# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- makefile -*- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable vpath searching for source files only # Without this, output files, could be read from the wrong .build directories VPATH_SRC := $(VPATH) vpath %.c $(VPATH_SRC) vpath %.h $(VPATH_SRC) vpath %.cpp $(VPATH_SRC) vpath %.cc $(VPATH_SRC) vpath %.hpp $(VPATH_SRC) vpath %.S $(VPATH_SRC) VPATH := # Helper to return the distinct elements of a list uniq = $(if $1,$(firstword $1) $(call uniq,$(filter-out $(firstword $1),$1))) # Convert all SRC to OBJ define OBJ_FROM_SRC $(patsubst %.c,$1/%.o,$(patsubst %.cpp,$1/%.o,$(patsubst %.cc,$1/%.o,$(patsubst %.S,$1/%.o,$(patsubst %.clib,$1/%.a,$($1_SRC)))))) endef $(foreach OUTPUT,$(OUTPUTS),$(eval $(OUTPUT)_OBJ +=$(call OBJ_FROM_SRC,$(OUTPUT)))) # Define a list of all objects OBJ := $(foreach OUTPUT,$(OUTPUTS),$($(OUTPUT)_OBJ)) NO_LTO_OBJ := $(filter %.a,$(OBJ)) MASTER_OUTPUT := $(firstword $(OUTPUTS)) # Output format. (can be srec, ihex, binary) FORMAT = ihex # Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s]. OPT ?= s # Compiler flag to set the C and C++ language standard level CSTANDARD = -std=gnu11 CXXSTANDARD = -std=gnu++14 # Speed up recompilations by opt-in usage of ccache USE_CCACHE ?= no ifneq ($(USE_CCACHE),no) CC_PREFIX ?= ccache endif #---------------- C Compiler Options ---------------- ifeq ($(strip $(LTO_ENABLE)), yes) ifeq ($(PLATFORM),ARM_ATSAM) $(info Enabling LTO on arm_atsam-targeting boards is known to have a high likelihood of failure.) $(info If unsure, set LTO_ENABLE = no.) endif CDEFS += -flto CDEFS += -DLTO_ENABLE endif DEBUG_ENABLE ?= yes ifeq ($(strip $(SKIP_DEBUG_INFO)),yes) DEBUG_ENABLE=no endif ifeq ($(strip $(DEBUG_ENABLE)),yes) CFLAGS += -g$(DEBUG) endif CFLAGS += $(CDEFS) CFLAGS += -O$(OPT) # add color ifeq ($(COLOR),true) ifeq ("$(shell echo "int main(){}" | $(CC) -fdiagnostics-color -x c - -o /dev/null 2>&1)", "") CFLAGS+= -fdiagnostics-color endif endif CFLAGS += -Wall CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes ifneq ($(strip $(ALLOW_WARNINGS)), yes) CFLAGS += -Werror endif CFLAGS += $(CSTANDARD) # This fixes lots of keyboards linking errors but SHOULDN'T BE A FINAL SOLUTION # Fixing of multiple variable definitions must be made. CFLAGS += -fcommon #---------------- C++ Compiler Options ---------------- ifeq ($(strip $(DEBUG_ENABLE)),yes) CXXFLAGS += -g$(DEBUG) endif CXXFLAGS += $(CXXDEFS) CXXFLAGS += -O$(OPT) # to suppress "warning: only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area" CXXFLAGS += -w CXXFLAGS += -Wall CXXFLAGS += -Wundef ifneq ($(strip $(ALLOW_WARNINGS)), yes) CXXFLAGS += -Werror endif #---------------- Assembler Options ---------------- ASFLAGS += $(ADEFS) ifeq ($(VERBOSE_AS_CMD),yes) ASFLAGS += -v endif #---------------- Linker Options ---------------- CREATE_MAP ?= yes ifeq ($(CREATE_MAP),yes) LDFLAGS += -Wl,-Map=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).map,--cref endif ifeq ($(VERBOSE_LD_CMD),yes) LDFLAGS += -v endif #LDFLAGS += -Wl,--relax LDFLAGS += $(EXTMEMOPTS) LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,$(EXTRALIBDIRS)) LDFLAGS += -lm # You can give EXTRALDFLAGS at 'make' command line. LDFLAGS += $(EXTRALDFLAGS) #---------------- Assembler Listings ---------------- ADHLNS_ENABLE ?= no ifeq ($(ADHLNS_ENABLE),yes) # Avoid "Options to '-Xassembler' do not match" - only specify assembler options at LTO link time ifeq ($(strip $(LTO_ENABLE)), yes) LDFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).lst else CFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(@:%.o=%.lst) CXXFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(@:%.o=%.lst) ifeq ($(strip $(DEBUG_ENABLE)),yes) ASFLAGS = -Wa,-adhlns=$(@:%.o=%.lst),-gstabs,--listing-cont-lines=100 else ASFLAGS = -Wa,-adhlns=$(@:%.o=%.lst),--listing-cont-lines=100 endif endif endif # Define programs and commands. SHELL = sh SED = sed REMOVE = rm -f REMOVEDIR = rmdir COPY = cp WINSHELL = cmd SECHO = $(SILENT) || echo MD5SUM ?