for BSD Unix, uWIN for Windos, uWNC for another Windos encoding. The
+change is retained between on/off power cycles.
+MLed switches on/off the middle led, SLeds switches on/off the side leds.
+The keys marked with • require Shift to be activated, as a means of
+preventing accidents. Shift here is on (Base) 'Backspace' (upper/right key)
+which also reduces accidents (combinations which are never pressed
+normally). If you press these keys without 'shift' they print their own
+name between angled brackets. Example: pressing the 2nd key on the 3rd
+row prints `“<POWER>”`.
+Bri+, Bri-: screen brightness (if your system supports it.)
+Speed: toggles speed measuring on/off. SRprt: writes your speed.
+See topic about Speed measuring.
+Cnt/Mx, Cnull CWmin, CRprt: text size measuring. See topic.
+- - -
+ Layer _PAD Numbers Pad (special symbol versions; regular '1' is not the same as this numpad '1', etc)
+ <pink2 <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+ -*- <|> //(toggle) on _FUN
+ BASE xxx xxx .DEL 4LEFT 2DOWN | 8UP 6RGHT * xxx xxx Bspc
+ LSht xxx xxx / xxx = | + 3PGDN 1END 7HOME 9PGUP RSht
+ -*------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-*- toggle on Base
+ LAlt Del Tab ENT | NUML xxx RGUI RAlt
+ <|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ ^ ^
+ (LGUI) (_MOV)
+Remarks: The keys between `.DEL` and `*`, `+` and `RSht` constitute sort of
+navigation clusters, to make it easier to find the number pad versions thereof.
+This is the variety for `_PAD` layer, which resembles a numerical keypad:
+ Layer _PAD (Number pad, square layout)
+ <pink2 <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+ <|>
+ BASE xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx | = 7HOME 8UP 9PGUP - Bspc
+ LCtl xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx | * 4LEFT 5 6RGHT + RCtl
+ LSht xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx | / 1END 2DOWN 3PGDN , RSht
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt Del Tab ENT | NUML 0INS .DEL RAlt
+ <|>
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> ± 2> 1>
+ ^ ^
+ (LGUI) (RGUI)¹
+ ₁) Note anomaly, see Base Numpad for details `./`.
+ Different placement and different meaning, compared to the usual common layers.
+- - -
+ Layer _ACC (ACCented characters, see _RAR layer for input modes)
+ <pink2 <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+ -*- <|> //(toggle) on _FUN
+ BASE áÁ óÓ éÉ úÚ íÍ | ýÝ ijIJ çÇ øØ åÅ Bksp
+ LCTL(Tab) äÄ öÖ ëË üÜ ïÏ | ÿŸ œŒ æÆ ñÑ ß μ
+ LSht àÀ òÒ èÈ ùÙ ìÌ | îÎ ûÛ êÊ ôÔ â RSht
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt ___ ___ Ent | Spc ___ ___ RAlt
+ -*- <|> //(hold) on Base
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ … …
+- - -
+ Layer _DRA (DRAwings, whatever else (rendering width might vary in different applications))
+ <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+ -*- <|> //(toggle) on _FUN
+ BASE “„ ”≤ £≥ ∅ ¢ ±ƒ | ❦♥ 🙂🙁 👍👎 ⁽₍ ⁾₎ Bspc
+ Tab ¹₁ ²₂ ³₃ ⁴₄ ⁵₅ | ⁶₆ ⁷₇ ⁸₈ ⁹₉ ⁰₀ RCTL
+ LSht 「━ 」─ °〇 •§ …· | ☐☒ ☑🗹 ¿¡ 《┄ 》┅ RSht // ☐ ☒ ☑ 🗹 or ⮘ ⮙ ⮚ ⮛
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LAlt ___ ___ Ent | Spc ___ ___ RAlt
+ -*- <|> -*- //(hold) on Base
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ ^ ^
+ (LGUI) (_MOV)
+Remarks. ☐ ☒ ☑ 🗹 or ⮘ ⮙ ⮚ ⮛
+- - -
+ Layer _BON (Bonus layer, a variety of more stuffs.)
