{ config, pkgs, hardware, ... }: { imports = [ ./configuration.nix ]; # Use the gummiboot efi boot loader. boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; boot.loader.timeout = 0; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; boot.initrd.luks.devices = [ { device = "/dev/sda2"; name = "crypt"; preLVM = true; allowDiscards = true; } ]; boot.kernelModules = ["tp_smapi" "thinkpad_acpi" "fbcon" "i915"]; boot.kernelParams = ["quiet" "acpi_osi=\"!Windows 2012\""]; boot.extraModulePackages = [config.boot.kernelPackages.tp_smapi]; boot.extraModprobeConfig = '' options i915 enable_rc6=1 ''; networking.hostName = "aji"; fileSystems."/" = { mountPoint = "/"; device = "/dev/mapper/cryptvg-root"; fsType = "btrfs"; options = ["subvol=aji-root" "discard" "compress=lzo"]; }; swapDevices = [ { device = "/dev/mapper/cryptvg-swap"; } ]; services.tlp.enable = true; services.tlp.extraConfig = '' # Needed for either SSD or btrfs. SATA_LINKPWR_ON_BAT=max_performance ''; services.xserver.xkbModel = "thinkpad60"; services.xserver.synaptics.enable = true; # The NixOS release to be compatible with for stateful data such as databases. system.stateVersion = "16.03"; }