path: root/src/dactyl_cave/text.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dactyl_cave/text.clj')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/src/dactyl_cave/text.clj b/src/dactyl_cave/text.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index db37bfd..0000000
--- a/src/dactyl_cave/text.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-(ns dactyl-cave.text
- (:use [scad-clj.scad])
- (:use [scad-clj.model])
- (:import (java.awt Font RenderingHints)
- (java.awt.font FontRenderContext)
- (java.awt.geom PathIterator)))
-(def segment-type
- {PathIterator/SEG_CLOSE :close
- PathIterator/SEG_CUBICTO :cubic-to
- PathIterator/SEG_LINETO :line-to
- PathIterator/SEG_MOVETO :move-to
- PathIterator/SEG_QUADTO :quad-to})
-;; How many points are specified for each segment type
-(def segment-length
- {PathIterator/SEG_CLOSE 0
- PathIterator/SEG_CUBICTO 3
- PathIterator/SEG_LINETO 1
- PathIterator/SEG_MOVETO 1
- PathIterator/SEG_QUADTO 2})
-(defn path-iterator->segments
- "Converts a PathIterator into a sequence of segments of the form [segment-type [& points]]"
- [^PathIterator path-iterator]
- (if (not (.isDone path-iterator))
- (let [coords (double-array (* 2 (apply max (vals segment-length))))
- segment-code (.currentSegment path-iterator coords)]
- (cons [(segment-type segment-code)
- (take (segment-length segment-code) (partition 2 coords))]
- (lazy-seq (path-iterator->segments (doto path-iterator (.next))))))))
-(defn quad->fn
- "Returns the parametric control equation f(t), 0 <= t <= 1
-for the quadratic interpolation of 3 points."
- [cp p1 p2]
- (fn [t]
- (letfn [(interp [a b c] (+ (* (Math/pow (- 1 t) 2) a)
- (* 2 t (- 1 t) b)
- (* (Math/pow t 2) c)))]
- [(apply interp (map first [cp p1 p2]))
- (apply interp (map second [cp p1 p2]))])))
-(defn cubic->fn
- "Returns the parametric control equation f(t), 0 <= t <= 1
-for the cubic interpolation of 4 points."
- [cp p1 p2 p3]
- (fn [t]
- (letfn [(interp [a b c d]
- (+ (* (Math/pow (- 1 t) 3) a)
- (* 3 t (Math/pow (- 1 t) 2) b)
- (* 3 (Math/pow t 2) (- 1 t) c)
- (* (Math/pow t 3) d)))]
- [(apply interp (map first [cp p1 p2 p3]))
- (apply interp (map second [cp p1 p2 p3]))])))
-(defn segments->lines
- "Takes a sequence of segments of the form [segment-type [& points]]
-and transforms each segment into a sequence of interpolated points"
- [segments]
- (reductions (fn [prev-line-points [segment-type control-points]]
- #_(println segment-type)
- (condp = segment-type
- :move-to control-points
- :line-to control-points
- :quad-to (map (apply quad->fn
- (last prev-line-points)
- control-points)
- (range 1/10 11/10 1/10))
- :cubic-to (map (apply cubic->fn
- (last prev-line-points)
- control-points)
- (range 1/10 11/10 1/10))))
- (last (rest (first segments)))
- (rest segments)))
-(defn path2d [points]
- (let [path (doto (java.awt.geom.Path2D$Double.)
- (.moveTo (-> points first first)
- (-> points first second)))]
- (doseq [point (rest points)]
- (.lineTo path (first point) (second point)))
- path))
-(defn split-intersecting [paths]
- (let [polygons (map path2d paths)
- starting-points (map first paths)]
- (reduce (fn [acc path]
- (let [polygon (path2d path)]
- (if (some #(.contains % (-> path first first) (-> path first second))
- (:polygons acc))
- (merge-with concat acc
- {:difference [path]})
- (merge-with concat acc
- {:polygons [polygon]
- :union [path]}))))
- {:polygons []
- :union []
- :difference []}
- paths)))
-(defn text-polygon [font size text]
- (let [frc (FontRenderContext. nil
- path-iter (-> (Font. font Font/PLAIN size)
- (.createGlyphVector frc text)
- (.getOutline)
- (.getPathIterator nil))
- paths (->> (path-iterator->segments path-iter)
- (partition-by #(= (first %) :close))
- (take-nth 2)
- (map segments->lines)
- (map flatten)
- (map (partial partition 2)))
- split-paths (split-intersecting paths)]
- (difference
- (apply union (map polygon (:union split-paths)))
- (apply union (map polygon (:difference split-paths))))))
-(spit "/Users/madereth/text.scad"
- (write-scad
- (->> "Anonymous Pro" #_(str (java.util.Date.))
- (text-polygon "Anonymous Pro" 12)
- (extrude-linear {:height 50 :twist 0 :convexity 0}))))
-(spit "/Users/madereth/text.scad"
- (write-scad
- (->> "Anonymous Pro" #_(str (java.util.Date.))
- (text-polygon "Anonymous Pro" 12)
- (extrude-linear {:height 12 :twist 0 :convexity 0})))) \ No newline at end of file