# jonavin's Quefrency layout - No Macros 65% - ANSI qwerty layout with split Backspace, 1.25 Left mods, 1u right - Left Fn key is Spacebar tap and Fn when held - Layer 2 mod on Caps Lock with double-tap to switch to this layer, double tap to switch back - Layer 2 provides arrows on WASD and additional nav keys + right hand numpad with 00 - ESC is set to GRAVESC (Esc when pressed, Shift-Esc is ~ and Win-ESC is `), plus handling for Ctrl-Shift-ESC to bring up Task Manager in Windows - Layer 2 left spacebar Backspace - add double tap of Left Shift to toggle Caps Lock - additional encoder functionality - holding L shift, Navigate page up/down - holding Left Ctrl, navigate prev/next word - holding Left Alt, change media prev/next track - default is change volume ## All layers diagram ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71780717/118903429-c52cc800-b8e5-11eb-9c45-3d9815a50123.png)