# Copyright 2021-2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Python program to make autocorrection_data.h. This program reads "autocorrection_dict.txt" and generates a C source file "autocorrection_data.h" with a serialized trie embedded as an array. Run this program without arguments like $ python3 make_autocorrection_data.py Or to read from a different typo dict file, pass it as the first argument like $ python3 make_autocorrection_data.py dict.txt Each line of the dict file defines one typo and its correction with the syntax "typo -> correction". Blank lines or lines starting with '#' are ignored. Example: :thier -> their dosen't -> doesn't fitler -> filter lenght -> length ouput -> output widht -> width See autocorrection_dict_extra.txt for a larger example. For full documentation, see https://getreuer.info/posts/keyboards/autocorrection """ import sys import textwrap from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple try: from english_words import english_words_lower_alpha_set as CORRECT_WORDS except ImportError: print('Autocorrection will falsely trigger when a typo is a substring of a ' 'correctly spelled word. To check for this, install the english_words ' 'package and rerun this script:\n\n pip install english_words\n') # Use a minimal word list as a fallback. CORRECT_WORDS = ('apparent', 'association', 'available', 'classification', 'effect', 'entertainment', 'fantastic', 'information', 'integrate', 'international', 'language', 'loosest', 'manual', 'nothing', 'provides', 'reference', 'statehood', 'technology', 'virtually', 'wealthier', 'wonderful') KC_A = 4 KC_SPC = 0x2c KC_QUOT = 0x34 TYPO_CHARS = dict( [ ("'", KC_QUOT), (':', KC_SPC), # "Word break" character. ] + # Characters a-z. [(chr(c), c + KC_A - ord('a')) for c in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1)] ) def parse_file(file_name: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Parses autocorrections dictionary file. Each line of the file defines one typo and its correction with the syntax "typo -> correction". Blank lines or lines starting with '#' are ignored. The function validates that typos only have characters in TYPO_CHARS, that typos are not substrings of other typos, and checking that typos don't trigger on CORRECT_WORDS. Args: file_name: String, path of the autocorrections dictionary. Returns: List of (typo, correction) tuples. """ autocorrections = [] typos = set() for line_number, typo, correction in parse_file_lines(file_name): if typo in typos: print(f'Warning:{line_number}: Ignoring duplicate typo: "{typo}"') continue # Check that `typo` is valid. if not(all([c in TYPO_CHARS for c in typo])): print(f'Error:{line_number}: Typo "{typo}" has ' 'characters other than ' + ''.join(TYPO_CHARS.keys())) sys.exit(1) for other_typo in typos: if typo in other_typo or other_typo in typo: print(f'Error:{line_number}: Typos may not be substrings of one ' f'another, otherwise the longer typo would never trigger: ' f'"{typo}" vs. "{other_typo}".') sys.exit(1) if len(typo) < 5: print(f'Warning:{line_number}: It is suggested that typos are at ' f'least 5 characters long to avoid false triggers: "{typo}"') check_typo_against_dictionary(line_number, typo) autocorrections.append((typo, correction)) typos.add(typo) return autocorrections def make_trie(autocorrections: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Makes a trie from the the typos, writing in reverse. Args: autocorrections: List of (typo, correction) tuples. Returns: Dict of dict, representing the trie. """ trie = {} for typo, correction in autocorrections: node = trie for letter in typo[::-1]: node = node.setdefault(letter, {}) node['LEAF'] = (typo, correction) return trie def parse_file_lines(file_name: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, str, str]]: """Parses lines read from `file_name` into typo-correction pairs.""" line_number = 0 for line in open(file_name, 'rt'): line_number += 1 line = line.strip() if line and line[0] != '#': # Parse syntax "typo -> correction", using strip to ignore indenting. tokens = [token.strip() for token in line.split('->', 1)] if len(tokens) != 2 or not tokens[0]: print(f'Error:{line_number}: Invalid syntax: "{line}"') sys.exit(1) typo, correction = tokens typo = typo.lower() # Force typos to lowercase. typo = typo.replace(' ', ':') yield line_number, typo, correction def check_typo_against_dictionary(line_number: int, typo: str) -> None: """Checks `typo` against English dictionary words.""" if typo.startswith(':') and typo.endswith(':'): if typo[1:-1] in CORRECT_WORDS: print(f'Warning:{line_number}: Typo "{typo}" is a correctly spelled ' 'dictionary word.') elif typo.startswith(':') and not typo.endswith(':'): for word in CORRECT_WORDS: if word.startswith(typo[1:]): print(f'Warning:{line_number}: