package com.orbekk.same; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import com.orbekk.paxos.PaxosService; import com.orbekk.paxos.PaxosServiceImpl; import com.orbekk.same.config.Configuration; import com.orbekk.same.http.ServerBuilder; import com.orbekk.same.http.ServerContainer; import com.orbekk.same.http.StateServlet; public class SameController { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private ServerContainer server; private Master master; private Client client; private PaxosServiceImpl paxos; private DiscoveryService discoveryService; private BroadcasterFactory broadcasterFactory; private Configuration configuration; /** * Timeout for remote operations in milliseconds. */ private static final int timeout = 10000; public static SameController create(BroadcasterFactory broadcasterFactory, Configuration configuration) { int port = configuration.getInt("port"); ConnectionManagerImpl connections = new ConnectionManagerImpl( timeout, timeout); State state = new State("Default"); Broadcaster broadcaster = BroadcasterImpl.getDefaultBroadcastRunner(); String baseUrl = String.format("http://%s:%s/", configuration.get("localIp"), configuration.getInt("port")); String masterUrl = baseUrl + "MasterService.json"; String clientUrl = baseUrl + "ClientService.json"; Master master = Master.create( connections, broadcaster, masterUrl); Client client = new Client(state, connections, clientUrl); PaxosServiceImpl paxos = new PaxosServiceImpl(""); DiscoveryService discoveryService = null; if ("true".equals(configuration.get("enableDiscovery"))) { BroadcastListener broadcastListener = new BroadcastListener( configuration.getInt("discoveryPort")); discoveryService = new DiscoveryService(client, broadcastListener); } ServerContainer server = new ServerBuilder(port) .withServlet(new StateServlet(client.getInterface()), "/_/state") .withService(client.getService(), ClientService.class) .withService(master, MasterService.class) .withService(paxos, PaxosService.class) .build(); SameController controller = new SameController( configuration, server, master, client, paxos, discoveryService, broadcasterFactory); return controller; } public static SameController create(Configuration configuration) { return create(new DefaultBroadcasterFactory(), configuration); } public SameController( Configuration configuration, ServerContainer server, Master master, Client client, PaxosServiceImpl paxos, DiscoveryService discoveryService, BroadcasterFactory broadcasterFactory) { this.configuration = configuration; this.server = server; this.master = master; this.client = client; this.paxos = paxos; this.discoveryService = discoveryService; this.broadcasterFactory = broadcasterFactory; } public void start() throws Exception { server.start(); master.start(); client.start(); if (discoveryService != null) { discoveryService.start(); } } public void stop() { try { client.interrupt(); master.interrupt(); server.stop(); if (discoveryService != null) { discoveryService.interrupt(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to stop webserver", e); } } public void join() { try { server.join(); master.join(); if (discoveryService != null) { discoveryService.join(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { master.interrupt(); try { server.stop(); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("Failed to stop server", e); } } } public void searchNetworks() { BroadcasterInterface broadcaster = broadcasterFactory.create(); String message = "Discover " + client.getUrl(); broadcaster.sendBroadcast(configuration.getInt("discoveryPort"), message.getBytes()); } public void joinNetwork(String url) { client.joinNetwork(url); } public Client getClient() { return client; } public Master getMaster() { return master; } }