"""QMK CLI Subcommands We list each subcommand here explicitly because all the reliable ways of searching for modules are slow and delay startup. """ import os import shlex import sys from importlib.util import find_spec from pathlib import Path from subprocess import run from milc import cli, __VERSION__ from milc.questions import yesno import_names = { # A mapping of package name to importable name 'pep8-naming': 'pep8ext_naming', 'pyusb': 'usb.core', } safe_commands = [ # A list of subcommands we always run, even when the module imports fail 'clone', 'config', 'env', 'setup', ] def _run_cmd(*command): """Run a command in a subshell. """ if 'windows' in cli.platform.lower(): safecmd = map(shlex.quote, command) safecmd = ' '.join(safecmd) command = [os.environ['SHELL'], '-c', safecmd] return run(command) def _find_broken_requirements(requirements): """ Check if the modules in the given requirements.txt are available. Args: requirements The path to a requirements.txt file Returns a list of modules that couldn't be imported """ with Path(requirements).open() as fd: broken_modules = [] for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip().replace('<', '=').replace('>', '=') if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#' or line.startswith('-r'): continue if '#' in line: line = line.split('#')[0] module_name = line.split('=')[0] if '=' in line else line module_import = module_name.replace('-', '_') # Not every module is importable by its own name. if module_name in import_names: module_import = import_names[module_name] if not find_spec(module_import): broken_modules.append(module_name) return broken_modules def _broken_module_imports(requirements): """Make sure we can import all the python modules. """ broken_modules = _find_broken_requirements(requirements) for module in broken_modules: print('Could not find module %s!' % module) if broken_modules: return True return False # Make sure our python is new enough # # Supported version information # # Based on the OSes we support these are the minimum python version available by default. # Last update: 2021 Jan 02 # # Arch: 3.9 # Debian: 3.7 # Fedora 31: 3.7 # Fedora 32: 3.8 # Fedora 33: 3.9 # FreeBSD: 3.7 # Gentoo: 3.7 # macOS: 3.9 (from homebrew) # msys2: 3.8 # Slackware: 3.7 # solus: 3.7 # void: 3.9 if sys.version_info[0] != 3 or sys.version_info[1] < 7: print('Error: Your Python is too old! Please upgrade to Python 3.7 or later.') exit(127) milc_version = __VERSION__.split('.') if int(milc_version[0]) < 2 and int(milc_version[1]) < 3: requirements = Path('requirements.txt').resolve() print(f'Your MILC library is too old! Please upgrade: python3 -m pip install -U -r {str(requirements)}') exit(127) # Check to make sure we have all our dependencies msg_install = 'Please run `python3 -m pip install -r %s` to install required python dependencies.' args = sys.argv[1:] while args and args[0][0] == '-': del args[0] if not args or args[0] not in safe_commands: if _broken_module_imports('requirements.txt'): if yesno('Would you like to install the required Python modules?'): _run_cmd(sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') else: print() print(msg_install % (str(Path('requirements.txt').resolve()),)) print() exit(1) if cli.config.user.developer and _broken_module_imports('requirements-dev.txt'): if yesno('Would you like to install the required developer Python modules?'): _run_cmd(sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements-dev.txt') elif yesno('Would you like to disable developer mode?'): _run_cmd(sys.argv[0], 'config', 'user.developer=None') else: print() print(msg_install % (str(Path('requirements-dev.txt').resolve()),)) print('You can also turn off developer mode: qmk config user.developer=None') print() exit(1) # Import our subcommands from . import c2json # noqa from . import cformat # noqa from . import chibios # noqa from . import clean # noqa from . import compile # noqa from milc.subcommand import config # noqa from . import console # noqa from . import docs # noqa from . import doctor # noqa from . import fileformat # noqa from . import flash # noqa from . import format # noqa from . import generate # noqa from . import hello # noqa from . import info # noqa from . import json2c # noqa from . import lint # noqa from . import list # noqa from . import kle2json # noqa from . import multibuild # noqa from . import new # noqa from . import pyformat # noqa from . import pytest # noqa