diff options
authorRobert Reed <>2021-08-21 22:12:15 -0700
committerRobert Reed <>2021-08-21 22:12:15 -0700
commit894119b31ae93c97f5e4841f30305d26342616df (patch)
parentb8cb2d942a6287a95e720278bbfe7563352ea48d (diff)
feat: holy bash spaghetti
1 files changed, 576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88e294f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+# ******************* #
+# ******************* setup ******************* #
+# ******************* #
+# exit if any errors are thrown
+set -e
+# force exit on interrupt in case we are in a menu
+function catch_interrupt() { exit 1; }
+trap catch_interrupt SIGINT
+trap catch_interrupt SIGTSTP
+# ******************* #
+# ******************* functions ******************* #
+# ******************* #
+# General Helpers
+function inform() {
+ echo -e "\n[INFO] $@\n"
+function warn() {
+ echo -e "\n[WARN] $@\n"
+function error() {
+ echo -e "\n[ERROR] $@\n"
+function exitUnexpectedPositionalArgs() {
+ error "Unexpected positionnal argument.\n\n\tAlready had: $positional\n\n\tAnd then got: $1"
+ exit 1
+function exitUnexpectedFlags() {
+ error "One or more flags are invalid:\n\n\tPositional: $positional\n\n\tFlags: $flags"
+ exit 1
+# Interactive Menu
+# Arguments:
+# array of options
+# Return value:
+# selected index (0 for opt1, 1 for opt2 ...)
+function menu {
+ printf "\n[Dactyl Manuform] Please choose an option:\n\n"
+ options=("$@")
+ # helpers for terminal print control and key input
+ ESC=$(printf "\033")
+ cursor_blink_on() { printf "$ESC[?25h"; }
+ cursor_blink_off() { printf "$ESC[?25l"; }
+ cursor_to() { printf "$ESC[$1;${2:-1}H"; }
+ print_option() { printf "\t $1 "; }
+ print_selected() { printf "\t${COLOR_GREEN} $ESC[7m $1 $ESC[27m${NC}"; }
+ get_cursor_row() { IFS=';' read -sdR -p $'\E[6n' ROW COL; echo ${ROW#*[}; }
+ key_input() {
+ local key
+ ESC=$(printf "\033")
+ # read 3 characters, 1 at a time
+ for (( i=0; i < 3; ++i)); do
+ read -s -n1 input 2>/dev/null >&2
+ # concatenate chars together
+ key+="$input"
+ # if a number is encountered, echo it back
+ if [[ $input =~ ^[1-9]$ ]]; then
+ echo $input; return;
+ # if enter, early return
+ elif [[ $input = "" ]]; then
+ echo enter; return;
+ # if we encounter something other than [1-9] or "" or the escape sequence
+ # then consider it an invalid input and exit without echoing back
+ elif [[ ! $input = $ESC && i -eq 0 ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ $key = $ESC[A ]]; then echo up; fi;
+ if [[ $key = $ESC[B ]]; then echo down; fi;
+ }
+ # initially print empty new lines (scroll down if at bottom of screen)
+ for opt in "${options[@]}"; do printf "\n"; done
+ # determine current screen position for overwriting the options
+ local lastrow=`get_cursor_row`
+ local startrow=$(($lastrow - $#))
+ # ensure cursor and input echoing back on upon a ctrl+c during read -s
+ trap "cursor_blink_on; stty echo; printf '\n'; exit" 2
+ cursor_blink_off
+ local selected=0
+ # print options by overwriting the last lines
+ function drawOptions() {
+ local idx=0
+ for opt in "${options[@]}"; do
+ cursor_to $(($startrow + $idx))
+ # add an index to the option
+ local label="$(($idx + 1)). $opt"
+ if [ $idx -eq $selected ]; then
+ print_selected "$label"
+ else
+ print_option "$label"
+ fi
+ ((idx++))
+ done
+ }
+ while true; do
+ drawOptions
+ # user key control
+ input=$(key_input)
+ case $input in
+ enter) break;;
+ [1-9])
+ # If a digit is encountered, consider it a selection (if within range)
+ if [ $input -lt $(($# + 1)) ]; then
+ selected=$(($input - 1))
+ drawOptions
+ break
+ fi
+ ;;
+ up) ((selected--));
+ if [ $selected -lt 0 ]; then selected=$(($# - 1)); fi;;
+ down) ((selected++));
+ if [ $selected -ge $# ]; then selected=0; fi;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # cursor position back to normal
+ cursor_to $lastrow
+ cursor_blink_on
+ echo
+ return $selected
+# Setup helpers
+function showHelpAndExit() {
+ echo "TODO: Help Menu"
+ exit
+# error on any unexpected flags or more than one positional argument
+function processArgs() {
+ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
+ do
+ key="$1"
+ case $key in
+ --build|-rm|--remove|--inspect|--run|--start|--stop)
+ if [[ $flags ]]; then
+ flags+=" $key"
+ else
+ flags=$key
+ fi
+ shift;;
+ -h|--help)
+ showHelpAndExit
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # all valid flags should have already been captured above