Typo "{typo}" would falsely trigger ' f'on correctly spelled word "{word}".') elif not typo.startswith(':') and typo.endswith(':'): for word in CORRECT_WORDS: if word.endswith(typo[:-1]): print(f'Warning:{line_number}: Typo "{typo}" would falsely trigger ' f'on correctly spelled word "{word}".') elif not typo.startswith(':') and not typo.endswith(':'): for word in CORRECT_WORDS: if typo in word: print(f'Warning:{line_number}: Typo "{typo}" would falsely trigger ' f'on correctly spelled word "{word}".') def serialize_trie(autocorrections: List[Tuple[str, str]], trie: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[int]: """Serializes trie and correction data in a form readable by the C code. Args: autocorrections: List of (typo, correction) tuples. trie: Dict of dicts. Returns: List of ints in the range 0-255. """ table = [] # Traverse trie in depth first order. def traverse(trie_node: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if 'LEAF' in trie_node: # Handle a leaf trie node. typo, correction = trie_node['LEAF'] word_boundary_ending = typo[-1] == ':' typo = typo.strip(':') i = 0 # Make the autocorrection data for this entry and serialize it. while i < min(len(typo), len(correction)) and typo[i] == correction[i]: i += 1 backspaces = len(typo) - i - 1 + word_boundary_ending assert 0 <= backspaces <= 63 correction = correction[i:] data = [backspaces + 128] + list(bytes(correction, 'ascii')) + [0] entry = {'data': data, 'links': [], 'byte_offset': 0} table.append(entry) elif len(trie_node) == 1: # Handle trie node with a single child. c, trie_node = next(iter(trie_node.items())) entry = {'chars': c, 'byte_offset': 0} # It's common for a trie to have long chains of single-child nodes. We # find the whole chain so that we can serialize it more efficiently. while len(trie_node) == 1 and 'LEAF' not in trie_node: c, trie_node = next(iter(trie_node.items())) entry['chars'] += c table.append(entry) entry['links'] = [traverse(trie_node)] else: # Handle trie node with multiple children. entry = {'chars': ''.join(sorted(trie_node.keys())), 'byte_offset': 0} table.append(entry) entry['links'] = [traverse(trie_node[c]) for c in entry['chars']] return entry traverse(trie) def serialize(e: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[int]: if not e['links']: # Handle a leaf table entry. return e['data'] elif len(e['links']) == 1: # Handle a chain table entry. return [TYPO_CHARS[c] for c in e['chars']] + [0] else: # Handle a branch table entry. data = [] for c, link in zip(e['chars'], e['links']): data += [TYPO_CHARS[c] | (0 if data else 64)] + encode_link(link) return data + [0] byte_offset = 0 for e in table: # To encode links, first compute byte offset of each entry. e['byte_offset'] = byte_offset byte_offset += len(serialize(e)) return [b for e in table for b in serialize(e)] # Serialize final table. def encode_link(link: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[int]: """Encodes a node link as two bytes.""" byte_offset = link['byte_offset'] if not (0 <= byte_offset <= 0xffff): print('Error: The autocorrection table is too large, a node link exceeds ' '64KB limit. Try reducing the autocorrection dict to fewer entries.') sys.exit(1) return [byte_offset & 255, byte_offset >> 8] def write_generated_code(autocorrections: List[Tuple[str, str]], data: List[int], file_name: str) -> None: """Writes autocorrection data as generated C code to `file_name`. Args: autocorrections: List of (typo, correction) tuples. data: List of ints in 0-255, the serialized trie. file_name: String, path of the output C file. """ assert all(0 <= b <= 255 for b in data) def typo_len(e: Tuple[str, str]) -> int: return len(e[0]) min_typo = min(autocorrections, key=typo_len)[0] max_typo = max(autocorrections, key=typo_len)[0] generated_code = ''.join([ '// Generated code.\n\n', f'// Autocorrection dictionary ({len(autocorrections)} entries):\n', ''.join(sorted(f'// {typo:<{len(max_typo)}} -> {correction}\n' for typo, correction in autocorrections)), f'\n#define AUTOCORRECTION_MIN_LENGTH {len(min_typo)} // "{min_typo}"\n', f'#define AUTOCORRECTION_MAX_LENGTH {len(max_typo)} // "{max_typo}"\n\n', textwrap.fill('static const uint8_t autocorrection_data[%d] PROGMEM = {%s};' % ( len(data), ', '.join(map(str, data))), width=80, subsequent_indent=' '), '\n\n']) with open(file_name, 'wt') as f: f.write(generated_code) def main(argv): dict_file = argv[1] if len(argv) > 1 else 'autocorrection_dict.txt' autocorrections = parse_file(dict_file) trie = make_trie(autocorrections) data = serialize_trie(autocorrections, trie) print(f'Processed %d autocorrection entries to table with %d bytes.' % (len(autocorrections), len(data))) write_generated_code(autocorrections, data, 'autocorrection_data.h') if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)