# Distributed Shared Objects for Android A platform that provides shared objects for ad-hoc networks of Android devices. ## Goal Fault-tolerant, distributed, fast synchronization of application state across several Android phones. A suitable library for programmers to interact with the system. ## Feature list An incomplete list of implemented and planned features. * Fault-tolerance with automatic master selection. (Planned) * Network discovery with directory service. (Planned) * Ability to share variables with other peers. (Implemented, 0.1) * Network discovery with UDP broadcast. (Implemented, 0.1) ## Example With Same you can share variables easily, like so: // First: Some setup to get all your devices connected to the same network. // Then, in your Activity: ClientInterfaceBridge client = new ClientInterfaceBridge(this); client.connect(); try { // A VariableFactory is used to create distributed objects. VariableFactory variableFactory = client.createVariableFactory(); Variable myVariable = variableFactory.createString("MyVariable"); // Set the variable. myVariable.set("Hello, Same!"); // Run update() to get the most recent version. myVariable.update(); // Get the current value. Log.i("The current value is: " + myVariable.get()); } finally { // Always remember to disconnect. client.disconnect(); } ## Release log Pre-1.0: A release is a milestone in the project. Whenever the system seems to be working fairly well, a commit is tagged as the release version. ### 0.2 * Tag: 0.2-new-main-screen * Many Android related bugs were fixed. App is generally stable. * More sophisticated state handling in the demo Activities. * Benchmark activity shows reasonable performance on Galaxy S. * README file that makes sense. ### 0.1 * Tag: working-graphics-0.1 * An interactive graphics demo with several participants. * Web management on http://ip:port/_/state