+ <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+ -*- <|> //(toggle) on _FUN
+ BASE ‛ 🛠 ’ ⬆ ¤ 🄯 ∑ © ‰ ‱ | ★ ٭ 😊 ⍨ × ⃰ √ ⁻ ⁺ Bksp
+ `~ ① ⬅ ② ⬇ ③ ➡ ④ ┏ ⑤ ┓ | ⑥ ┃ ⑦ ┇ ⑧ ╋ ⑨ ⓪ ∞ — ≈ // — is a dash (larger)
+ LSht ‹ › ÷ ☞ ┗ ≠ ┛ | ✗ ┣ ✓ ┫ ⚠ « » RSht
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Left ___ ___ Ent | Spc ___ ___ Right
+ -*- -*- <|> -*- // Activation on Base
+ <1 ± <2 <3 <4 | 4> 3> 2> ± 1>
+ ^ ^
+ (LGUI) (_MOV)
+- - -
+4.5 Movement layer options
+The movement layer (`_MOV`) has several configuration options. You
+can either have _triangle_ configuration arrows on the _left_ hand
+(with navigation keys around it), or a _flat_ arrow configuration on
+the _right_ hand (with navigation above it).
+You can configure for the _arrow_ hardware layout (one additional hardware
+key on the right). The additional key on the Base layer can toggle to the
+movement layer, and than becomes part of the arrow cluster. For both
+versions (_triangle_ arrows left hand or _flat_ arrows right hand) you
+can compile this second arrow cluster to be completed with navigation keys
+(Home, End, PageUp, PageDown).
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3 defaultf](
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3b default](
+^ `#define ARROWS_TRIANGLE`
+![Minivan illustration BASE towards 3](
+^ Illustration of accessing the arrows/navigation with a key on the Base layer
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3b + arrow](
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3b + navig](
+^ `#define ARROWS_TRIANGLE`, `MORE_KEY__ARROW`, `MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER`, `MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION`, `MORE_key2 _MOV_UP` (note change on previously BTN2/3)
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3 + arrows](
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3 + naviga](
+^ `#define MORE_KEY__ARROW`, `MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER`, `MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION`, `MORE_key2 _MOV_UP` (note change on previously BTN2/3)
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3 vi arrow](
+4.6 Numbers pad layer options
+This concerns the numbers pad layer, the one that is part of the common layers.
+![Minivan layout Image PAD](
+![Minivan layout Image PAD squared](
+5 Led colors for layers
+ • letters Led: low-white/teal/off⁽¹⁾ _DEF_BASE "Default base"
+ • letters (alternate) Led: off/teal/low-white _ALT_BASE "Alternate base"
+ • numbers Led: blue/blue/blue _DEF_NSY "Default Numbers SYmbols"
+ • numbers (alternate) Led: blue/blue/low-white _ALT_NSY "Alternate Numbers SYmbols"
+ • number pad symbol versions Led: green/low-white/blue ⁽²⁾ _PAD "numbers PAD"
+ • accented characters é, ø, ß … Led: cyan/cyan/cyan _ACC "ACCented"
+ • Unicode symbols, ¹, ±, ° … Led: yellow/yellow/yellow _DRA "DRAwings"
+ • Unicode symbols, ①, ‰, ÷ … Led: off/yellow/off _BON "Bonus"
+ • function keys, Led: red/red/orange ⁽³⁾ _FUN "FUNction keys"
+ • and a movement layer Led: green/green/green _MOV "MOVement"
+ • keys like Power, Play, Led: white/purple/purple ⁽⁴⁾ _RAR "RARe keys"
+ Leds:
+ • ⁽¹⁾ The low-white led is bright-white when capslock is on. Optionally the middle led (cyan) can
+ show the color of the last layer that was active.
+ • ⁽²⁾ The colors are reversed blue/low-white/green when numlock is on.
+ Left led color memory aid: same as either numbers or movement layer for numlock on/off.
+ • ⁽³⁾ The colors are reversed to orange/red/red when set to de-activate after one F-key press.
+ • ⁽⁴⁾ The colors are reversed purple/purple/white, indicating which of the two base layers
+ is active (see below).
