path: root/scheduling
diff options
authorKjetil Orbekk <>2015-08-11 11:00:17 -0400
committerKjetil Orbekk <>2015-08-11 11:00:17 -0400
commit32032147aa5264987742f15f28889edfd117fd86 (patch)
treeda69843391e0c84ce9c63c61bf49298dd6ff13e2 /scheduling
parent5231b437d1d821d6c758a999ec1e1b80e63c654c (diff)
Remove the haskell version.
Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/Main.hs b/scheduling/Main.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d08c30..0000000
--- a/scheduling/Main.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-import Debug.Trace
-import Control.Monad (forM_)
-import Data.Function (on)
-import Data.List (sortBy, unfoldr, maximumBy)
-import System.Random (RandomGen, randoms, getStdGen, split)
-import Data.HashSet (HashSet, fromList, member)
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
-data Player = Player { name :: String
- , rank :: Int
- , matchLimit :: Int
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-players :: [Player]
--- players = [ Player "orbekk" (-1) 4
--- , Player "ltsang" (-4) 4
--- , Player "sebh" 2 4
--- , Player "fringd" (-1) 4
--- , Player "sheyrax" (-2) 2
--- ]
-players = [Player "orbekk" (-1) 4
- , Player "sebh" 2 4
- , Player "ltsang" (-4) 4
- , Player "fringd" (-1) 4
- , Player "tysonjh" (-14) 4
- , Player "shreyax" (-2) 4
- , Player "bensley" (-16) 4
- , Player "taosong" 1 4
- , Player "jtnapoli" (-17) 4
- , Player "woojlee" (-7) 4
- , Player "binfu" 4 4
- , Player "wschudy" (-13) 3
- , Player "hoffstaetter" (-17) 4
- , Player "wwall" (-2) 3]
-score :: M.HashMap String Player -> [(String, String)] -> [(String, String)]
- -> Int
-score players history [] = 0
-score players history ((p1, p2):ms) =
- rankScore + recencyScore + score players history ms
- where rankScore = 100 - 10 * (abs (getRank p1 - getRank p2))
- getRank p = rank (players M.! p)
- recencyScore = -10 * length (filter (==(p1, p2)) history)
-shuffle :: (RandomGen g) => g -> [a] -> [a]
-shuffle g xs = map snd $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) (zip rs xs)
- where rs = randoms g :: [Int]
-matchOnce :: [String] -> [String] -> [(String, String)]
-matchOnce (p:ps) (q:qs)
- | p == q = matchOnce (p:ps) qs
- | otherwise = (p', q') : matchOnce (filter (/=q) ps) (filter (/=p) qs)
- where p' = min p q
- q' = max p q
-matchOnce _ _ = []
-subtractMatches :: [(String, String)] -> [Player] -> [Player]
-subtractMatches matches players = fmap subtractMatch players
- where matchPlayers :: HashSet String
- matchPlayers = fromList (map fst matches ++ map snd matches)
- subtractMatch p
- | (name p) `member` matchPlayers =
- p { matchLimit = matchLimit p - 1 }
- | otherwise = p
-matchPlayers :: (RandomGen g) => g -> [Player] -> [(String, String)]
-matchPlayers _ [] = []
-matchPlayers _ [p] = []
-matchPlayers g players = matches ++ matchPlayers g3 nextPlayers
- where matches = matchOnce (shuffle g1 playerNames) (shuffle g2 playerNames)
- playerNames = fmap name players
- (g', g1) = split g
- (g2, g3) = split g'
- nextPlayers =
- filter ((>0) . matchLimit) (subtractMatches matches players)
-iterativeMatchPlayers :: (RandomGen g) => g -> [Player] -> [[(String, String)]]
-iterativeMatchPlayers g players = unfoldr f (g, players)
- where f (g, players) = Just (matchPlayers g1 players, (g2, players))
- where (g1, g2) = split g
-main = do
- let n = 100000
- g <- getStdGen
- let playerMap = M.fromList (map (\p -> (name p, p)) players)
- let matchups = take n $ iterativeMatchPlayers g players
- let matchup = maximumBy (compare `on` score playerMap []) matchups
- forM_ matchup $ \(p, q) ->
- putStrLn $ p ++ " vs. " ++ q
- putStrLn $ "Score: " ++ show (score playerMap [] matchup)