path: root/tmk_core/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/libraries/USBHost/USBHost/USBHost.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tmk_core/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/libraries/USBHost/USBHost/USBHost.h')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tmk_core/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/libraries/USBHost/USBHost/USBHost.h b/tmk_core/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/libraries/USBHost/USBHost/USBHost.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..802ae99313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmk_core/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/libraries/USBHost/USBHost/USBHost.h
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+/* mbed USBHost Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef USBHOST_H
+#define USBHOST_H
+#include "USBHALHost.h"
+#include "USBDeviceConnected.h"
+#include "IUSBEnumerator.h"
+#include "USBHostConf.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "dbg.h"
+#include "USBHostHub.h"
+* USBHost class
+* This class is a singleton. All drivers have a reference on the static USBHost instance
+class USBHost : public USBHALHost {
+ /**
+ * Static method to create or retrieve the single USBHost instance
+ */
+ static USBHost * getHostInst();
+ /**
+ * Control read: setup stage, data stage and status stage
+ *
+ * @param dev the control read will be done for this device
+ * @param requestType request type
+ * @param request request
+ * @param value value
+ * @param index index
+ * @param buf pointer on a buffer where will be store the data received
+ * @param len length of the transfer
+ *
+ * @returns status of the control read
+ */
+ USB_TYPE controlRead(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t requestType, uint8_t request, uint32_t value, uint32_t index, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len);
+ /**
+ * Control write: setup stage, data stage and status stage
+ *
+ * @param dev the control write will be done for this device
+ * @param requestType request type
+ * @param request request
+ * @param value value
+ * @param index index
+ * @param buf pointer on a buffer which will be written
+ * @param len length of the transfer
+ *
+ * @returns status of the control write
+ */
+ USB_TYPE controlWrite(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t requestType, uint8_t request, uint32_t value, uint32_t index, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len);
+ /**
+ * Bulk read
+ *
+ * @param dev the bulk transfer will be done for this device
+ * @param ep USBEndpoint which will be used to read a packet
+ * @param buf pointer on a buffer where will be store the data received
+ * @param len length of the transfer
+ * @param blocking if true, the read is blocking (wait for completion)
+ *
+ * @returns status of the bulk read
+ */
+ USB_TYPE bulkRead(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking = true);
+ /**
+ * Bulk write
+ *
+ * @param dev the bulk transfer will be done for this device
+ * @param ep USBEndpoint which will be used to write a packet
+ * @param buf pointer on a buffer which will be written
+ * @param len length of the transfer
+ * @param blocking if true, the write is blocking (wait for completion)
+ *
+ * @returns status of the bulk write
+ */
+ USB_TYPE bulkWrite(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking = true);
+ /**
+ * Interrupt read
+ *
+ * @param dev the bulk transfer will be done for this device
+ * @param ep USBEndpoint which will be used to write a packet
+ * @param buf pointer on a buffer which will be written
+ * @param len length of the transfer
+ * @param blocking if true, the read is blocking (wait for completion)
+ *
+ * @returns status of the interrupt read
+ */
+ USB_TYPE interruptRead(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking = true);
+ /**
+ * Interrupt write
+ *
+ * @param dev the bulk transfer will be done for this device
+ * @param ep USBEndpoint which will be used to write a packet
+ * @param buf pointer on a buffer which will be written
+ * @param len length of the transfer
+ * @param blocking if true, the write is blocking (wait for completion)
+ *
+ * @returns status of the interrupt write
+ */
+ USB_TYPE interruptWrite(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking = true);
+ /**
+ * Enumerate a device.
+ *
+ * @param dev device which will be enumerated
+ *
+ * @returns status of the enumeration
+ */
+ USB_TYPE enumerate(USBDeviceConnected * dev, IUSBEnumerator* pEnumerator);
+ /**
+ * reset a specific device
+ *
+ * @param dev device which will be resetted
+ */
+ USB_TYPE resetDevice(USBDeviceConnected * dev);
+ /**
+ * Get a device
+ *
+ * @param index index of the device which will be returned
+ *
+ * @returns pointer on the "index" device
+ */
+ USBDeviceConnected * getDevice(uint8_t index);
+ /*
+ * If there is a HID device connected, the host stores the length of the report descriptor.
