{ "keyboard_name": "Wave", "maintainer": "etiennecollin", "manufacturer": "Etienne Collin", "url": "https://github.com/etiennecollin/wave", "bootloader_instructions": "Press the button marked RESET on the PCB or bridge the pins marked RST and GND on the Elite-C", "tags": ["ortho", "split"], "build": { "lto": true }, "development_board": "elite_c", "pin_compatible": "elite_c", "usb": { "device_version": "0.0.1", "vid": "0x6967", "pid": "0x0000" }, "features": { "bootmagic": true, "command": false, "console": false, "extrakey": true, "mousekey": true, "nkro": true }, "matrix_pins": { "direct": [ ["C6", "D4", "D0", "D1", "D3"], ["B6", "B5", "B4", "E6", "D7"], ["F6", "F7", "B1", "B3", "B2"], ["NO_PIN", "NO_PIN", "F5", "F4", "B0"] ] }, "community_layouts": ["split_3x5_3"], "split": { "enabled": true, "soft_serial_pin": "D2", "usb_detect": { "enabled": true }, "matrix_pins": { "right": { "direct": [ ["D3", "D1", "D0", "D4", "C6"], ["D7", "E6", "B4", "B5", "B6"], ["B2", "B3", "B1", "F7", "F6"], ["B0", "F4", "F5", "NO_PIN", "NO_PIN"] ] } } }, "layouts": { "LAYOUT_split_3x5_3": { "layout": [ { "matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 0.93 }, { "matrix": [0, 1], "x": 1, "y": 0.31 }, { "matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2, "y": 0 }, { "matrix": [0, 3], "x": 3, "y": 0.28 }, { "matrix": [0, 4], "x": 4, "y": 0.42 }, { "matrix": [4, 0], "x": 7, "y": 0.42 }, { "matrix": [4, 1], "x": 8, "y": 0.28 }, { "matrix": [4, 2], "x": 9, "y": 0 }, { "matrix": [4, 3], "x": 10, "y": 0.31 }, { "matrix": [4, 4], "x": 11, "y": 0.93 }, { "matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1.93 }, { "matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1, "y": 1.31 }, { "matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2, "y": 1 }, { "matrix": [1, 3], "x": 3, "y": 1.28 }, { "matrix": [1, 4], "x": 4, "y": 1.42 }, { "matrix": [5, 0], "x": 7, "y": 1.42 }, { "matrix": [5, 1], "x": 8, "y": 1.28 }, { "matrix": [5, 2], "x": 9, "y": 1 }, { "matrix": [5, 3], "x": 10, "y": 1.31 }, { "matrix": [5, 4], "x": 11, "y": 1.93 }, { "matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0, "y": 2.93 }, { "matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1, "y": 2.31 }, { "matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2, "y": 2 }, { "matrix": [2, 3], "x": 3, "y": 2.28 }, { "matrix": [2, 4], "x": 4, "y": 2.42 }, { "matrix": [6, 0], "x": 7, "y": 2.42 }, { "matrix": [6, 1], "x": 8, "y": 2.28 }, { "matrix": [6, 2], "x": 9, "y": 2 }, { "matrix": [6, 3], "x": 10, "y": 2.31 }, { "matrix": [6, 4], "x": 11, "y": 2.93 }, { "matrix": [3, 2], "x": 2.8, "y": 3.5 }, { "matrix": [3, 3], "x": 3.8, "y": 3.75 }, { "matrix": [3, 4], "x": 4.8, "y": 3.5, "h": 1.5 }, { "matrix": [7, 0], "x": 6.2, "y": 3.5, "h": 1.5 }, { "matrix": [7, 1], "x": 7.2, "y": 3.75 }, { "matrix": [7, 2], "x": 8.2, "y": 3.5 } ] } } }