+ • Middle led: Breathing effect. When not breathing, keyboard is not working normally with the computer.
+ - When speed measurement is active, the middle led color indicates the speed, unless
+ text size counting set to a maximum is active.
+ - When text size counting is active and set to a maximum amount, the middle led color
+ indicates progress to the limit from green to red, flipping white/red on the limit.
+ - When on Base layer it shows a teal color, or (compile option) the layer most recently active.
+ - When the left/right leds are off, when on Base, it shows a teal color (not last active), even
+ if so compiled.
+ • Leds can be switched on/off on the _RAR layer (SLeds, MLed).
+6 Compile options
+ Layout
+ • Several layouts to choose from: Qwerty, Dvorak, Colemak, Workman, Numpad.
+ • You can use the keyboard with two different letters/number-symbols layouts.
+ Hardware
+ • Hardware key configurations: _default_ (44), _arrow_ (45), _south paw_ (45), _arrow_ + _south paw_ (46).
+![Minivan illustration 0](
+ (On the `_RAR` layer, the additional _south paw_ key is more to the right.)
+ • What the additional hardware keys for _arrow,_ _south paw_ should be.
+ Navigation cluster
+ • An arrow cluster for _arrow_ hardware configuration, on the `_MOV` layer.
+ • All navigation keys around _arrow_ hardware configuration arrow cluster on `_MOV` layer.
+ • Navigation cluster in a triangle (WASD) (left hand), or flat layout with optional vi(1) layout.
+ Numpad (in common layers)
+ • Numpad with numbers in a row.
+ • Numpad with layers in a block form.
+ Special functions
+ • Set speed measuring on/off at keyboard startup.
+ • Set text size measuring on/off at keyboard startup.
+ Changing symbols
+ • Switching the GUIs left/right, and some other specific key changes.
+ • Reduce firmware size/bloat: remove or eviscerate Unicode layer(s).
+ For the complete list, see `./user_config.h`.
+7 Language support
+7.1 Input methods
+There seem to generally be two ways in QMK for typing a language other than English.
+One is to use a language specific remapping on the computer operating side, and
+to use the QMK supplied symbols in the keymaps. This may include the use of a “dead key”.
+Presumably you can also still use the Unicode symbols.
+⚠ *There are currently no such Base pair layouts available. If this is the method you want,
+you may want to look elsewhere.*
+The other way is to type the additional symbols in Unicode. _The computer
+operating must understand these special sequences._ Several Unicode
+input modes are available, which can be changed while the keyboard is
+running. There is no need for a “dead key”. The language setting
+in the computer operating system can be set to English. This layout is
+designed for this method, to avoid the dead key problem.
+7.2 Unicode symbols
+For the remainder of this chapter the Unicode input method is assumed.
+You may be able to type your language, with the help of some of the Unicode
+layers and one of these layouts: Qwerty, Dvorak, Coleman, Workman. The following
+languages might work for you this way.
+ • Dutch (éëèïijí)
+ • English (—“”‛’)
+ • French (çœæéèàòùîûêôâëïüÿ)
+ • German (äöüß)
+ • Norwegian, Danish (œæøå, éêèëóêò, üáà …)
+ • Spanish (¿¡ñ)
+ • Swedish (äåö …)
+The following quotation marks are available, which seems it would cover these languages:
+ 'test' "test" “test” „test” ‛test’ ,test’¹ «test» ‹test› 《test》 「test」 — test
+ ¹) Left side is a basic comma.
+See the `_ACC` _accented characters_ layer for all characters with diacretic markings.
+If you miss a symbol, you could replace one you don't use and add it yourself (by
+reprogramming the source code).
+8 Speed measuring
+ ‛Speed’ starts speed measuring.
+ ‛SRprt’ stands for ‛Speed Report’:
+ • Tap to get your speed report.
+ • Hold for a while for led color compilation (see below).
+ ☞ Text size counting (see below) middle led colors take precedence,
+ when a maximum is set, over layer colors or speed measurement.
+With the key ‛Speed’ on the `_RAR` layer, the speed of your latest
+completed batch of 25 keypresses is computed, as well as the average of
+all your batches of 25 keys. The speed is displayed as the color of the
+middle led, which otherwise shows the layer color. A bright white middle
+led indicates ‛Speed’ has just been activated.
