"""Used by the make system to generate info_config.h from info.json. """ from milc import cli from qmk.constants import LED_INDICATORS from qmk.decorators import automagic_keyboard, automagic_keymap from qmk.info import info_json, rgblight_animations, rgblight_properties, rgblight_toggles from qmk.path import is_keyboard, normpath usb_prop_map = { 'vid': 'VENDOR_ID', 'pid': 'PRODUCT_ID', 'device_ver': 'DEVICE_VER', } def debounce(debounce): """Return the config.h lines that set debounce """ return """ #ifndef DEBOUNCE # define DEBOUNCE %s #endif // DEBOUNCE """ % debounce def diode_direction(diode_direction): """Return the config.h lines that set diode direction """ return """ #ifndef DIODE_DIRECTION # define DIODE_DIRECTION %s #endif // DIODE_DIRECTION """ % diode_direction def keyboard_name(keyboard_name): """Return the config.h lines that set the keyboard's name. """ return """ #ifndef DESCRIPTION # define DESCRIPTION %s #endif // DESCRIPTION #ifndef PRODUCT # define PRODUCT %s #endif // PRODUCT """ % (keyboard_name, keyboard_name) def manufacturer(manufacturer): """Return the config.h lines that set the manufacturer. """ return """ #ifndef MANUFACTURER # define MANUFACTURER %s #endif // MANUFACTURER """ % (manufacturer) def direct_pins(direct_pins): """Return the config.h lines that set the direct pins. """ rows = [] for row in direct_pins: cols = ','.join([col or 'NO_PIN' for col in row]) rows.append('{' + cols + '}') col_count = len(direct_pins[0]) row_count = len(direct_pins) return """ #ifndef MATRIX_COLS # define MATRIX_COLS %s #endif // MATRIX_COLS #ifndef MATRIX_ROWS # define MATRIX_ROWS %s #endif // MATRIX_ROWS #ifndef DIRECT_PINS # define DIRECT_PINS {%s} #endif // DIRECT_PINS """ % (col_count, row_count, ','.join(rows)) def col_pins(col_pins): """Return the config.h lines that set the column pins. """ cols = ','.join(col_pins) col_num = len(col_pins) return """ #ifndef MATRIX_COLS # define MATRIX_COLS %s #endif // MATRIX_COLS #ifndef MATRIX_COL_PINS # define MATRIX_COL_PINS {%s} #endif // MATRIX_COL_PINS """ % (col_num, cols) def row_pins(row_pins): """Return the config.h lines that set the row pins. """ rows = ','.join(row_pins) row_num = len(row_pins) return """ #ifndef MATRIX_ROWS # define MATRIX_ROWS %s #endif // MATRIX_ROWS #ifndef MATRIX_ROW_PINS # define MATRIX_ROW_PINS {%s} #endif // MATRIX_ROW_PINS """ % (row_num, rows) def indicators(config): """Return the config.h lines that setup LED indicators. """ defines = [] for led, define in LED_INDICATORS.items(): if led in config: defines.append('') defines.append('#ifndef %s' % (define,)) defines.append('# define %s %s' % (define, config[led])) defines.append('#endif // %s' % (define,)) return '\n'.join(defines) def layout_aliases(layout_aliases): """Return the config.h lines that setup layout aliases. """ defines = [] for alias, layout in layout_aliases.items(): defines.append('') defines.append('#ifndef %s' % (alias,)) defines.append('# define %s %s' % (alias, layout)) defines.append('#endif // %s' % (alias,)) return '\n'.join(defines) def matrix_pins(matrix_pins): """Add the matrix config to the config.h. """ pins = [] if 'direct' in matrix_pins: pins.append(direct_pins(matrix_pins['direct'])) if 'cols' in matrix_pins: pins.append(col_pins(matrix_pins['cols'])) if 'rows' in matrix_pins: pins.append(row_pins(matrix_pins['rows'])) return '\n'.join(pins) def rgblight(config): """Return the config.h lines that setup rgblight. """ rgblight_config = [] for json_key, config_key in rgblight_properties.items(): if json_key in config: rgblight_config.append('') rgblight_config.append('#ifndef %s' % (config_key,)) rgblight_config.append('# define %s %s' % (config_key, config[json_key])) rgblight_config.append('#endif // %s' % (config_key,)) for json_key, config_key in rgblight_toggles.items(): if config.get(json_key): rgblight_config.append('') rgblight_config.append('#ifndef %s' % (config_key,)) rgblight_config.append('# define %s' % (config_key,)) rgblight_config.append('#endif // %s' % (config_key,)) for json_key, config_key in rgblight_animations.items(): if 'animations' in config and config['animations'].get(json_key): rgblight_config.append('') rgblight_config.append('#ifndef %s' % (config_key,)) rgblight_config.append('# define %s' % (config_key,)) rgblight_config.append('#endif // %s' % (config_key,)) return '\n'.join(rgblight_config) def usb_properties(usb_props): """Return the config.h lines that setup USB params. """ usb_lines = [] for info_name, config_name in usb_prop_map.items(): if info_name in usb_props: usb_lines.append('') usb_lines.append('#ifndef ' + config_name) usb_lines.append('# define %s %s' % (config_name, usb_props[info_name])) usb_lines.append('#endif // ' + config_name) return '\n'.join(usb_lines) @cli.argument('-o', '--output', arg_only=True, type=normpath, help='File to write to') @cli.argument('-q', '--quiet', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help="Quiet mode, only output error messages") @cli.argument('-kb', '--keyboard', help='Keyboard to generate config.h for.') @cli.subcommand('Used by the make system to generate info_config.h from info.json', hidden=True) @automagic_keyboard @automagic_keymap def generate_config_h(cli): """Generates the info_config.h file. """ # Determine our keyboard(s) if not cli.config.generate_config_h.keyboard: cli.log.error('Missing paramater: --keyboard') cli.subcommands['info'].print_help() return False if not is_keyboard(cli.config.generate_config_h.keyboard): cli.log.error('Invalid keyboard: "%s"', cli.config.generate_config_h.keyboard) return False # Build the info.json file kb_info_json = info_json(cli.config.generate_config_h.keyboard) # Build the info_config.h file. config_h_lines = ['/* This file was generated by `qmk generate-config-h`. Do not edit or copy.' ' */', '', '#pragma once'] if 'debounce' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(debounce(kb_info_json['debounce'])) if 'diode_direction' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(diode_direction(kb_info_json['diode_direction'])) if 'indicators' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(indicators(kb_info_json['indicators'])) if 'keyboard_name' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(keyboard_name(kb_info_json['keyboard_name'])) if 'layout_aliases' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(layout_aliases(kb_info_json['layout_aliases'])) if 'manufacturer' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(manufacturer(kb_info_json['manufacturer'])) if 'rgblight' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(rgblight(kb_info_json['rgblight'])) if 'matrix_pins' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(matrix_pins(kb_info_json['matrix_pins'])) if 'usb' in kb_info_json: config_h_lines.append(usb_properties(kb_info_json['usb'])) # Show the results config_h = '\n'.join(config_h_lines) if cli.args.output: cli.args.output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if cli.args.output.exists(): cli.args.output.replace(cli.args.output.name + '.bak') cli.args.output.write_text(config_h) if not cli.args.quiet: cli.log.info('Wrote info_config.h to %s.', cli.args.output) else: print(config_h)