path: root/emacs/.config/emacs/emacs-custom.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs/.config/emacs/emacs-custom.el')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/.config/emacs/emacs-custom.el b/emacs/.config/emacs/emacs-custom.el
index 6ef1843..69d949d 100644
--- a/emacs/.config/emacs/emacs-custom.el
+++ b/emacs/.config/emacs/emacs-custom.el
@@ -4,16 +4,19 @@
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
- '("0340489fa0ccbfa05661bc5c8c19ee0ff95ab1d727e4cc28089b282d30df8fc8"
- "e3999eba4f25d912d7d61cbaaed1b551957e61da047279da89499d3bd1f1d007"
- "8d412c0ed46b865312d6df5c1dfd1821d349dd3cba00049cf88c4ad34403597e"
- "88267200889975d801f6c667128301af0bc183f3450c4b86138bfb23e8a78fb1"
- default))
+ '("0340489fa0ccbfa05661bc5c8c19ee0ff95ab1d727e4cc28089b282d30df8fc8" "e3999eba4f25d912d7d61cbaaed1b551957e61da047279da89499d3bd1f1d007" "8d412c0ed46b865312d6df5c1dfd1821d349dd3cba00049cf88c4ad34403597e" "88267200889975d801f6c667128301af0bc183f3450c4b86138bfb23e8a78fb1" default))
+ '(package-selected-packages
+ '(org-pomodoro eshell-syntax-highlighting esh-help pcmpl-args exercism tidal haskell-mode diff-hl dts-mode clojure-mode unobtrusive-magit-theme ledger-mode nix-mode rustic tempel puni magit gcmh smudge helpful pdf-tools pcre2el repeat-help selected ace-mc expand-region idle-highlight-mode diredfl anzu direnv ob-async mixed-pitch deadgrep wgrep coterm doom-themes with-editor zenburn-theme yasnippet-snippets yaml-mode which-key undo-tree tabbar session rust-mode puppet-mode pod-mode notmuch muttrc-mode mutt-alias lsp-mode initsplit ido-completing-read+ htmlize graphviz-dot-mode goto-chg gitignore-mode gitconfig-mode gitattributes-mode git-modes folding flycheck ess eproject editorconfig diminish csv-mode color-theme-modern browse-kill-ring boxquote bm bar-cursor apache-mode projectile embark-consult))
- '((eval outline-hide-sublevels 2) (Package . CL-WHO)
- (Package . HUNCHENTOOT) (Base . 10) (Package . CL-USER)
- (Syntax . COMMON-LISP) (eval sly-connect "localhost" 9090)
- (sly-port . 9090) (checkdoc-package-keywords-flag))))
+ '((eval outline-hide-sublevels 2)
+ (Package . CL-WHO)
+ (Package . HUNCHENTOOT)
+ (Base . 10)
+ (Package . CL-USER)
+ (Syntax . COMMON-LISP)
+ (eval sly-connect "localhost" 9090)
+ (sly-port . 9090)
+ (checkdoc-package-keywords-flag))))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.