#pragma once #include "quantum.h" #ifdef KEYBOARD_cannonkeys_satisfaction75_prototype #include "prototype.h" #else #include "rev1.h" #endif #include "via.h" // only for EEPROM address #define EEPROM_ENABLED_ENCODER_MODES (VIA_EEPROM_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ADDR) #define EEPROM_CUSTOM_BACKLIGHT (VIA_EEPROM_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ADDR+1) #define EEPROM_DEFAULT_OLED (VIA_EEPROM_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ADDR+2) #define EEPROM_CUSTOM_ENCODER (VIA_EEPROM_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ADDR+3) typedef union { uint8_t raw; struct { bool enable :1; bool breathing : 1; uint8_t level :6; }; } backlight_config_t; // Start these at the USER code range in VIA enum my_keycodes { ENC_PRESS = QK_KB_0, CLOCK_SET, OLED_TOGG }; enum s75_custom_value_id { id_encoder_modes = 1, id_oled_default_mode, id_encoder_custom, id_oled_mode }; enum encoder_modes { ENC_MODE_VOLUME, ENC_MODE_MEDIA, ENC_MODE_SCROLL, ENC_MODE_BRIGHTNESS, ENC_MODE_BACKLIGHT, ENC_MODE_CUSTOM0, ENC_MODE_CUSTOM1, ENC_MODE_CUSTOM2, _NUM_ENCODER_MODES, ENC_MODE_CLOCK_SET // This shouldn't be included in the default modes, so we put it after NUM_ENCODER_MODES }; enum custom_encoder_behavior { ENC_CUSTOM_CW = 0, ENC_CUSTOM_CCW, ENC_CUSTOM_PRESS }; enum oled_modes { OLED_DEFAULT, OLED_TIME, OLED_OFF, _NUM_OLED_MODES }; // Keyboard Information extern volatile uint8_t led_numlock; extern volatile uint8_t led_capslock; extern volatile uint8_t led_scrolllock; extern uint8_t layer; // OLED Behavior extern uint8_t oled_mode; extern bool oled_repaint_requested; extern bool oled_wakeup_requested; extern uint32_t oled_sleep_timer; // Encoder Behavior extern uint8_t encoder_value; extern uint8_t encoder_mode; extern uint8_t enabled_encoder_modes; // RTC extern RTCDateTime last_timespec; extern uint16_t last_minute; // RTC Configuration extern bool clock_set_mode; extern uint8_t time_config_idx; extern int8_t hour_config; extern int16_t minute_config; extern int8_t year_config; extern int8_t month_config; extern int8_t day_config; extern uint8_t previous_encoder_mode; // Backlighting extern backlight_config_t kb_backlight_config; extern bool kb_backlight_breathing; void pre_encoder_mode_change(void); void post_encoder_mode_change(void); void change_encoder_mode(bool negative); uint16_t handle_encoder_clockwise(void); uint16_t handle_encoder_ccw(void); uint16_t handle_encoder_press(void); uint16_t retrieve_custom_encoder_config(uint8_t encoder_idx, uint8_t behavior); void set_custom_encoder_config(uint8_t encoder_idx, uint8_t behavior, uint16_t new_code); void update_time_config(int8_t increment); void oled_request_wakeup(void); void oled_request_repaint(void); bool oled_task_needs_to_repaint(void); void backlight_init_ports(void); void backlight_set(uint8_t level); bool is_breathing(void); void breathing_enable(void); void breathing_disable(void); void custom_config_load(void); void backlight_config_save(void);