# # This file is not normally used. It is used for maintenance testing purposes. # To use it, do the following: # # $ cp override_helix_options.mk-maintenance override_helix_options.mk # $(info -------------------------) $(info override_helix_options.mk) $(info -------------------------) define HELIX_OVERRIDE_PARSE ifeq ($(strip $1),back) LED_BACK_ENABLE = yes LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE = no endif ifeq ($(strip $1),under) LED_BACK_ENABLE = no LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE = yes endif ifneq ($(filter noled led-off led_off,$(strip $1)),) LED_BACK_ENABLE = no LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE = no endif ifneq ($(filter noaudio audio-off audio_off,$(strip $1)),) AUDIO_ENABLE = no endif ifneq ($(filter audio audio-on audio_on,$(strip $1)),) AUDIO_ENABLE = yes endif ifneq ($(filter sc split-common split_common,$(strip $1)),) SPLIT_KEYBOARD = yes endif ifneq ($(filter nosc no-sc no-split-common no-split_common,$(strip $1)),) SPLIT_KEYBOARD = no endif ifeq ($(strip $1),scan) DEBUG_MATRIX_SCAN_RATE_ENABLE = yes endif ifeq ($(strip $1),scan-api) DEBUG_MATRIX_SCAN_RATE_ENABLE = api endif endef # end of HELIX_OVERRIDE_PARSE