/* Copyright 2023 Qwertykeys This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "quantum.h" #ifdef RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE const is31_led g_is31_leds[RGB_MATRIX_LED_COUNT] = { {0, CS2_SW1, CS3_SW1, CS1_SW1}, /* RGB0-ESC ROW0*/ {0, CS5_SW1, CS6_SW1, CS4_SW1}, /* RGB1-F1 */ {0, CS8_SW1, CS9_SW1, CS7_SW1}, /* RGB2-F2 */ {0, CS11_SW1, CS12_SW1, CS10_SW1}, /* RGB3-F3 */ {0, CS14_SW1, CS15_SW1, CS13_SW1}, /* RGB4-F4 */ {0, CS17_SW1, CS18_SW1, CS16_SW1}, /* RGB5-F5 */ {0, CS20_SW1, CS21_SW1, CS19_SW1}, /* RGB6-F6 */ {0, CS23_SW1, CS24_SW1, CS22_SW1}, /* RGB7-F7 */ {0, CS26_SW1, CS27_SW1, CS25_SW1}, /* RGB8-F8 */ {0, CS29_SW1, CS30_SW1, CS28_SW1}, /* RGB9-F9 */ {0, CS32_SW1, CS33_SW1, CS31_SW1}, /* RGB10-F10 */ {0, CS35_SW1, CS36_SW1, CS34_SW1}, /* RGB11-F11 */ {0, CS38_SW1, CS39_SW1, CS37_SW1}, /* RGB12-F12 */ {0, CS29_SW7, CS30_SW7, CS28_SW7}, /* RGB13-Delete */ {0, CS32_SW7, CS33_SW7, CS31_SW7}, /* RGB14-End */ {0, CS35_SW7, CS36_SW7, CS34_SW7}, /* RGB15-Insert */ {0, CS38_SW7, CS39_SW7, CS37_SW7}, /* RGB16-Home */ {0, CS2_SW2, CS3_SW2, CS1_SW2}, /* RGB17-~ ----ROW1*/ {0, CS5_SW2, CS6_SW2, CS4_SW2}, /* RGB18-1 */ {0, CS8_SW2, CS9_SW2, CS7_SW2}, /* RGB19-2 */ {0, CS11_SW2, CS12_SW2, CS10_SW2}, /* RGB20-3 */ {0, CS14_SW2, CS15_SW2, CS13_SW2}, /* RGB21-4 */ {0, CS17_SW2, CS18_SW2, CS16_SW2}, /* RGB22-5 */ {0, CS20_SW2, CS21_SW2, CS19_SW2}, /* RGB23-6 */ {0, CS23_SW2, CS24_SW2, CS22_SW2}, /* RGB24-7 */ {0, CS26_SW2, CS27_SW2, CS25_SW2}, /* RGB25-8 */ {0, CS29_SW2, CS30_SW2, CS28_SW2}, /* RGB26-9 */ {0, CS32_SW2, CS33_SW2, CS31_SW2}, /* RGB27-0 */ {0, CS35_SW2, CS36_SW2, CS34_SW2}, /* RGB28--- */ {0, CS38_SW2, CS39_SW2, CS37_SW2}, /* RGB29-+= */ {0, CS26_SW7, CS27_SW7, CS25_SW7}, /* RGB30-BS */ {0, CS29_SW8, CS30_SW8, CS28_SW8}, /* RGB31-Num Lock */ {0, CS32_SW8, CS33_SW8, CS31_SW8}, /* RGB32- / */ {0, CS35_SW8, CS36_SW8, CS34_SW8}, /* RGB33- * */ {0, CS38_SW8, CS39_SW8, CS37_SW8}, /* RGB34- - */ {0, CS2_SW3, CS3_SW3, CS1_SW3}, /* RGB35-TAB ----ROW2*/ {0, CS5_SW3, CS6_SW3, CS4_SW3}, /* RGB36-Q */ {0, CS8_SW3, CS9_SW3, CS7_SW3}, /* RGB37-W */ {0, CS11_SW3, CS12_SW3, CS10_SW3}, /* RGB38-E */ {0, CS14_SW3, CS15_SW3, CS13_SW3}, /* RGB39-R */ {0, CS17_SW3, CS18_SW3, CS16_SW3}, /* RGB40-T */ {0, CS20_SW3, CS21_SW3, CS19_SW3}, /* RGB41-Y */ {0, CS23_SW3, CS24_SW3, CS22_SW3}, /* RGB42-U */ {0, CS26_SW3, CS27_SW3, CS25_SW3}, /* RGB43-I */ {0, CS29_SW3, CS30_SW3, CS28_SW3}, /* RGB44-O */ {0, CS32_SW3, CS33_SW3, CS31_SW3}, /* RGB45-P */ {0, CS35_SW3, CS36_SW3, CS34_SW3}, /* RGB46-[ */ {0, CS38_SW3, CS39_SW3, CS37_SW3}, /* RGB47-] */ {0, CS26_SW9, CS27_SW9, CS25_SW9}, /* RGB48-\ */ {0, CS29_SW9, CS30_SW9, CS28_SW9}, /* RGB49-page up */ {0, CS32_SW9, CS33_SW9, CS31_SW9}, /* RGB50-7 */ {0, CS35_SW9, CS36_SW9, CS34_SW9}, /* RGB51-8 */ {0, CS38_SW9, CS39_SW9, CS37_SW9}, /* RGB52-9 */ {0, CS2_SW4, CS3_SW4, CS1_SW4}, /* RGB53-CAPS---ROW3*/ {0, CS5_SW4, CS6_SW4, CS4_SW4}, /* RGB54-A-- */ {0, CS8_SW4, CS9_SW4, CS7_SW4}, /* RGB55-S-- */ {0, CS11_SW4, CS12_SW4, CS10_SW4}, /* RGB56-D */ {0, CS14_SW4, CS15_SW4, CS13_SW4}, /* RGB57-F */ {0, CS17_SW4, CS18_SW4, CS16_SW4}, /* RGB58-G */ {0, CS20_SW4, CS21_SW4, CS19_SW4}, /* RGB59-H */ {0, CS23_SW4, CS24_SW4, CS22_SW4}, /* RGB60-J */ {0, CS26_SW4, CS27_SW4, CS25_SW4}, /* RGB61-K */ {0, CS29_SW4, CS30_SW4, CS28_SW4}, /* RGB62-L */ {0, CS32_SW4, CS33_SW4, CS31_SW4}, /* RGB63-;: */ {0, CS35_SW4, CS36_SW4, CS34_SW4}, /* RGB64-'" */ {0, CS38_SW4, CS39_SW4, CS37_SW4}, /* RGB65-ENTER */ {0, CS11_SW7, CS12_SW7, CS10_SW7}, /* RGB66-Page Down */ {0, CS14_SW7, CS15_SW7, CS13_SW7}, /* RGB67-4 */ {0, CS17_SW7, CS18_SW7, CS16_SW7}, /* RGB68-5 */ {0, CS20_SW7, CS21_SW7, CS19_SW7}, /* RGB69-6 */ {0, CS23_SW7, CS24_SW7, CS22_SW7}, /* RGB70-+ */ {0, CS2_SW5, CS3_SW5, CS1_SW5}, /* RGB71-LSF --ROW4*/ {0, CS5_SW5, CS6_SW5, CS4_SW5}, /* RGB72-Z */ {0, CS8_SW5, CS9_SW5, CS7_SW5}, /* RGB73-X */ {0, CS11_SW5, CS12_SW5, CS10_SW5}, /* RGB74-C */ {0, CS14_SW5, CS15_SW5, CS13_SW5}, /* RGB75-V */ {0, CS17_SW5, CS18_SW5, CS16_SW5}, /* RGB76-B */ {0, CS20_SW5, CS21_SW5, CS19_SW5}, /* RGB77-N */ {0, CS23_SW5, CS24_SW5, CS22_SW5}, /* RGB78-M */ {0, CS26_SW5, CS27_SW5, CS25_SW5}, /* RGB79-,< */ {0, CS29_SW5, CS30_SW5, CS28_SW5}, /* RGB80->. */ {0, CS32_SW5, CS33_SW5, CS31_SW5}, /* RGB81-?/ */ {0, CS35_SW5, CS36_SW5, CS34_SW5}, /* RGB82-RSF */ {0, CS38_SW5, CS39_SW5, CS37_SW5}, /* RGB83-UP */ {0, CS14_SW8, CS15_SW8, CS13_SW8}, /* RGB84-1*/ {0, CS17_SW8, CS18_SW8, CS16_SW8}, /* RGB85-2 */ {0, CS20_SW8, CS21_SW8, CS19_SW8}, /* RGB86-3 */ {0, CS23_SW8, CS24_SW8, CS22_SW8}, /* RGB87-Enter */ {0, CS2_SW6, CS3_SW6, CS1_SW6}, /* RGB88-lct-- ROW5*/ {0, CS5_SW6, CS6_SW6, CS4_SW6}, /* RGB89-lwin */ {0, CS8_SW6, CS9_SW6, CS7_SW6}, /* RGB90-lalt */ {0, CS11_SW6, CS12_SW6, CS10_SW6}, /* RGB91-sp0 */ {0, CS17_SW6, CS18_SW6, CS16_SW6}, /* RGB92-sp */ {0, CS26_SW6, CS27_SW6, CS25_SW6}, /* RGB93-sp2 */ {0, CS29_SW6, CS30_SW6, CS28_SW6}, /* RGB94-ralt */ {0, CS32_SW6, CS33_SW6, CS31_SW6}, /* RGB95- fn */ {0, CS35_SW6, CS36_SW6, CS34_SW6}, /* RGB96-left */ {0, CS38_SW6, CS39_SW6, CS37_SW6}, /* RGB97-down */ {0, CS11_SW9, CS12_SW9, CS10_SW9}, /* RGB98-right */ {0, CS14_SW9, CS15_SW9, CS13_SW9}, /* RGB99- 0 */ {0, CS20_SW9, CS21_SW9, CS19_SW9} /* RGB100- . */ }; bool process_record_kb(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t* record) { if (record->event.pressed) { switch (keycode) { case QK_KB_0: rgb_matrix_toggle(); break; case QK_KB_1: rgb_matrix_step(); break; case QK_KB_2: rgb_matrix_step_reverse(); break; case QK_KB_3: rgb_matrix_increase_hue(); // Increase the hue for effect range LEDs break; case QK_KB_4: rgb_matrix_decrease_hue(); // Decrease the hue for effect range LEDs break; case QK_KB_5: rgb_matrix_increase_sat(); // Increase the saturation for effect range LEDs break; case QK_KB_6: rgb_matrix_decrease_sat(); // Decrease the saturation for effect range LEDs break; case QK_KB_7: rgb_matrix_increase_val(); // Increase the value for effect range LEDs break; case QK_KB_8: rgb_matrix_decrease_val(); // Decrease the value for effect range LEDs break; case QK_KB_9: rgb_matrix_increase_speed(); // Increase the speed of the animations break; case QK_KB_10: rgb_matrix_decrease_speed(); // Decrease the speed of the animations break; default: break; } } return process_record_user(keycode, record); } #endif const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_capslock_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS({0, 3, HSV_WHITE}); const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_numlock_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS({3, 3, HSV_WHITE}); const rgblight_segment_t* const PROGMEM my_rgb_layers[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYERS_LIST(my_capslock_layer, my_numlock_layer); void keyboard_post_init_kb(void) { rgblight_layers = my_rgb_layers; keyboard_post_init_user(); } bool led_update_kb(led_t led_state) { bool res = led_update_user(led_state); if (res) { rgblight_set_layer_state(0, led_state.caps_lock); rgblight_set_layer_state(1, !led_state.num_lock); } return res; }