// Copyright 2022 Dane Skalski (@Daneski13) // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later RGB_MATRIX_EFFECT(WHITE_UNDERGLOW_CYCLE) RGB_MATRIX_EFFECT(PIXEL_RAIN_UNDERGLOW_CYCLE) #ifdef RGB_MATRIX_CUSTOM_EFFECT_IMPLS // This is a modified version of the effect_runner_dx_dy_dist function from rgb_matrix // that only applies the effect to the underglow LEDs of this keyboard static bool underglow_effect_runner(effect_params_t* params, dx_dy_dist_f underglow_effect_func, bool backlight_white) { RGB_MATRIX_USE_LIMITS(led_min, led_max); HSV hsv = rgb_matrix_config.hsv; HSV white = {0, 0, hsv.v}; RGB rgb = rgb_matrix_hsv_to_rgb(white); uint8_t time = scale16by8(g_rgb_timer, rgb_matrix_config.speed / 2); for (uint8_t i = led_min; i < led_max; i++) { // Underglow LEDs are indicies 0 - 7 and 37 - 44 if ((i <= 7) || (37 <= i && i <= 44)) { // Apply the maths and colors to the underglow LEDs RGB_MATRIX_TEST_LED_FLAGS(); int16_t dx = g_led_config.point[i].x - k_rgb_matrix_center.x; int16_t dy = g_led_config.point[i].y - k_rgb_matrix_center.y; uint8_t dist = sqrt16(dx * dx + dy * dy); RGB rgb = rgb_matrix_hsv_to_rgb(underglow_effect_func(hsv, dx, dy, dist, time)); rgb_matrix_set_color(i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); } else { // Set the backlight to white if needed if (!backlight_white) continue; rgb_matrix_set_color(i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); } } return rgb_matrix_check_finished_leds(led_max); } // Solid white but the underglow is a rainbow spiral static bool WHITE_UNDERGLOW_CYCLE(effect_params_t* params) { return underglow_effect_runner(params, &CYCLE_SPIRAL_math, true); } // Pixel rain effect but the underglow is a rainbow spiral static bool PIXEL_RAIN_UNDERGLOW_CYCLE(effect_params_t* params) { PIXEL_RAIN(params); return underglow_effect_runner(params, &CYCLE_SPIRAL_math, false); } #endif