+With the key ‛SRprt’ (short for ‛Speed Report’), the keyboard
+will write your typing speed either in keystrokes per second (k/s)
+or words-per-minute (wpm), depending on your compilation configuration.
+“Keystrokes per second” uses the following format: `<A k/s B.B k/s
+Cx25keys>`. A is the amount of key presses per second (k/s) of your
+last batch, B.B is your average over the last C batches of keys.
+When using “Words per minute”, A is in word-per-minute, B is also
+in words-per-minute: `<A wpm B wpm Cx25keys>`, no decimal precision.
+Example: <150wpm;108wpm20x25keys>
+Batches with 0 k/s are not counted to the average. You can take a
+longer break without it affecting your average.
+8.1 Speed Led color compilation assist
+If you hold the ‛Speed Report’ key for one second, it will increment the
+speed, and led color accordingly. This can be helpful when configuring
+your speed measuring compile settings. This works best with speed
+measuring set off.
+9 Text size measuring
+ ‛Cnt/Mx’ stands for ‛Count/Maximum’:
+ • Tap to start counting, tap again to suspend.
+ • Hold > 0.5 seconds for maximum menu.
+ ‛Cnull’ stands for ‛Count null’:
+ • Tap to set the counts to zero.
+ ‛CWmin’ stands for ‛Count Word minus’:
+ • Tap to detract one word from the word count.
+ • Hold > 0.5 seconds to detract 10 words.
+ ‛CRprt’ stands for ‛Count Report’:
+ • Tap to get a counting report.
+ ☞ ‛Count’ and ‛Speed’ (see above) reports get added to the
+ character count, but not to the word count.
+ ☞ Auto-repeating keys do not get counted as characters.
+You can count your text by character and word, by activating the key
+‛Count’ on the `_RAR` layer. Pressing ‛Count’ again will suspend
+counting, pressing it yet again resumes where the count left off earlier.
+The middle led turns cyan when no maximum is set (see below),
+or to green when it is set.
+You can set a maximum to type, with the ‛Cnt/Mx’ key. In your
+editor (or wherever typing these characters is harmless) you will get
+the following menu by pressing the ‛Cnt/MX’ key for at least half
+a second: `<Nc|w>`. In here: *N* stands for your numerical input, *c*
+for a maximum count in *characters* or *w* for a maximum in *words.*
+Start typing a number, finish with either *c* or *w* to make the maximum
+be counted in either characters or words. If you want to leave the
+menu before giving *c* or *w*, enter a *dot* ‛.’ or ‛Escape’,
+which will leave the maximum value at 0 (zero). A maximum value of zero
+implies there is no maximum.
+Setting a maximum of 1000 characters looks like so:
+ Hold ‛Cnt/MX’ results in: `<Nc|w>`
+ Then type “1000” results in: `<Nc|w>1000`
+ Then type “c” results in: `<Nc|w>1000->1000c`
+ At this point the keyboard is out of this special input menu.
+ The keyboard indicates what it accepted as your input, by
+ repeating the number, just before your last input is being printed.
+With a maximum established, the middle led color goes from green to red,
+as you type. When the maximum is reached, the keyboard will output a
+Backspace character for every key you subsequently press, making it
+impossible to go any further, until text size counting has been disabled,
+or the count is reduced. The middle led changes color between red and
+white while at the maximum set size, for every new input character.
+To get your word count report, press ‛CReport’ short for: ‛Count
+Report’. It comes in the form: `<Ac;Bw>`, where A is your character
+count, and B is your word count. Example: `<5420c;547w>`.
+When a maximum is established, the report will only be given in
+either characters or words, and the maximum is given with it, like so:
+`<66w>[200w]`. 66 words have been written, a maximum of 200 words has
+been set.
+If you have a maximum established and use it across different articles,
+you no longer have the total count. You can activate speed measuring,
+which in its report includes the total characters pressed.
+9.1 Text size Usage
+It is assumed that you will take the report in the document you are
+editing, and then delete it. If you do character counting, the value of
+the report itself is added to the character count. Therefore you should
+delete that without using an auto-repeating on the deletion key. That
+way the characters are subtracted again.
