// Copyright 2022 Kyle McCreery (@kylemccreery) // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include QMK_KEYBOARD_H #define FN1_SPC LT(1, KC_SPC) #define FN2_SPC LT(2, KC_SPC) #define HSV_SILLY_PURPLE 180, 255, 255 // Defines names for use in layer keycodes and the keymap enum layer_names { _BASE, _FN1, _FN2, _RS3 }; const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = { [_BASE] = LAYOUT( KC_GESC, KC_1, KC_2, KC_3, KC_4, KC_5, KC_6, KC_MINS, KC_7, KC_8, KC_9, KC_0, _______, KC_BSPC, KC_TAB, KC_Q, KC_W, KC_E, KC_R, KC_T, KC_Y, KC_Y, KC_U, KC_I, KC_O, KC_P, KC_BSLS, MO(1), KC_A, KC_S, KC_D, KC_F, KC_G, KC_H, KC_SCLN, KC_H, KC_J, KC_K, KC_L, KC_QUOT, KC_ENT, KC_LSFT, _______, KC_Z, KC_X, KC_C, KC_V, KC_B, TG(_RS3), KC_MUTE, KC_B, KC_N, KC_M, KC_COMM, KC_DOT, KC_UP, KC_RSFT, KC_LCTL, KC_LGUI, KC_LALT, MO(2), FN1_SPC, FN2_SPC, RGB_RMOD, RGB_MOD, FN2_SPC, FN1_SPC, MO(2), KC_LEFT, KC_DOWN, KC_RGHT ), [_FN1] = LAYOUT( KC_F12, KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, KC_F5, KC_F6, _______, KC_F7, KC_F8, KC_F9, KC_F10, _______, KC_DEL, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, KC_LBRC, KC_RBRC, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, KC_SCLN, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, KC_SLSH, KC_PGUP, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, KC_HOME, KC_PGDN, KC_END ), [_FN2] = LAYOUT( _______, KC_F11, KC_F12, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, QK_BOOT, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______ ), [_RS3] = LAYOUT( KC_PAST, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, KC_PSLS, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, KC_PPLS, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, KC_PMNS, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, TG(_RS3), _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, KC_HOME, KC_END, KC_PGUP, KC_K, KC_L, KC_M, KC_PGDN, _______, KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, _______, _______, _______ ) }; #ifdef OLED_ENABLE static void render_logo(void) { // Render MechWild "MW" Logo static const char PROGMEM logo_1[] = {0x8A, 0x8B, 0x8C, 0x8D, 0x00}; static const char PROGMEM logo_2[] = {0xAA, 0xAB, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0xAE, 0x00}; static const char PROGMEM logo_3[] = {0xCA, 0xCB, 0xCC, 0xCD, 0x00}; static const char PROGMEM logo_4[] = {0x20, 0x8E, 0x8F, 0x90, 0x00}; oled_set_cursor(0,0); oled_write_P(logo_1, false); oled_set_cursor(0,1); oled_write_P(logo_2, false); oled_set_cursor(0,2); oled_write_P(logo_3, false); oled_set_cursor(0,3); oled_write_P(logo_4, false); } bool oled_task_user(void) { render_logo(); oled_set_cursor(0,6); oled_write_ln_P(PSTR("Layer"), false); switch (get_highest_layer(layer_state)) { case 0: oled_write_ln_P(PSTR("Base"), false); break; case 1: oled_write_ln_P(PSTR("FN 1"), false); break; case 2: oled_write_ln_P(PSTR("FN 2"), false); break; case 3: oled_write_ln_P(PSTR("RS3"), false); break; default: oled_write_ln_P(PSTR("Undef"), false); } oled_write_ln_P(PSTR(""), false); // Host Keyboard LED Status led_t led_state = host_keyboard_led_state(); oled_write_ln_P(led_state.num_lock ? PSTR("NUM ") : PSTR(" "), false); oled_write_ln_P(led_state.caps_lock ? PSTR("CAP ") : PSTR(" "), false); oled_write_ln_P(led_state.scroll_lock ? PSTR("SCR ") : PSTR(" "), false); return false; } #endif #ifdef RGBLIGHT_ENABLE // Optional RGB Light Mapping Zones {LED Posiiton, Number of LEDs, Colour} const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM _rgb_fn1[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( {4, 3, HSV_GREEN}, {12, 3, HSV_GREEN} ); // Light LEDs 9 & 10 in cyan when keyboard layer 1 is active const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM _rgb_fn2[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( {4, 3, HSV_GREEN}, {12, 3, HSV_GREEN} ); const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM _rgb_rs3[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( {0, 16, HSV_SILLY_PURPLE} ); const rgblight_segment_t* const PROGMEM _rgb_layers[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYERS_LIST( _rgb_fn1, _rgb_fn2, _rgb_rs3 ); layer_state_t layer_state_set_user(layer_state_t state) { rgblight_set_layer_state(0, layer_state_cmp(state, _FN1)); rgblight_set_layer_state(1, layer_state_cmp(state, _FN2)); rgblight_set_layer_state(2, layer_state_cmp(state, _RS3)); return state; } #endif // RGBLIGHT_ENABLE void keyboard_post_init_user(void) { // Enable the LED layers #ifdef RGBLIGHT_ENABLE rgblight_layers = _rgb_layers; #endif // RGBLIGHT_ENABLE }