path: root/keyboard/hhkb_rn42/rn42/rn42_task.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'keyboard/hhkb_rn42/rn42/rn42_task.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/keyboard/hhkb_rn42/rn42/rn42_task.c b/keyboard/hhkb_rn42/rn42/rn42_task.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3359ed506..0000000000
--- a/keyboard/hhkb_rn42/rn42/rn42_task.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "keycode.h"
-#include "serial.h"
-#include "host.h"
-#include "action.h"
-#include "action_util.h"
-#include "lufa.h"
-#include "rn42_task.h"
-#include "print.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "timer.h"
-#include "command.h"
-#include "battery.h"
-static bool config_mode = false;
-static bool force_usb = false;
-static void status_led(bool on)
- if (on) {
- DDRE |= (1<<6);
- PORTE &= ~(1<<6);
- } else {
- DDRE |= (1<<6);
- PORTE |= (1<<6);
- }
-void rn42_task_init(void)
- battery_init();
-void rn42_task(void)
- int16_t c;
- if (config_mode) {
- // Config mode: print output from RN-42
- while ((c = serial_recv2()) != -1) {
- // without flow control it'll fail to receive data when flooded
- xprintf("%c", c);
- }
- } else {
- // Raw mode: interpret output report of LED state
- while ((c = serial_recv2()) != -1) {
- // LED Out report: 0xFE, 0x02, 0x01, <leds>
- // To get the report over UART set bit3 with SH, command.
- static enum {LED_INIT, LED_FE, LED_02, LED_01} state = LED_INIT;
- switch (state) {
- case LED_INIT:
- if (c == 0xFE) state = LED_FE;
- else state = LED_INIT;
- break;
- case LED_FE:
- if (c == 0x02) state = LED_02;
- else state = LED_INIT;
- break;
- case LED_02:
- if (c == 0x01) state = LED_01;
- else state = LED_INIT;
- break;
- case LED_01:
- dprintf("LED status: %02X\n", c);
- rn42_set_leds(c);
- state = LED_INIT;
- break;
- default:
- state = LED_INIT;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Bluetooth mode when ready */
- if (!config_mode && !force_usb) {
- if (!rn42_rts() && host_get_driver() != &rn42_driver) {
- clear_keyboard();
- host_set_driver(&rn42_driver);
- } else if (rn42_rts() && host_get_driver() != &lufa_driver) {
- clear_keyboard();
- host_set_driver(&lufa_driver);
- }
- }
- static uint16_t prev_timer = 0;
- uint16_t e = timer_elapsed(prev_timer);
- if (e > 1000) {
- /* every second */
- prev_timer += e/1000*1000;
- /* Low voltage alert */
- uint8_t bs = battery_status();
- if (bs == LOW_VOLTAGE) {
- battery_led(LED_ON);
- } else {
- battery_led(LED_CHARGER);
- }
- static uint8_t prev_status = UNKNOWN;
- if (bs != prev_status) {
- prev_status = bs;
- switch (bs) {
- case FULL_CHARGED: xprintf("FULL_CHARGED\n"); break;
- case CHARGING: xprintf("CHARGING\n"); break;
- case DISCHARGING: xprintf("DISCHARGING\n"); break;
- case LOW_VOLTAGE: xprintf("LOW_VOLTAGE\n"); break;
- default: xprintf("UNKNOWN STATUS\n"); break;
- };
- }
- /* every minute */
- uint32_t t = timer_read32()/1000;
- if (t%60 == 0) {
- uint16_t v = battery_voltage();
- uint8_t h = t/3600;
- uint8_t m = t%3600/60;
- uint8_t s = t%60;
- xprintf("%02u:%02u:%02u\t%umV\n", h, m, s, v);
- /* TODO: xprintf doesn't work for this.