+ * This avoid to the driver to re-ask the configuration descriptor to request the report descriptor
+ *
+ * @returns length of the report descriptor
+ */
+ inline uint16_t getLengthReportDescr() {
+ return lenReportDescr;
+ };
+ /**
+ * register a driver into the host associated with a callback function called when the device is disconnected
+ *
+ * @param dev device
+ * @param intf interface number
+ * @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
+ * @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
+ */
+ template<typename T>
+ inline void registerDriver(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t intf, T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
+ int index = findDevice(dev);
+ if ((index != -1) && (mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
+ USB_DBG("register driver for dev: %p on intf: %d", dev, intf);
+ deviceAttachedDriver[index][intf] = true;
+ dev->onDisconnect(intf, tptr, mptr);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * register a driver into the host associated with a callback function called when the device is disconnected
+ *
+ * @param dev device
+ * @param intf interface number
+ * @param fn callback called when the specified device has been disconnected
+ */
+ inline void registerDriver(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t intf, void (*fn)(void)) {
+ int index = findDevice(dev);
+ if ((index != -1) && (fn != NULL)) {
+ USB_DBG("register driver for dev: %p on intf: %d", dev, intf);
+ deviceAttachedDriver[index][intf] = true;
+ dev->onDisconnect(intf, fn);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Instantiate to protect USB thread from accessing shared objects (USBConnectedDevices and Interfaces)
+ */
+ class Lock
+ {
+ public:
+ Lock(USBHost* pHost);
+ ~Lock();
+ private:
+ USBHost* m_pHost;
+ };
+ friend class USBHostHub;
+ /**
+ * Virtual method called when a transfer has been completed
+ *
+ * @param addr list of the TDs which have been completed
+ */
+ virtual void transferCompleted(volatile uint32_t addr);
+ /**
+ * Virtual method called when a device has been connected
+ *
+ * @param hub hub number of the device
+ * @param port port number of the device
+ * @param lowSpeed 1 if low speed, 0 otherwise
+ * @param hub_parent reference on the parent hub
+ */
+ virtual void deviceConnected(int hub, int port, bool lowSpeed, USBHostHub * hub_parent = NULL);
+ /**
+ * Virtuel method called when a device has been disconnected
+ *
+ * @param hub hub number of the device
+ * @param port port number of the device
+ * @param addr list of the TDs which have been completed to dequeue freed TDs
+ */
+ virtual void deviceDisconnected(int hub, int port, USBHostHub * hub_parent, volatile uint32_t addr);
+ // singleton class -> constructor is private
+ USBHost();
+ static USBHost * instHost;
+ uint16_t lenReportDescr;
+ // endpoints
+ void unqueueEndpoint(USBEndpoint * ep) ;
+ USBEndpoint endpoints[MAX_ENDPOINT];
+ USBEndpoint* volatile control;
+ USBEndpoint* volatile headControlEndpoint;
+ USBEndpoint* volatile headBulkEndpoint;
+ USBEndpoint* volatile headInterruptEndpoint;
+ USBEndpoint* volatile tailControlEndpoint;
+ USBEndpoint* volatile tailBulkEndpoint;
+ USBEndpoint* volatile tailInterruptEndpoint;
+ bool controlEndpointAllocated;
+ // devices connected
+ USBDeviceConnected devices[MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED];
+ bool deviceInUse[MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED];
+ bool deviceAttachedDriver[MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED][MAX_INTF];
+ bool deviceReset[MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED];
+ bool deviceInited[MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED];
+ USBHostHub hubs[MAX_HUB_NB];
+ bool hub_in_use[MAX_HUB_NB];
+ // to store a setup packet
+ uint8_t setupPacket[8];
+ typedef struct {
