path: root/HHKB/HHKB.txt
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diff --git a/HHKB/HHKB.txt b/HHKB/HHKB.txt
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index 9440efebf4..0000000000
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-Alternative Controller for HHKB pro
-I want to add vi cursor and mouse keys to HHKB. Original HHKB controller is not programmable and
-firmware source code is not open. So, customizing HHKB needs to replace original controller with programmable one.
-I used Teensy++ as alternative controller. Though a Teensy has enough ports to drive HHKB,
-Teensy++ has clean pinout and it makes programing and wiring easier.
-This is just a proof of concept for replacing controller of HHKB, not a complete firmware.
-My prototype firmware source tree is here:
- branch: hhkb(
-This firmware is a port of my previous project:
- HHKB style Mod(
- Teensy++/Teensy(
- * without pattern cutting, case mod and soldering
- * can keep original controller intact
- * can change HHKB behaviour as you like(by C programming)
- * void your warranty
- * unavailability of Teensy++/Teensy(because of PS3 cracking boom?)
- * customized keymap
- * more keymap layers
- * mouse keys for minimum mouse operation(never comfortable for normal use)
- * and more...(in the future)
-Any suggestions or ideas are welcome.
- My HHKB is just "Professional". This means followings may not be applied to "Professional2".
- I'm not a professional for electronics and MCU programming. This may damage your HHKB.
- And my English writing is poor, I'm not sure I can convey my notions accurately.
-Teensy++ installation
-Angled USB mini B adapter is used to install Teensy++ laterally.
-Bread baord cables used for connect Teensy++.
-HHKB internal
-HHKB pro has two PCBs and some chips.
-Controller PCB:
- M38K07M4 Renesas MCU with USB function
- (HHKB_controller.jpg)
-Keyswitch PCB:
- HC4051 Analog Multiplexer: select a row line.
- LS145 BCD Decoder: select a column line.
- BU9831 Non-volatile electronic potentiometer: for calibration?
- TP1684 Capacitive Sensing controller: no datasheet available.
- (HHKB_keyswitch.jpg)
- Topre original chip?
- (HHKB_TP1684.jpg)
-Two PCBs are connected by 15 lines. Vcc/GND uses 3 lines each, 9lines for keyboard signaling.
- Keyswitch PCB connector Teensy++ pins
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Vcc(5V) 5V
- 2 Vcc(5V)
- 3 Vcc(5V)
- 4 TP1684 KEY: Low(0) when key pressed PE6 input(with pullup)
- 5 TP1684 unknown:how to use PE7 input(with pullup)
- 6 HC4051 A(bit0) select 8 rows(0 to 7) PB0 output
- 7 HC4051 B(bit1) PB1 output
- 8 HC4051 C(bit2) PB2 output
- 9 LS145 A(bit0) select 8 columns(0 to 7) PB3 output
- 10 LS145 B(bit1) PB4 output
- 11 LS145 C(bit2) PB5 output
- 12 LS145 D(enable) Low(0) enable selected column PB6 output
- 13 GND
- 14 GND
- 15 GND GND
- (HHKB_connector.jpg)
-Keyswitch matrix
-60 keyswitches in 8*8 matrix. ghost free. bounce free.
- COL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-ROW ---------------------------------------------------------------
- 0| 2 q w s a z x c
- 1| 3 4 r e d f v b
- 2| 5 6 y t g h n _NONE_
- 3| 1 Esc Tab Control LShift LAlt LMeta Space
- 4| 7 8 u i k j m _NONE_
- 5| \ ` Delete Return Fn RShift RAlt RMeta
- 6| 9 0 o p ; l , _NONE_
- 7| - + ] [ ' / . _NONE_
-Matrix diagram:
- +-------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Vcc
- |bias control? - - - - - - - - ---
- | 3.9K*8 R R R R R R R R |
- +--------^+ +--------+ - - - - - - - - |
- | TP 1684 | | HC4051 <0-------|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|R|-+
- | |capa. | <1-------|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|R|-+
- | |sense | <2-------|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|R|-+
- | <------| <3-------|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|R|-+
- | | | <4-------|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|R|-+
- | | | <5-------|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|R|-+
- | |calib.| <6-------|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|R|-+
- | <-+? | <7-------|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|R|-+
- +---V-----+ | +-^-^-^--+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 33K*8
- KEY ??? | A B C +-----------------+
- | | +-^----+ | | | | LS145 |
- Vcc | | |BU9831| | | | +-^--^--^--^------+
- --- | | +------+ | | | A B C D +------+
- | | | | | | | | | | | |
- 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-15 |
- +--------------------------------------------------+ |
- | connector | ---
- +--------------------------------------------------+ GND
- to controller
-Signals charts:
- While pressing space bar, watched HHKB original controller signals by logic analyzer.
- Row and column is looping between 0-7 each for selecting a key.
- A key is scaned every about 15ms, so scan rate is 66Hz.
- (HHKB_chart1.jpg)
- Space bar locate at ROW:3 COL:7. Key are selected by HC4051(C,B,A) and LS145(C,B,A).
- Key state can be read on TP1684(4/KEY) while asserting low on LS145(D).
- Usage of TP1684(5) is unknown. Key state can be read without using this signal.
- (HHKB_chart2.jpg)
-Matrix scan pseudo code:
- for (row: 0-7) {
- SELECT_ROW(row); // set HC4051(A,B,C)
- for (col: 0-7) {
- SELECT_COL(col); // set LS145(A,B,C)
- _delay_us(50);
- ENALBLE_COL(); // set LS145(D) to low
- _delay_us(10);
- if (KEY == 0) { // read TP1684(KEY)
- // key pressed
- } else {
- // not pressed
- }
- }
- }
-Keymap layers
-Followings are added layers with additional Fn keys. They are not final decision.
-see keymap_hhkb.c