- xprintf("%02u:%02u:%02u\t%umV\n", (t/3600), (t%3600/60), (t%60), v);
- */
- }
- }
- /* Connection monitor */
- if (rn42_linked()) {
- status_led(true);
- } else {
- status_led(false);
- }
- * Command
- ******************************************************************************/
-bool command_extra(uint8_t code)
- uint32_t t;
- uint16_t b;
- static host_driver_t *prev_driver = &rn42_driver;
- switch (code) {
- case KC_H:
- case KC_SLASH: /* ? */
- print("\n\n----- Bluetooth RN-42 Help -----\n");
- print("Del: enter/exit config mode(auto_connect/disconnect)\n");
- print("i: RN-42 info\n");
- print("b: battery voltage\n");
- if (config_mode) {
- return true;
- } else {
- print("u: Force USB mode\n");
- return false; // to display default command help
- }
- case KC_DELETE:
- if (rn42_autoconnecting()) {
- prev_driver = host_get_driver();
- clear_keyboard();
- _delay_ms(500);
- host_set_driver(&rn42_config_driver); // null driver; not to send a key to host
- rn42_disconnect();
- print("\nRN-42: disconnect\n");
- print("Enter config mode\n");
- print("type $$$ to start and + for local echo\n");
- command_state = CONSOLE;
- config_mode = true;
- } else {
- rn42_autoconnect();
- print("\nRN-42: auto_connect\n");
- print("Exit config mode\n");
- command_state = ONESHOT;
- config_mode = false;
- //clear_keyboard();
- host_set_driver(prev_driver);
- }
- return true;
- case KC_U:
- if (config_mode) return false;
- if (force_usb) {
- print("Auto mode\n");
- force_usb = false;
- } else {
- print("USB mode\n");
- force_usb = true;
- clear_keyboard();
- host_set_driver(&lufa_driver);
- }
- return true;
- case KC_I:
- print("\n----- RN-42 info -----\n");
- xprintf("protocol: %s\n", (host_get_driver() == &rn42_driver) ? "RN-42" : "LUFA");
- xprintf("force_usb: %X\n", force_usb);
- xprintf("rn42_autoconnecting(): %X\n", rn42_autoconnecting());
- xprintf("rn42_linked(): %X\n", rn42_linked());
- xprintf("rn42_rts(): %X\n", rn42_rts());
- xprintf("config_mode: %X\n", config_mode);
- xprintf("VBUS: %X\n", USBSTA&(1<<VBUS));
- xprintf("battery_charging: %X\n", battery_charging());
- xprintf("battery_status: %X\n", battery_status());
- return true;
- case KC_B:
- // battery monitor
- t = timer_read32()/1000;
- b = battery_voltage();
- xprintf("BAT: %umV\t", b);
- xprintf("%02u:", t/3600);
- xprintf("%02u:", t%3600/60);
- xprintf("%02u\n", t%60);
- return true;
- default:
- if (config_mode)
- return true;
- else
- return false; // exec default command
- }
- return true;
-static uint8_t code2asc(uint8_t code);
-bool command_console_extra(uint8_t code)
- switch (code) {
- default:
- rn42_putc(code2asc(code));
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// convert keycode into ascii charactor
-static uint8_t code2asc(uint8_t code)
- bool shifted = (get_mods() & (MOD_BIT(KC_LSHIFT)|MOD_BIT(KC_RSHIFT))) ? true : false;
- switch (code) {
- case KC_A: return (shifted ? 'A' : 'a');
- case KC_B: return (shifted ? 'B' : 'b');
- case KC_C: return (shifted ? 'C' : 'c');
- case KC_D: return (shifted ? 'D' : 'd');
- case KC_E: return (shifted ? 'E' : 'e');
- case KC_F: return (shifted ? 'F' : 'f');
- case KC_G: return (shifted ? 'G' : 'g');
- case KC_H: return (shifted ? 'H' : 'h');
- case KC_I: return (shifted ? 'I' : 'i');
- case KC_J: return (shifted ? 'J' : 'j');
- case KC_K: return (shifted ? 'K' : 'k');
- case KC_L: return (shifted ? 'L' : 'l');
- case KC_M: return (shifted ? 'M' : 'm');
- case KC_N: return (shifted ? 'N' : 'n');
- case KC_O: return (shifted ? 'O' : 'o');
- case KC_P: return (shifted ? 'P' : 'p');
- case KC_Q: return (shifted ? 'Q' : 'q');
- case KC_R: return (shifted ? 'R' : 'r');
- case KC_S: return (shifted ? 'S' : 's');
- case KC_T: return (shifted ? 'T' : 't');
- case KC_U: return (shifted ? 'U' : 'u');
- case KC_V: return (shifted ? 'V' : 'v');
- case KC_W: return (shifted ? 'W' : 'w');
- case KC_X: return (shifted ? 'X' : 'x');
- case KC_Y: return (shifted ? 'Y' : 'y');
- case KC_Z: return (shifted ? 'Z' : 'z');
- case KC_1: return (shifted ? '!' : '1');
- case KC_2: return (shifted ? '@' : '2');
- case KC_3: return (shifted ? '#' : '3');
- case KC_4: return (shifted ? '$' : '4');
- case KC_5: return (shifted ? '%' : '5');
- case KC_6: return (shifted ? '^' : '6');
- case KC_7: return (shifted ? '&' : '7');
- case KC_8: return (shifted ? '*' : '8');
- case KC_9: return (shifted ? '(' : '9');
- case KC_0: return (shifted ? ')' : '0');
- case KC_ENTER: return '\n';
- case KC_ESCAPE: return 0x1B;
- case KC_BSPACE: return '\b';
- case KC_TAB: return '\t';
- case KC_SPACE: return ' ';
- case KC_MINUS: return (shifted ? '_' : '-');
- case KC_EQUAL: return (shifted ? '+' : '=');
- case KC_LBRACKET: return (shifted ? '{' : '[');
- case KC_RBRACKET: return (shifted ? '}' : ']');
- case KC_BSLASH: return (shifted ? '|' : '\\');
- case KC_NONUS_HASH: return (shifted ? '|' : '\\');
- case KC_SCOLON: return (shifted ? ':' : ';');
- case KC_QUOTE: return (shifted ? '"' : '\'');
- case KC_GRAVE: return (shifted ? '~' : '`');
- case KC_COMMA: return (shifted ? '<' : ',');
- case KC_DOT: return (shifted ? '>' : '.');
- case KC_SLASH: return (shifted ? '?' : '/');
- case KC_DELETE: return '\0'; // Delete to disconnect
- default: return ' ';
- }