+If you count in words, the report is not added to the word count. You
+can delete it however you want.
+This works the same for a ‛*Speed* Report’ you might like to take.
+You can take it in the document, and then delete it in the same,
+without affecting the text size counting in characters or words.
+When deleting keys with Backspace or Delete, the character count goes down
+accordingly, the word count does not.
+Words are counted by counting Space and Enter key presses. Immediately
+repeating blanks do not add to the word count. You can only manually
+subtract from the word count, using the key ‛CWmin’ short for ‛Count
+Word minus’. This means that if you delete sections in your document,
+you need to manually subtract the same words.
+Example: after typing something and then typing `<Enter>` twice to start a
+new paragraph, counts for one word. When deleting three words with their
+three blank areas, then tapping ‛Count Word minus’ three times,
+should result in an accurate word count. To add words to the count,
+type mock ones and then delete them: “x x x x” adds *three* words,
+“y y y ” also adds three words (three separate blank spaces).
+Layer changes, shift and unusual/complex keys do not get counted.
+Navigation, arrow and mouse keys do not get counted. Auto-repeating
+of keys does not affect the *character* count, therefore should be avoided
+if you want to count in characters.
+10 Making your own base layer(s)
+You can insert your own `_DEF_BASE`, `_DEF_NSY` and/or `_ALT_BASE`, `_ALT_NSY`
+Base plus number/symbols layer pairs, integrate it nicely with the rest
+of the code, and re-define a special characters layer to go with it if
+you want (etc). The idea is to make it easy to change the alphanumerical
+keys, while leaving the modifiers, layer switch keys etc. the same.
+`YOUR_KEYMAP` stands for a name you choose.
+First we will look at a simple keymap, without its own configuration
+options or header file.
+ ① Make a file named: `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`), with at least
+ those two layers: _..._BASE and _..._NSY. It is probably best to
+ copy one of the existing `./base_....c` files, and edit that.
+ ② Add a #define to `./user_config.h`:
+ Under the topic ‛Base layers’ there is a comment to help you.
+ ③ Edit ./keymap.c to have your new file #included, using your just defined
+ preprocessor element. Close to the other #includes is a comment there to
+ help you. Look just under the line with this, in ./keymap.c:
+ const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
+ (…)
+ // // ⬇ insert your ./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c #include here:
+ // # if defined(BASE_YOUR_KEYMAP__DEF_BASE) || defined(BASE_YOUR_KEYMAP__ALT_BASE)
+ // # include "./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c" // Your Keymap.
+ // # endif
+Now you have integrated your base layers alternative. To compile it:
+ ④ _Activate_ your #define BASES_YOUR_KEYMAP__DEF_BASE or
+ BASES_YOUR_KEYMAP__ALT_BASE in `./user_config.h`,
+ _Remove_ any other base layers from being defined on the
+ same spot _DEF_BASE or _ALT_BASE to prevent a conflict.
+ ⑤ Check Pre-processing with:
+ > gcc -E keymap.c | less
+ ⑥ Compile and flash to your keyboard.
+You can redefine any layer in your new `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`
+You can do that by setting one or more of the `BASESFILE_LAYER_...` defines in
+your own `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c` file. See near the top of an existing
+`./base_....c` file for clues.
+`_ACC` in particular is a layer meant to augment a keymap with special
+characters for a given language/layout in the base layer(s). Perhaps you
+want to redefine it, for example.
+Example: Having done the above points ① ➡ ④ for a `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c` file.
+Let's say you re-arranged keys on `_ACC` to suit ... French.
+ ⑦ In your `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`:
+ The `_ACC` in ./keymap.c will now be ignored.
+You can re-define `_ACC` in your own file.
+ ⑧ Copy an existing `_ACC` layer into `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`
+ Edit it so that French characters like ‛Ç’ ‛«»’, ‛œ’, ‛æ’,
+ ‛ô’, ‛é’ etc. are in positions that work best. You can look in
+ `unicode_weurope.h` to find some Unicode points already defined.
