#include "quantum.h" #if defined(__AVR__) # include # include #endif #define ROWS_PER_HAND (MATRIX_ROWS / 2) #define SLAVE_MATRIX_SYNC_ADDR (0x01) typedef struct { char* buffer; size_t count; bool* flag; } transmit_status; transmit_status irx = {}, itx = {}; // Buffer for master/slave matrix scan transmit. // Master: receive buffer. // Slave: transmit buffer. matrix_row_t sync_matrix[ROWS_PER_HAND]; bool matrix_synced = false; void USART_init(uint16_t baud) { cli(); // UBRR1H = (unsigned char)(baud >>8); // UBRR1L = (unsigned char)(baud); UBRR1 = baud; // Enable U2X1 for double speed. UCSR1A = (1 << U2X1); // Enable RX/TX, 9N1 mode UCSR1B = (1 << RXEN1) | (1 << TXEN1) | (1 << RXCIE1) | (1 << TXCIE1) | (1 << UCSZ12); UCSR1C = (1 << UCSZ10) | (1 << UCSZ11); sei(); } ISR(USART1_RX_vect) { // read data from reg. uint8_t status = UCSR1A; uint8_t high_bit = UCSR1B; uint8_t low_data = UDR1; if (status & ((1 << FE1) | (1 << DOR1) | (1 << UPE1))) { // Something error happen, ignore this package. irx.count = 0; return; } // Is it a addr? (9th bit is one/zero?) if (high_bit & (1 << RXB81)) { // data is addr. prepend for receive. switch (low_data) { case SLAVE_MATRIX_SYNC_ADDR: irx.buffer = (char *)sync_matrix; irx.count = sizeof(sync_matrix) * sizeof(matrix_row_t); irx.flag = &matrix_synced; break; default: // ignore this package. irx.count = 0; break; } } else if (irx.count > 0) { *irx.buffer = low_data; ++irx.buffer; if (--irx.count == 0 && irx.flag != NULL) { *irx.flag = true; } } } // TX complete ISR(USART1_TX_vect) { // Is in transmit? if (itx.count > 0) { // Send data. UCSR1B &= ~(1 << TXB81); UDR1 = *itx.buffer; // Move to next char. ++itx.buffer; if (--itx.count == 0) { *itx.flag = true; } } // TODO: read queue/register for next message. } // return: queue depth. int send_packet(uint8_t addr, char* buffer, size_t length, bool* flag) { // See if we can start transmit right now. if ((itx.count == 0) && (UCSR1A & (1 << UDRE1))) { // Ready to write. // Prepend registers. itx.buffer = buffer; itx.count = length; itx.flag = flag; // Write addr to kick start transmit. UCSR1B |= (1 << TXB81); UDR1 = addr; // TODO: put request in queue; // }else{ } return 0; } void transport_master_init(void) { USART_init(0); } void transport_slave_init(void) { USART_init(0); } // returns false if valid data not received from slave bool transport_master(matrix_row_t matrix[]) { if (matrix_synced) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ROWS_PER_HAND; ++i) { matrix[i] = sync_matrix[i]; } matrix_synced = false; return true; } return false; } void transport_slave(matrix_row_t matrix[]) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ROWS_PER_HAND; ++i) { sync_matrix[i] = matrix[i]; } matrix_synced = false; send_packet(SLAVE_MATRIX_SYNC_ADDR, (char*)sync_matrix, sizeof(sync_matrix) * sizeof(matrix_row_t), &matrix_synced); }