= md5sum ifneq ($(filter Darwin FreeBSD,$(shell uname -s)),) MD5SUM = md5 endif # UF2 format settings # To produce a UF2 file in your build, add to your keyboard's rules.mk: # FIRMWARE_FORMAT = uf2 UF2CONV = $(TOP_DIR)/util/uf2conv.py UF2CONV_ARGS ?= UF2_FAMILY ?= 0x0 # Compiler flags to generate dependency files. #GENDEPFLAGS = -MMD -MP -MF .dep/$(@F).d GENDEPFLAGS = -MMD -MP -MF $(patsubst %.o,%.td,$@) # Combine all necessary flags and optional flags. # Add target processor to flags. # You can give extra flags at 'make' command line like: make EXTRAFLAGS=-DFOO=bar ALL_CFLAGS = $(MCUFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) ALL_CXXFLAGS = $(MCUFLAGS) -x c++ $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) ALL_ASFLAGS = $(MCUFLAGS) -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) define NO_LTO $(patsubst %.a,%.o,$1): NOLTO_CFLAGS += -fno-lto endef $(foreach LOBJ, $(NO_LTO_OBJ), $(eval $(call NO_LTO,$(LOBJ)))) MOVE_DEP = mv -f $(patsubst %.o,%.td,$@) $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$@) # For a ChibiOS build, ensure that the board files have the hook overrides injected define BOARDSRC_INJECT_HOOKS $(INTERMEDIATE_OUTPUT)/$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst ./%,%,$1)): INIT_HOOK_CFLAGS += -include $(TOP_DIR)/tmk_core/protocol/chibios/init_hooks.h endef $(foreach LOBJ, $(BOARDSRC), $(eval $(call BOARDSRC_INJECT_HOOKS,$(LOBJ)))) # Add QMK specific flags DFU_SUFFIX ?= dfu-suffix DFU_SUFFIX_ARGS ?= elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).elf hex: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).hex uf2: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).uf2 cpfirmware: $(FIRMWARE_FORMAT) $(SILENT) || printf "Copying $(TARGET).$(FIRMWARE_FORMAT) to qmk_firmware folder" | $(AWK_CMD) $(COPY) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).$(FIRMWARE_FORMAT) $(TARGET).$(FIRMWARE_FORMAT) && $(PRINT_OK) eep: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).eep lss: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).lss sym: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).sym LIBNAME=lib$(TARGET).a lib: $(LIBNAME) # Display size of file, modifying the output so people don't mistakenly grab the hex output BINARY_SIZE = $(SIZE) --target=$(FORMAT) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).hex | $(SED) -e 's/\.build\/.*$$/$(TARGET).$(FIRMWARE_FORMAT)/g' sizebefore: @if test -f $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).hex; then $(SECHO) $(MSG_SIZE_BEFORE); $(SILENT) || $(BINARY_SIZE); \ 2>/dev/null; $(SECHO); fi sizeafter: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).hex @if test -f $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).hex; then $(SECHO); $(SECHO) $(MSG_SIZE_AFTER); $(SILENT) || $(BINARY_SIZE); \ 2>/dev/null; $(SECHO); fi # Display compiler version information. gccversion : @$(SILENT) || $(CC) --version # Create final output files (.hex, .eep) from ELF output file. %.hex: %.elf $(eval CMD=$(HEX) $< $@) #@$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EXECUTING) '$(CMD)':\n" @$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_FLASH) $@" | $(AWK_CMD) @$(BUILD_CMD) %.uf2: %.elf $(eval CMD=$(HEX) $< $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).tmp && $(UF2CONV) $(UF2CONV_ARGS) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).tmp --output $@ --convert --family $(UF2_FAMILY) >/dev/null 2>&1) #@$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EXECUTING) '$(CMD)':\n" @$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_UF2) $@" | $(AWK_CMD) @$(BUILD_CMD) %.eep: %.elf $(eval CMD=$(EEP) $< $@ || exit 0) #@$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EXECUTING) '$(CMD)':\n" @$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EEPROM) $@" | $(AWK_CMD) @$(BUILD_CMD) # Create extended listing file from ELF output file. %.lss: %.elf $(eval CMD=$(OBJDUMP) -h -S -z $< > $@) #@$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EXECUTING) '$(CMD)':\n" @$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING) $@" | $(AWK_CMD) @$(BUILD_CMD) # Create a symbol table from ELF output file. %.sym: %.elf $(eval CMD=$(NM) -n $< > $@ ) #@$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EXECUTING) '$(CMD)':\n" @$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE) $@" | $(AWK_CMD) @$(BUILD_CMD) %.bin: %.elf $(eval CMD=$(BIN) $< $@ || exit 0) #@$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EXECUTING) '$(CMD)':\n" @$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_BIN) $@" | $(AWK_CMD) @$(BUILD_CMD) if [ ! -z "$(DFU_SUFFIX_ARGS)" ]; then \ $(DFU_SUFFIX) $(DFU_SUFFIX_ARGS) -a $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin 1>/dev/null ;\ fi #$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_EXECUTING) '$(DFU_SUFFIX) $(DFU_SUFFIX_ARGS) -a $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin 1>/dev/null':\n" ;\ $(COPY) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin $(TARGET).bin; BEGIN = gccversion sizebefore # Link: create ELF output file from object files. .SECONDARY : $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).elf .PRECIOUS : $(OBJ) # Note the obj.txt depeendency is there to force linking if a source file is deleted %.elf: $(OBJ) $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/cflags.txt $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/ldflags.txt $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/obj.txt | $(BEGIN) @$(SILENT) || printf "$(MSG_LINKING) $@" | $(AWK_CMD) $(eval CMD=MAKE=$(MAKE) $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(call uniq,$(OBJ)) --output $@ $(LDFLAGS)) @$(BUILD_CMD) define GEN_OBJRULE $1_INCFLAGS := $$(patsubst %,-I%,$$($1_INC)) ifdef $1_CONFIG $1_CONFIG_FLAGS += $$(patsubst %,-include %,$$($1_CONFIG)) endif $1_CFLAGS = $$(ALL_CFLAGS) $$($1_DEFS) $$($1_INCFLAGS) $$($1_CONFIG_FLAGS) $$(NOLTO_CFLAGS) $1_CXXFLAGS = $$(ALL_CXXFLAGS) $$($1_DEFS) $$($1_INCFLAGS) $$($1_CONFIG_FLAGS) $$(NOLTO_CFLAGS) $1_ASFLAGS = $$(ALL_ASFLAGS) $$($1_DEFS) $$($1_INCFLAGS) $$($1_CONFIG_FLAGS) # Compile: create object files from C source files. $1/%.o : %.c $1/%.d $1/cflags.txt $1/compiler.txt | $(BEGIN) @mkdir -p $$(@D) @$$(SILENT) || printf "$$(MSG_COMPILING) $$<" | $$(AWK_CMD) $$(eval CC_EXEC := $$(CC)) ifneq ($$(VERBOSE_C_CMD),) $$(if $$(filter $$(notdir $$(VERBOSE_C_CMD)),$$(notdir $$<)),$$(eval CC_EXEC += -v)) endif ifneq ($$(VERBOSE_C_INCLUDE),) $$(if $$(filter $$(notdir $$(VERBOSE_C_INCLUDE)),$$(notdir $$<)),$$(eval CC_EXEC += -H)) endif $$(eval CMD := $$(CC_EXEC) -c $$($1_CFLAGS) $$(INIT_HOOK_CFLAGS) $$(GENDEPFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ && $$(MOVE_DEP)) @$$(BUILD_CMD) ifneq ($$(DUMP_C_MACROS),) $$(eval CMD := $$(CC) -E -dM $$($1_CFLAGS) $$(INIT_HOOK_CFLAGS) $$(GENDEPFLAGS) $$<) @$$(if $$(filter $$(notdir $$(DUMP_C_MACROS)),$$(notdir $$<)),$$(BUILD_CMD)) endif # Compile: create object files from C++ source files. $1/%.o : %.cpp $1/%.d $1/cxxflags.txt $1/compiler.txt | $(BEGIN) @mkdir -p $$(@D) @$$(SILENT) || printf "$$(MSG_COMPILING_CXX) $$<" | $$(AWK_CMD) $$(eval CMD=$$(CC) -c $$($1_CXXFLAGS) $$(INIT_HOOK_CFLAGS) $$(GENDEPFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ && $$(MOVE_DEP)) @$$(BUILD_CMD) $1/%.o : %.cc $1/%.d $1/cxxflags.txt $1/compiler.txt | $(BEGIN) @mkdir -p $$(@D) @$$(SILENT) || printf "$$(MSG_COMPILING_CXX) $$<" | $$(AWK_CMD) $$(eval CMD=$$(CC) -c $$($1_CXXFLAGS) $$(INIT_HOOK_CFLAGS) $$(GENDEPFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ && $$(MOVE_DEP)) @$$(BUILD_CMD) # Assemble: create object files from assembler source files. $1/%.o : %.S $1/asflags.txt $1/compiler.txt | $(BEGIN) @mkdir -p $$(@D) @$(SILENT) || printf "$$(MSG_ASSEMBLING) $$<" | $$(AWK_CMD) $$(eval CMD=$$(CC) -c $$($1_ASFLAGS) $$< -o $$@) @$$(BUILD_CMD) $1/%.a : $1/%.o @mkdir -p $$(@D) @$(SILENT) || printf "Archiving: $$<" | $$(AWK_CMD) $$(eval CMD=$$(AR) rcs $$@ $$<) @$$(BUILD_CMD) $1/force: $1/cflags.txt: $1/force echo '$$($1_CFLAGS)' | cmp -s - $$@ || echo '$$($1_CFLAGS)' > $$@ $1/cxxflags.txt: $1/force echo '$$($1_CXXFLAGS)' | cmp -s - $$@ || echo '$$($1_CXXFLAGS)' > $$@ $1/asflags.txt: $1/force echo '$$($1_ASFLAGS)' | cmp -s - $$@ || echo '$$($1_ASFLAGS)' > $$@ $1/compiler.txt: $1/force test -f $$@ || touch $$@ $$(CC) --version | cmp -s - $$@ || $$(CC) --version > $$@ endef .PRECIOUS: $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/obj.txt $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/obj.txt: $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/force echo '$(OBJ)' | cmp -s - $@ || echo '$(OBJ)' > $@ .PRECIOUS: $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/ldflags.txt $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/ldflags.txt: $(MASTER_OUTPUT)/force echo '$(LDFLAGS)' | cmp -s - $@ || echo '$(LDFLAGS)' > $@ # We have to use static rules for the .d files for some reason DEPS = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(patsubst %.a,%.o,$(OBJ))) # Keep the .d files .PRECIOUS: $(DEPS) # Empty rule to force recompilation if the .d file is missing $(DEPS): $(foreach OUTPUT,$(OUTPUTS),$(eval $(call GEN_OBJRULE,$(OUTPUT)))) # Create preprocessed source for use in sending a bug report. %.i : %.c | $(BEGIN) $(CC) -E -mmcu=$(MCU) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ # Target: clean project. clean: $(foreach OUTPUT,$(OUTPUTS), $(REMOVE) -r $(OUTPUT) 2>/dev/null) $(REMOVE) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).* show_path: @echo VPATH=$(VPATH) @echo SRC=$(SRC) @echo OBJ=$(OBJ) dump_vars: ERROR_IF_EMPTY="" dump_vars: ERROR_IF_NONBOOL="" dump_vars: ERROR_IF_UNSET="" dump_vars: CATASTROPHIC_ERROR="" dump_vars: @$(foreach V,$(sort $(.VARIABLES)),$(if $(filter-out environment% default automatic,$(origin $V)),$(info $V=$($V)))) objs-size: for i in $(OBJ); do echo $$i; done | sort | xargs $(SIZE) # size check optionally implemented in its platform.mk check-size: check-md5: $(MD5SUM) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).$(FIRMWARE_FORMAT) # Create build directory $(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR) 2>/dev/null) # Create object files directory $(eval $(foreach OUTPUT,$(OUTPUTS),$(shell mkdir -p $(OUTPUT) 2>/dev/null))) # Include the dependency files. -include $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(patsubst %.a,%.o,$(OBJ))) # Listing of phony targets. .PHONY : all dump_vars finish sizebefore sizeafter qmkversion \ gccversion build elf hex uf2 eep lss sym coff extcoff \ clean clean_list debug gdb-config show_path \ program teensy dfu dfu-ee dfu-start \ flash dfu-split-left dfu-split-right \ avrdude-split-left avrdude-split-right \ avrdude-loop usbasp