+ ⑨ Compile and flash to your keyboard.
+Now we will look at a more complicated keymap, where you are also altering
+preprocessor constants defined in `./user_config.h`. (Warning, perhaps this
+is overkill … ;-)
+Example: the `./base_numpad.c` has an option to entirely eviscerate the
+`_PAD` layer, for convenience. (Why is this even useful ? Good question !
+One reason could be that it can set up a default, so that anyone who chooses
+this `./base_numpad.c` Base layer, automatically is eviscerating the `_PAD`
+_common_ layer, without having to do anything else. On the downside, it
+could be confusing that one option is configured in two places.)
+Having done the above points ⑦ ➡ ⑧ as well, let's say for some reason you
+need to reverse Left GUI and Right GUI.
+ ⑨ Copy your User Configuration Block at the top of your `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`
+ and the GPL License, and place that in a new _header_ file:
+ `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h`
+ ① ⓪ Write the necessary code to set and unset the constant
+ `SWITCH_GUIS` in your `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h` file You are encouraged
+ to write code which overrides any setting in `./user_config.h, for
+ those constants which you choose to affect, for simplicity sake.
+ (This is not a C programming manual, so it won't get into this.)
+ ① ① Look in `./user_config.h`, and #include your header file there, in
+ a similar way as was done for your C code file. It should be just
+ below the user configuration block, and has a template for you.
+ ① ② Compile, flash and test.
+ ① ③ It would be nice to put a remark on the general preprocessor constants
+ which you might be affecting, that your keymap could be affecting them.
+ You would edit the ./user_config.h comments with a short one line notice,
+ such as:
+ *
+ * ⚠ Note: ./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h can overrides this setting, if compiled with that ‛Base’ layer.
+ */
+Putting your `*.h` header file in `./user_config.h` isn't strictly
+necessary, unless you alter “general preprocessor constants”
+defined in `./user_config` (not local constants for your keymap only).
+Perhaps a separate header file is overkill. On the other hand, whatever
+preprocessor logic is necessary after user configuration has been given,
+can be handled in one place, if #included as suggested. It allows you
+to override the settings in `./user_config.h` from your header file
+(because it is #included immediately below those). If a user is playing with
+keymaps Base compile choices, it could be convenient to play with
+`./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h` settings, have everything that could be relevant
+close at hand, then forgetting about those settings once compiling
+with another Base layer, and be able to return to it with previous
+configuration already done.
+You can also just #include your header file at the top of your
+`./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h` file, if it does not touch anything else but your
+local keymap.
+11 Eviscerations
+Cutting down the keymap reduces the firmware size, and helps reducing
+mental clutter from having masses of symbols you might never want to use.
+You can compile as a single layout. Define only a ‛Default’ base pair,
+and set `MINIFAN_SINGLE_LAYOUT` (`./user_config.h`). The leds for the
+base layers letters and numbers&symbols, will show up as they would for
+the ‛Alternate’ layer in a dual layout compilation.
+You can remove the layers `_ACC`, `_DRA` and/or `_BON` (see
+`./user_config.h` around `REMOVE_ACC`).
+You can remove a set of symbols from one or more of Unicode layers,
+such as not having box drawing characters on `_BON`, or no sub-script
+numbers on `_DRA`.
+12 Key associations
+The keymap was designed to have the same or similar keys on the same key
+or close to it, on different layers. Sometimes the association goes by
+what finger is used, and/or on what row. For example the symbol ‛(’
+on the numbers-symbols layer (`_NSY`), becomes the symbol ‛⁽’ on
+another layer.
+![Minivan layout Image associations](
+13 Trouble shooting
+ • Compiling
+ If the firmware is too large, you can try using a different version
+ of the compiler, or you may have to reduce size by removing certain
+ options.
+ • Unicode
+ Unicode is chaos: try going to `_RAR` layer, and hit the Unicode
+ operating system buttons.
+ • Leds
+ Leds not working after flashing firmware: try going to `_RAR` layer,
+ and hit the key MLeds and SLeds, which switch Leds on/off.
+ • Weird layer jumping
+ You weirdly end up on the `_PAD`, `_FUN` or some other layer while
+ typing ? If you jump to layers which are on Shift key toggles, this
+ is a typing mistake.
