"""Helper functions for commands. """ import json import os import platform import subprocess import shlex import shutil from pathlib import Path from time import strftime from milc import cli import qmk.keymap from qmk.constants import KEYBOARD_OUTPUT_PREFIX time_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S' def _find_make(): """Returns the correct make command for this environment. """ make_cmd = os.environ.get('MAKE') if not make_cmd: make_cmd = 'gmake' if shutil.which('gmake') else 'make' return make_cmd def create_make_command(keyboard, keymap, target=None, parallel=1, **env_vars): """Create a make compile command Args: keyboard The path of the keyboard, for example 'plank' keymap The name of the keymap, for example 'algernon' target Usually a bootloader. parallel The number of make jobs to run in parallel **env_vars Environment variables to be passed to make. Returns: A command that can be run to make the specified keyboard and keymap """ env = [] make_args = [keyboard, keymap] make_cmd = _find_make() if target: make_args.append(target) for key, value in env_vars.items(): env.append(f'{key}={value}') return [make_cmd, '-j', str(parallel), *env, ':'.join(make_args)] def get_git_version(repo_dir='.', check_dir='.'): """Returns the current git version for a repo, or the current time. """ git_describe_cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=6', '--dirty', '--always', '--tags'] if Path(check_dir).exists(): git_describe = cli.run(git_describe_cmd, cwd=repo_dir) if git_describe.returncode == 0: return git_describe.stdout.strip() else: cli.log.warn(f'"{" ".join(git_describe_cmd)}" returned error code {git_describe.returncode}') print(git_describe.stderr) return strftime(time_fmt) return strftime(time_fmt) def write_version_h(git_version, build_date, chibios_version, chibios_contrib_version): """Generate and write quantum/version.h """ version_h = [ f'#define QMK_VERSION "{git_version}"', f'#define QMK_BUILDDATE "{build_date}"', f'#define CHIBIOS_VERSION "{chibios_version}"', f'#define CHIBIOS_CONTRIB_VERSION "{chibios_contrib_version}"', ] version_h_file = Path('quantum/version.h') version_h_file.write_text('\n'.join(version_h)) def compile_configurator_json(user_keymap, bootloader=None, parallel=1, **env_vars): """Convert a configurator export JSON file into a C file and then compile it. Args: user_keymap A deserialized keymap export bootloader A bootloader to flash parallel The number of make jobs to run in parallel Returns: A command to run to compile and flash the C file. """ # Write the keymap.c file keyboard_filesafe = user_keymap['keyboard'].replace('/', '_') target = f'{keyboard_filesafe}_{user_keymap["keymap"]}' keyboard_output = Path(f'{KEYBOARD_OUTPUT_PREFIX}{keyboard_filesafe}') keymap_output = Path(f'{keyboard_output}_{user_keymap["keymap"]}') c_text = qmk.keymap.generate_c(user_keymap['keyboard'], user_keymap['layout'], user_keymap['layers']) keymap_dir = keymap_output / 'src' keymap_c = keymap_dir / 'keymap.c' keymap_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) keymap_c.write_text(c_text) # Write the version.h file git_version = get_git_version() build_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') chibios_version = get_git_version("lib/chibios", "lib/chibios/os") chibios_contrib_version = get_git_version("lib/chibios-contrib", "lib/chibios-contrib/os") write_version_h(git_version, build_date, chibios_version, chibios_contrib_version) # Return a command that can be run to make the keymap and flash if given verbose = 'true' if cli.config.general.verbose else 'false' color = 'true' if cli.config.general.color else 'false' make_command = [_find_make()] if not cli.config.general.verbose: make_command.append('-s') make_command.extend([ '-j', str(parallel), '-r', '-R', '-f', 'build_keyboard.mk', ]) if bootloader: make_command.append(bootloader) for key, value in env_vars.items(): make_command.append(f'{key}={value}') make_command.extend([ f'GIT_VERSION={git_version}', f'BUILD_DATE={build_date}', f'CHIBIOS_VERSION={chibios_version}', f'CHIBIOS_CONTRIB_VERSION={chibios_contrib_version}', f'KEYBOARD={user_keymap["keyboard"]}', f'KEYMAP={user_keymap["keymap"]}', f'KEYBOARD_FILESAFE={keyboard_filesafe}', f'TARGET={target}', f'KEYBOARD_OUTPUT={keyboard_output}', f'KEYMAP_OUTPUT={keymap_output}', f'MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_1={keymap_output}', f'MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_2={keymap_output}', f'MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_3={keymap_output}', f'MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_4={keymap_output}', f'MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_5={keymap_output}', f'KEYMAP_C={keymap_c}', f'KEYMAP_PATH={keymap_dir}', f'VERBOSE={verbose}', f'COLOR={color}', 'SILENT=false', ]) return make_command def parse_configurator_json(configurator_file): """Open and parse a configurator json export """ # FIXME(skullydazed/anyone): Add validation here user_keymap = json.load(configurator_file) return user_keymap def run(command, *args, **kwargs): """Run a command with subprocess.run """ platform_id = platform.platform().lower() if isinstance(command, str): raise TypeError('`command` must be a non-text sequence such as list or tuple.') if 'windows' in platform_id: safecmd = map(str, command) safecmd = map(shlex.quote, safecmd) safecmd = ' '.join(safecmd) command = [os.environ['SHELL'], '-c', safecmd] return subprocess.run(command, *args, **kwargs)