package com.orbekk.same; import static com.orbekk.same.StackTraceUtil.throwableToString; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.orbekk.paxos.MasterProposer; import com.orbekk.same.State.Component; import com.orbekk.util.DelayedOperation; import com.orbekk.util.WorkQueue; public class Client { public static long MASTER_TAKEOVER_TIMEOUT = 4000l; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); /** TODO: Not really useful yet. Remove? */ private ConnectionState connectionState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; private ConnectionManager connections; State state; private String myUrl; String masterUrl; private int masterId = 0; private MasterController masterController = null; private Broadcaster broadcaster; private Future currentMasterProposal = null; private List stateListeners = new ArrayList(); private NetworkNotificationListener networkListener; public class ClientInterfaceImpl implements ClientInterface { private ClientInterfaceImpl() { } /** Get a copy of all the client state. */ @Override public State getState() { return new State(state); } // TODO: Do this asynchronously? Currently this is already achieved // on Android, which makes the Java and Android versions different. @Override public DelayedOperation set(Component component) { DelayedOperation op = new DelayedOperation(); if (connectionState != ConnectionState.STABLE) { op.complete(DelayedOperation.Status.createError( "Not connected to master: " + connectionState)); return op; } MasterService master = connections.getMaster(masterUrl); try { boolean success = master.updateStateRequest( component.getName(), component.getData(), component.getRevision()); if (success) { op.complete(DelayedOperation.Status.createOk()); } else { op.complete(DelayedOperation.Status .createConflict("Conflict from master")); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to contact master. Update fails.", e); String e_ = throwableToString(e); op.complete(DelayedOperation.Status.createError( "Error contacting master. Update fails: " + e_)); startMasterElection(); } return op; } @Override public void addStateListener(StateChangedListener listener) { stateListeners.add(listener); } @Override public void removeStateListener(StateChangedListener listener) { stateListeners.remove(listener); } @Override public ConnectionState getConnectionState() { return Client.this.getConnectionState(); } } private ClientInterface clientInterface = new ClientInterfaceImpl(); private ClientService serviceImpl = new ClientService() { @Override public void setState(String component, String data, long revision) throws Exception { boolean status = state.update(component, data, revision); if (status) { for (StateChangedListener listener : stateListeners) { listener.stateChanged(state.getComponent(component)); } } else { logger.warn("Ignoring update: {) => {}", state.getComponent(component), new State.Component(component, revision, data)); } } @Override public void notifyNetwork(String networkName, String masterUrl) throws Exception {"NotifyNetwork(networkName={}, masterUrl={})", networkName, masterUrl); if (networkListener != null) { networkListener.notifyNetwork(networkName, masterUrl); } } @Override public synchronized void masterTakeover(String masterUrl, String networkName, int masterId) throws Exception {"MasterTakeover({}, {}, {})", new Object[]{masterUrl, networkName, masterId}); if (masterId <= Client.this.masterId) { logger.warn("{}:{} tried to take over, but current master is " + "{}:{}. Ignoring", new Object[]{masterUrl, masterId, state.getDataOf(".masterUrl"), Client.this.masterId}); return; } abortMasterElection(); Client.this.masterUrl = masterUrl; Client.this.masterId = masterId; connectionState = ConnectionState.STABLE; } @Override public void masterDown(int masterId) throws Exception { if (masterId < Client.this.masterId) {"Master {} is down, but current master is {}. Ignoring.", masterId, Client.this.masterId); return; } logger.warn("Master down."); connectionState = ConnectionState.UNSTABLE; tryBecomeMaster(masterId); } }; public Client(State state, ConnectionManager connections, String myUrl, Broadcaster broadcaster) { this.state = state; this.connections = connections; this.myUrl = myUrl; this.broadcaster = broadcaster; } public void start() { } public void interrupt() { connectionState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; } void performWork() { } public String getUrl() { return myUrl; } public ConnectionState getConnectionState() { return connectionState; } public void setMasterController(MasterController masterController) { this.masterController = masterController; } private synchronized void reset() { state.clear(); masterId = 0; } public void joinNetwork(String masterUrl) {"joinNetwork({})", masterUrl); connectionState = ConnectionState.UNSTABLE; MasterService master = connections.getMaster(masterUrl); reset(); try { master.joinNetworkRequest(myUrl); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to connect to master.", e); } } public ClientInterface getInterface() { return clientInterface; } public State.Component getState(String name) { return state.getComponent(name); } State testGetState() { return state; } public void setNetworkListener(NetworkNotificationListener listener) { this.networkListener = listener; } public ClientService getService() { return serviceImpl; } private List getPaxosUrlsNoMaster() { List paxosUrls = new ArrayList(); for (String participant : state.getList(".participants")) { String masterPaxos = state.getDataOf(".masterUrl") .replace("MasterService", "PaxosService"); String paxos = participant.replace("ClientService", "PaxosService"); if (!paxos.equals(masterPaxos)) { paxosUrls.add(participant.replace("ClientService", "PaxosService")); } }"Paxos urls: {}", paxosUrls); return paxosUrls; } private void tryBecomeMaster(int failedMasterId) { List paxosUrls = getPaxosUrlsNoMaster(); MasterProposer proposer = new MasterProposer(getUrl(), paxosUrls, connections); if (masterController == null) { logger.warn("Could not become master: No master controller."); return; } Runnable sleeperTask = new Runnable() { @Override public synchronized void run() { try { wait(MASTER_TAKEOVER_TIMEOUT); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }; synchronized (this) { if (failedMasterId < masterId) {"Master election aborted. Master already chosen."); return; } currentMasterProposal = proposer.startProposalTask(masterId + 1, sleeperTask); } Integer result = null; try { result = currentMasterProposal.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } catch (ExecutionException e) { } catch (CancellationException e) { } if (!currentMasterProposal.isCancelled() && result != null) { masterController.enableMaster(new State(state), result); } } private synchronized void abortMasterElection() { if (currentMasterProposal != null && !currentMasterProposal.isDone()) { boolean status = currentMasterProposal.cancel(true);"Abort status: {}", status); } } private int getMasterIdEstimate() { return masterId; } public void startMasterElection() { List participants = state.getList(".participants"); final int masterId = getMasterIdEstimate(); broadcaster.broadcast(participants, new ServiceOperation() { @Override public void run(String url) { ClientService client = connections.getClient(url); try { client.masterDown(masterId); } catch (Exception e) {"{}.masterDown() did not respond (ignored): " + url, e); } } }); } }