+ • Difficult/impossible key combinations ?
+ An example of a difficult key combination is: the modifier Control,
+ Shift, or Alt, with media key “volume up” (or down, etc). It may
+ work to press and hold “Control” (which should communicate “Control
+ depressed”), then activate `_RAR` layer with the hold key (which
+ communicates nothing to the computer attached to the keyboard),
+ press and let go “volume up” (which should communicate just that), let
+ go of the `_RAR` layer (which again communicates nothing), let go of
+ the Control key (which should communicate “Control released”)..
+14 Why you want this layout
+☞ This layout seems easy to learn and predictable.
+☞ The normally most used layer after letters is “numbers & symbols”
+ (123…, !@#…, []/…, called `_NSY`). This layer you can access by either
+ your left or right thumb, to spread fatigue.
+☞ Right hand pinky is no longer overused, as it is on regular keyboards.
+☞ 0-9 enumerations / numbers, they are on the same fingers as a standard
+ keyboard.
+☞ The symbols normally reached by shifting a number, are also still on
+ the same fingers.
+☞ Because one often uses an F-key only once, the layer can switch back
+ to Base after an F-key is used.
+☞ Modifier combination keys on `_FUN` layer for use with F-keys.
+☞ The movement layer has a bunch of layout options, and allows for mouse
+ use.
+☞ The layer with Power buttons protects you from accidental keystrokes
+ on the critical keys.
+☞ If you need working with Control/Shift/Alt and a pointing device in
+ right hand, you can quickly get uncluttered such keys by tapping left shift.
+☞ The accented layer makes it possible to set the keyboard in a mode
+ on the computer side without dead-keys.
+☞ The second Unicode layer adds a fair amount of fun stuff to spice up
+ your writing. Write H₂O, 2⁷·⁰=128, ±8 °C, §2.1, 2 ³/₈", a note⁴, £ 6.²⁵
+ etc.
+☞ The third Unicode layer adds a proper dash — and French style
+ quotations «»‹› and other stuff. ① «Ça va bien», ② 5 × 3 ≠ 14,
+ ③ .083% ÷ 2 ≈ 4‱ ➡ 4.₁₅‱
+ ┏━━━━━━┓
+ ┃ test ┃
+ ┅━╋━━━━━━┛
+ ┇ ④
+☞ Speed and text size measuring, including to set a maximum on your text input.
+ These are features not part off regular keyboards.
+☞ Easy to create your own dual layout for letters / numbers.
+☞ If you do want to reprogram the code, it has a lot of comments to make
+ it easier to follow.
+15 BUGS
+ No real bugs known currently. Just some minor issues …
+ The tilde ~ on the numbers-symbols layer should logically be reached on the second
+ row without the need for _shift,_ however there seems to be a QMK limitation
+ with this. No work around has been attempted as of yet. (It seems to be a minor issue;
+ using shift for once seems OK.)
+ `LCTL_T` `( KC_TAB )` is not seen as a blank by word counting, use as Control is not
+ ignored in character counting. (This minor issue is ignored for now. Tab is not
+ normally used in text writing.)
+ The eviscerations may not have been worked out yet into the ultimate scrubbing of
+ everything that may have become redundent, because it does complicate the code with
+ a lot of #defines. Perhaps it should be done eventually, if there is an actual need.
+16 Resources
+This links to an external file, with some development resources like
+Gimp .xcf files, pre-compiled hex files, …
+[Resources]( "Additional resources")
+17 Author(s)
+ This keymap.c was edited from the Minivan default, original LED
+ support was copied/edited from ../jetpacktuxedo/ keymap. Thanks to
+ QMK support for their help, especially Drashna.
+ _Personal note:_ This keymap came about because of a sudden need
+ for a replacement keyboard. It took over a year to make (≈ 1.5 h/day).
+ The goal became to make a good keymap for everyone without the time to
+ make one, in the best keyboard format: “40%”.
+![Keycaps blanks](
+ Written on the Minivan: Jos Boersema. [contact]( "get e-mail address there")
+ Contributions to this key map:
+ - …