#ifndef NQN_KEYS_ON_QUERTZ_DE_LATIN1_H #define NQN_KEYS_ON_QUERTZ_DE_LATIN1_H /* This file defines the desierd NQN keys if you use a software (operating sysetm) configured for a QUERTZ layout (de-latin1). These chars can be created by using ALTGR on linux and a few of them on windows with a German de-latin1 layout (depending on desktop environment and/or application). ′¹²³¼½¬{[]}\¸ @ł€¶ŧ←↓→øþ¨~ æſðđŋħ̣ĸł˝^’ |»«¢„“”µ·…– Additionally, there are some common chars that we dit not yet define: § */ #include "nqn-common.h" // NQN key definitions in no particular order #define N_LT KC_NONUS_BACKSLASH #define N_HS KC_NONUS_HASH #define N_DOTS RALT(KC_DOT) // … #define N_USC LSFT(KC_SLASH) // _ #define N_LSQBR RALT(KC_8) // [ #define N_RSQBR RALT(KC_9) // ] #define N_CIRC KC_GRAVE // ^ #define N_EXKL LSFT(KC_1) // ! #define N_GT LSFT(KC_NONUS_BACKSLASH) // > #define N_EQ LSFT(KC_0) // = #define N_AMP LSFT(KC_6) // & #define N_BSLS RALT(KC_MINS) // \ backslash #define N_SLSH LSFT(KC_7) // / #define N_LCUBR RALT(KC_7) // { #define N_RCUBR RALT(KC_0) // } #define N_ASTR LSFT(KC_RBRC) // * #define N_QUES LSFT(KC_MINS) // ? #define N_LPARN LSFT(KC_8) // ( #define N_RPARN LSFT(KC_9) // ) #define N_MINS KC_SLASH // - #define N_COLN LSFT(KC_DOT) // : #define N_HASH KC_BSLASH // # #define N_DLR LSFT(KC_4) // $ #define N_PIPE RALT(KC_NONUS_BACKSLASH) // | #define N_TILD RALT(KC_RBRC) // ~ #define N_GRAVE LSFT(KC_EQUAL) // ` #define N_PLUS KC_RBRC // + #define N_PERC LSFT(KC_5) // % #define N_QUOT LSFT(KC_2) // " #define N_SING LSFT(KC_BSLASH) // ' #define N_SEMI LSFT(KC_COMM) // ; #define N_EURO RALT(KC_E) // € #define N_AT RALT(KC_Q) // @ #define N_Z KC_Y #define N_Y KC_Z #define N_AE KC_QUOTE // ä #define N_OE KC_SCOLON // ö #define N_UE KC_LBRC // ü #define N_MU RALT(KC_M) // µ #define N_SS KC_MINS // ß #define N_DEGRE LSFT(KC_GRAVE) // ° #define N_PASTE LCTL(KC_V) // CTRL+V #define N_COPY LCTL(KC_C) // CTRL+C #define N_CUT LCTL(KC_X) // CTRL+X #define N_UNDO LCTL(N_Z) // CTRL+Z #endif