# Corne Spanish layout by ajarov ![Layout](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1832140/178291869-ea3c070b-2c0d-45f9-aeb8-00ac6942e847.png) The OS keyboard layout should be set to Spanish so the above image matches the actual keys. Some ideas that shaped this layout: * There are 4 layers: Base, Upper (`△`), Right (`▷`), and Upper Right (`△` + `▷`). * The base layer is almost the same as the one on the default Corne layout when the keyboard is set to Spanish on the OS (the only differences being `RShift` instead of `Esc`, and `LAlt` instead of `Alt Gr`). * When the Upper layer (`△`) is selected, the right hand resting position matches the one on the arrow keys on a traditional keyboard. * The right half of the keyboard can be used as a numpad with only the right hand by selecting the Right layer (`▷`). * The only keys missing from a full-size (105 keys) Spanish keyboard are the interpunct (`·` or `Shift` + `3`), `Scroll Lock`, and `Num Lock`. I never use them (does anybody?) and I'd rather not include them and risk toggling Scroll/Num Lock by accident. * Media keys are not present because I find it better to use keyboard + mouse shortcuts with [AutoHotkey](https://www.autohotkey.com/) (e.g: `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `Wheel Up`/`Wheel Down` increases/decreases the volume).