+ uint8_t event_id;
+ void * td_addr;
+ uint8_t hub;
+ uint8_t port;
+ uint8_t lowSpeed;
+ uint8_t td_state;
+ void * hub_parent;
+ } message_t;
+ Thread usbThread;
+ void usb_process();
+ static void usb_process_static(void const * arg);
+ Mail<message_t, 10> mail_usb_event;
+ Mutex usb_mutex;
+ Mutex td_mutex;
+ // buffer for conf descriptor
+ uint8_t data[415];
+ /**
+ * Add a transfer on the TD linked list associated to an ED
+ *
+ * @param ed the transfer is associated to this ed
+ * @param buf pointer on a buffer where will be read/write data to send or receive
+ * @param len transfer length
+ *
+ * @return status of the transfer
+ */
+ USB_TYPE addTransfer(USBEndpoint * ed, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len) ;
+ /**
+ * Link the USBEndpoint to the linked list and attach an USBEndpoint this USBEndpoint to a device
+ *
+ * @param dev pointer on a USBDeviceConnected object
+ * @param ep pointer on the USBEndpoint which will be added
+ *
+ * return true if successful
+ */
+ bool addEndpoint(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t intf_nb, USBEndpoint * ep) ;
+ /**
+ * Create an USBEndpoint descriptor. Warning: the USBEndpoint is not linked.
+ *
+ * @param dir USBEndpoint direction (no meaning for CONTROL_ENDPOINT)
+ * @param size USBEndpoint max packet size
+ * @param addr USBEndpoint address
+ *
+ * @returns pointer on the USBEndpoint created
+ */
+ USBEndpoint * newEndpoint(ENDPOINT_TYPE type, ENDPOINT_DIRECTION dir, uint32_t size, uint8_t addr) ;
+ /**
+ * Request the device descriptor
+ *
+ * @param dev request the device descriptor on this device
+ * @param buf buffer to store the device descriptor
+ * @param max_len_buf maximum size of buf
+ * @param len_dev_descr pointer to store the length of the packet transferred
+ */
+ USB_TYPE getDeviceDescriptor(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t * buf, uint16_t max_len_buf, uint16_t * len_dev_descr = NULL);
+ /**
+ * Request the configuration descriptor
+ *
+ * @param dev request the configuration descriptor on this device
+ * @param buf buffer to store the configuration descriptor
+ * @param max_len_buf maximum size of buf
+ * @param len_conf_descr pointer to store the length of the packet transferred
+ */
+ USB_TYPE getConfigurationDescriptor(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t * buf, uint16_t max_len_buf, uint16_t * len_conf_descr = NULL);
+ /**
+ * Set the address of a specific device
+ *
+ * @param dev device to set the address
+ * @param address address
+ */
+ USB_TYPE setAddress(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t address);
+ /**
+ * Set the configuration of a device
+ *
+ * @param dev device on which the specified configuration will be activated
+ * @param conf configuration number to activate (usually 1)
+ */
+ USB_TYPE setConfiguration(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t conf);
+ /**
+ * Free a specific device
+ *
+ * @param dev device to be freed
+ */
+ void freeDevice(USBDeviceConnected * dev);
+ USB_TYPE controlTransfer( USBDeviceConnected * dev,
+ uint8_t requestType,
+ uint8_t request,
+ uint32_t value,
+ uint32_t index,
+ uint8_t * buf,
+ uint32_t len,
+ bool write);
+ USB_TYPE generalTransfer( USBDeviceConnected * dev,
+ USBEndpoint * ep,
+ uint8_t * buf,
+ uint32_t len,
+ bool blocking,
+ bool write) ;
+ void fillControlBuf(uint8_t requestType, uint8_t request, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, int len) ;
+ void parseConfDescr(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t * conf_descr, uint32_t len, IUSBEnumerator* pEnumerator) ;
+ int findDevice(USBDeviceConnected * dev) ;
+ int findDevice(uint8_t hub, uint8_t port, USBHostHub * hub_parent = NULL) ;
+ uint8_t numberDriverAttached(USBDeviceConnected * dev);
+ /////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////
+ void printList(ENDPOINT_TYPE type);