"""Class that pretty-prints QMK info.json files. """ import json from decimal import Decimal newline = '\n' class QMKJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Base class for all QMK JSON encoders. """ container_types = (list, tuple, dict) indentation_char = " " def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.indentation_level = 0 if not self.indent: self.indent = 4 def encode_decimal(self, obj): """Encode a decimal object. """ if obj == int(obj): # I can't believe Decimal objects don't have .is_integer() return int(obj) return float(obj) def encode_dict_single_line(self, obj): return "{" + ", ".join(f"{self.encode(key)}: {self.encode(element)}" for key, element in sorted(obj.items(), key=self.sort_layout)) + "}" def encode_list(self, obj, key=None): """Encode a list-like object. """ if self.primitives_only(obj): return "[" + ", ".join(self.encode(element) for element in obj) + "]" else: self.indentation_level += 1 if key in ('layout', 'rotary'): # These are part of a layout or led/encoder config, put them on a single line. output = [self.indent_str + self.encode_dict_single_line(element) for element in obj] else: output = [self.indent_str + self.encode(element) for element in obj] self.indentation_level -= 1 return "[\n" + ",\n".join(output) + "\n" + self.indent_str + "]" def encode(self, obj, key=None): """Encode keymap.json objects for QMK. """ if isinstance(obj, Decimal): return self.encode_decimal(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return self.encode_list(obj, key) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return self.encode_dict(obj, key) else: return super().encode(obj) def primitives_only(self, obj): """Returns true if the object doesn't have any container type objects (list, tuple, dict). """ if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = obj.values() return not any(isinstance(element, self.container_types) for element in obj) @property def indent_str(self): return self.indentation_char * (self.indentation_level * self.indent) class InfoJSONEncoder(QMKJSONEncoder): """Custom encoder to make info.json's a little nicer to work with. """ def encode_dict(self, obj, key): """Encode info.json dictionaries. """ if obj: self.indentation_level += 1 output = [self.indent_str + f"{json.dumps(k)}: {self.encode(v, k)}" for k, v in sorted(obj.items(), key=self.sort_dict)] self.indentation_level -= 1 return "{\n" + ",\n".join(output) + "\n" + self.indent_str + "}" else: return "{}" def sort_layout(self, key): key = key[0] if key == 'label': return '00label' elif key == 'matrix': return '01matrix' elif key == 'x': return '02x' elif key == 'y': return '03y' elif key == 'w': return '04w' elif key == 'h': return '05h' elif key == 'flags': return '06flags' return key def sort_dict(self, key): """Forces layout to the back of the sort order. """ key = key[0] if self.indentation_level == 1: if key == 'manufacturer': return '10keyboard_name' elif key == 'keyboard_name': return '11keyboard_name' elif key == 'maintainer': return '12maintainer' elif key == 'community_layouts': return '97community_layouts' elif key == 'layout_aliases': return '98layout_aliases' elif key == 'layouts': return '99layouts' else: return '50' + str(key) return key class KeymapJSONEncoder(QMKJSONEncoder): """Custom encoder to make keymap.json's a little nicer to work with. """ def encode_dict(self, obj, key): """Encode dictionary objects for keymap.json. """ if obj: self.indentation_level += 1 output = [self.indent_str + f"{json.dumps(k)}: {self.encode(v, k)}" for k, v in sorted(obj.items(), key=self.sort_dict)] self.indentation_level -= 1 return "{\n" + ",\n".join(output) + "\n" + self.indent_str + "}" else: return "{}" def encode_list(self, obj, k=None): """Encode a list-like object. """ if self.indentation_level == 2: indent_level = self.indentation_level + 1 # We have a list of keycodes layer = [[]] for key in obj: if key == 'JSON_NEWLINE': layer.append([]) else: if isinstance(key, dict): # We have a macro # TODO: Add proper support for nicely formatting keymap.json macros layer[-1].append(f'{self.encode(key)}') else: layer[-1].append(f'"{key}"') layer = [f"{self.indent_str*indent_level}{', '.join(row)}" for row in layer] return f"{self.indent_str}[\n{newline.join(layer)}\n{self.indent_str*self.indentation_level}]" elif self.primitives_only(obj): return "[" + ", ".join(self.encode(element) for element in obj) + "]" else: self.indentation_level += 1 output = [self.indent_str + self.encode(element) for element in obj] self.indentation_level -= 1 return "[\n" + ",\n".join(output) + "\n" + self.indent_str + "]" def sort_dict(self, key): """Sorts the hashes in a nice way. """ key = key[0] if self.indentation_level == 1: if key == 'version': return '00version' elif key == 'author': return '01author' elif key == 'notes': return '02notes' elif key == 'layers': return '98layers' elif key == 'documentation': return '99documentation' else: return '50' + str(key) return key