+ if [[ $key == -* ]]; then
+ error "Unknwon flag: $key"
+ exit 1
+ # if we already have a positional argument we shouldn't get another
+ elif [[ "$positional" ]]; then
+ exitUnexpectedPositionalArgs $key
+ exit 1
+ # the totality of accepted positional arguments
+ elif [[ "$key" =~ ^(image|shell|config|model)$ ]]; then
+ positional="$key"
+ if [[ ! $key = image ]]; then
+ key+="Container"
+ container=$(echo "${!key}")
+ fi
+ shift
+ else
+ error "Unknown positional arg: \"$key\""
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# installing docker is out of scope
+# so if it isn't found, inform user and exit
+function checkDocker() {
+ if ! which docker &> /dev/null; then
+ error "Docker is not installed.\n\n\tPlease visit for more information."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# exit unless user responds with yes
+function confirmContinue() {
+ while true; do
+ read -p "$@ [y/n]" yn
+ case $yn in
+ [Yy]* ) break;;
+ [Nn]* ) exit 0;;
+ * ) error "Please answer yes or no.";;
+ esac
+ done
+# Image Logic
+function imageExists() {
+ docker image list | grep "$imageName" &> /dev/null
+function buildImage() {
+ inform "Building docker image: $imageName..."
+ docker build -t dactyl-keyboard -f docker/Dockerfile .
+function promptBuildImageIfNotExists() {
+ if ! imageExists; then
+ inform "Docker image not found: $imageName"
+ confirmContinue "Would you like to build it now?"
+ buildImage
+ fi
+# image will always exist if we are here
+function handleRebuildImage() {
+ warn "Docker image already exists: $imageName"
+ confirmContinue "Would you like to overwrite it?"
+ buildImage
+function handleRemoveImage() {
+ warn "This will remove docker image: $imageName"
+ confirmContinue "Would you like to continue?"
+ inform "Removing docker image: $imageName..."
+ docker image rm $imageName
+function handleInspectImage() {
+ inform "Checking status of image: $imageName"
+ docker image inspect $imageName
+function handleImageMenu() {
+ local check="Check Image Status"
+ local build="Reuild Image"
+ local remove="Remove Image"
+ local end="Exit"
+ options=("$check" "$build" "$remove" "$end")
+ # execute in subshell so exit code doesn't exit the script
+ (menu "${options[@]}") && true
+ result="${options[$?]}"
+ case $result in
+ $check) handleInspectImage;;
+ $build) handleRebuildImage;;
+ $remove) handleRemoveImage;;
+ *) exit;;
+ esac
+# if we made it this far, image is confirmed to exist
+function handleImageCLI() {
+ if [[ ! "$flags" ]]; then
+ handleImageMenu
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--inspect).*$ ]]; then
+ handleInspectImage
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--build).*$ ]]; then
+ handleRebuildImage
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--remove|-rm).*$ ]]; then
+ handleRemoveImage
+ else
+ exitUnexpectedFlags
+ fi
+# Container Helpers
+function containerExists() {
+ docker container list -a | grep "$container" &> /dev/null
+function containerIsRunning() {
+ if ! containerExists "$container"; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ docker container inspect $container | grep '"Status": "running",' &> /dev/null
+function isShell() {
+ test $container = $shellContainer
+function promptIfShell() {
+ if isShell; then
+ promptStartShellSession
+ fi
+function buildContainerAndExecutePythonScript() {
+ docker run --name $container -d -v "$srcBind" -v "$thingsBind" $imageName python3 -i $1
+function buildContainer() {
+ inform "Building docker container: $container..."
+ case $container in
+ $shellContainer)
+ docker run --name $shellContainer -d -p 8000:8000 -it -v "$srcBind" -v "$thingsBind" $imageName
+ ;;
+ $modelContainer)
+ buildContainerAndExecutePythonScript
+ ;;
+ $configContainer)
+ buildContainerAndExecutePythonScript
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "Unexpected exception. Containier: $container"
+ exit 1;;
+ esac
+ echo
+function buildContainerIfNotExists() {
+ if ! containerExists; then
+ warn "Container not found: $container"
+ confirmContinue "Would you like to build it now?"
+ buildContainer
+ fi
+function startContainer() {
+ docker container start $container &> /dev/null
+function promptStartContainerIfNotRunning() {
+ buildContainerIfNotExists
+ if ! containerIsRunning; then
+ warn "Container is not running: $container"
+ confirmContinue "Would you like to start it now?"
