# jonavin's GMMK Pro layout - Add all the non-RGB related keys from Glorious Core default mapping that's missing in the default qmk mapping - Add PrtScr, Scroll Lock, Break, NumLock to Fn layer - Implement Win key lock using Fn+Win like in Glorious Core firmware - Layer 2 mod on Caps Lock with double-tap to switch to this layer, double tap to switch back - Layer 2 provides arrows on WASD and additional nav keys + right hand numpad with 00; an be used for Alt Code entry - Layer 2 left spacebar Backspace - add double tap of Left Shift to toggle Caps Lock - additional encoder functionality - holding L shift, Navigate page up/down - holding Left Ctrl, navigate prev/next word - holding Left Alt, change media prev/next track - default is change volume ## All layers diagram Default layer ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71780717/124177658-82324880-da7e-11eb-9421-b69100131062.png) Fn Layer ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71780717/124176887-8742c800-da7d-11eb-9b19-156bd67cac7d.png) Layer 2 (Caps Lock Mod) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71780717/124177683-8b231a00-da7e-11eb-9434-e2475f679a54.png)