+ startContainer
+ fi
+function startContainerIfNotRunning() {
+ buildContainerIfNotExists
+ if ! containerIsRunning; then
+ inform "Starting docker container: $container"
+ startContainer
+ fi
+function startContainerOrAlert() {
+ if containerIsRunning; then
+ inform "Container is already running: $shellContainer"
+ else
+ startContainerIfNotRunning
+ fi
+ if isShell; then
+ promptStartShellSession
+ fi
+function stopContainer() {
+ if containerIsRunning; then
+ inform "Stopping docker container: $container..."
+ docker container stop $container &> /dev/null
+ docker container wait $container &> /dev/null
+ fi
+function handleStopContainer() {
+ if ! containerExists; then
+ warn "Docker container does not exist: $container"
+ elif ! containerIsRunning; then
+ inform "Container is already stopped: $container"
+ else
+ stopContainer
+ fi
+function removeContainer() {
+ if containerExists; then
+ stopContainer
+ inform "Removing docker container: $container..."
+ docker container rm $container &> /dev/null
+ fi
+function inspectContainer() {
+ if ! containerExists; then
+ inform "Container \"$container\" does not exist."
+ confirmContinue "Would you like to build it?"
+ buildContainer
+ fi
+ docker container inspect $container
+function handleBuildContainer() {
+ if containerExists; then
+ warn "Container already exists: $container"
+ confirmContinue "Would you like to overwrite it?"
+ removeContainer
+ fi
+ buildContainer
+ promptIfShell
+function handleContainerMenu() {
+ local build="Rebuild $container Container"
+ local start="Start $container Container"
+ local stop="Stop $container Container"
+ local remove="Remove $container Container"
+ local inspect="Inspect $container Container"
+ local run="Start $container Session"
+ local main="Main Menu"
+ local end="Exit"
+ if ! containerExists; then
+ build="Build $container Container"
+ options=("$build" "$main" "$end")
+ elif containerIsRunning; then
+ options=("$run" "$inspect" "$build" "$stop" "$remove" "$main" "$end")
+ if ! isShell; then
+ unset options[0]
+ fi
+ else
+ options=("$inspect" "$build" "$start" "$remove" "$main" "$end")
+ fi
+ # execute in subshell so exit code doesn't exit the script
+ (menu "${options[@]}") && true
+ result="${options[$?]}"
+ case $result in
+ $build) handleBuildContainer;;
+ $start) startContainerOrAlert;;
+ $stop) handleStopContainer;;
+ $remove) removeContainer;;
+ $inspect) inspectContainer;;
+ $main) handleMainMenu;;
+ *)
+ if isShell && [[ $run = $result ]]; then
+ startShellSession
+ fi
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+function handleContainerCLI() {
+ if [[ ! "$flags" ]]; then
+ handleContainerMenu
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--inspect).*$ ]]; then
+ inspectContainer
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--build).*$ ]]; then
+ handleBuildContainer
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--run).*$ ]] && isShell; then
+ startShellSession
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--start).*$ ]]; then
+ startContainerOrAlert
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--stop).*$ ]]; then
+ handleStopContainer
+ elif [[ "$flags" =~ ^.*(--remove|-rm).*$ ]]; then
+ removeContainer
+ else
+ exitUnexpectedFlags
+ fi
+# Shell Specific Logic
+function startShellSession() {
+ promptStartContainerIfNotRunning
+ inform "Starting session in container: $shellContainer\n\n\tType \"exit\" to terminate the session."
+ docker exec -it $shellContainer /bin/bash
+function promptStartShellSession() {
+ confirmContinue "Would you like to start a shell session?"
+ startShellSession
+# Main Menu Logic
+function handleMainMenu() {
+ container=""
+ local imageOpt="Manage Docker Image"
+ local shellOpt="$shellContainer Options"
+ local configOpt="$configContainer Options"
+ local modelOpt="$modelContainer Options"
+ local end="Exit"
+ options=("$imageOpt" "$shellOpt" "$configOpt" "$modelOpt" "$end")
+ # execute in subshell so exit code doesn't exit the script
+ (menu "${options[@]}") && true
+ result="${options[$?]}"
+ case $result in
+ $imageOpt ) handleImageMenu;;
+ $shellOpt|$configOpt|$modelOpt)
+ # remove " Options" and set as currentn container
+ container=$(echo "${result/ Options/}")
+ handleContainerMenu
+ ;;
+ * ) exit;;
+ esac
+# ******************* #
+# ******************* main ******************* #
+# ******************* #
+# figure out why we're running the script
+processArgs $@
+# exit if `docker` command not available
+# make sure the base image has been built
+# main switchboard to act depending on which positionl arg was passed
+if [[ "$positional" ]]; then
+ case $positional in
+ image ) handleImageCLI;;
+ shell|config|model ) handleContainerCLI;;
+ * ) exitUnexpectedPositionalArgs;;
+ esac
+ handleMainMenu