#!/bin/bash red='\e[0;31m' orange='\e[0;33m' green='\e[0;32m' none='\e[0m' cd # Check that things are in their right places. if [[ ! -f dotfiles/bin/setup.sh ]]; then printf "${red}[FAIL]${none} expected to find myself\n" exit 1 fi if ! which git >/dev/null; then printf "${red}[FAIL]${none} git not installed\n" exit 1 fi cd ~/dotfiles git submodule update --init --recursive git submodule foreach pull cd # Creates a symlink with target $1 at location $2. # Does nothing and prints an error message if $2 exists and is not a symlink. create_symlink() { if [[ -e "$2" && ! -h "$2" ]]; then printf "${orange}[SKIPPED]${none} '$2' exists and is not a symlink.\n" return else if ln -sf "$1" "$2"; then printf "${green}[OK]${none} '$2' → '$1'\n" else printf "${red}[WARNING]${none} could not create '$2'\n" fi fi if ! diff "$2" "$(dirname $2)/$1"; then printf "${red}[WARNING]${none} diffs in $2\n" fi } create_symlink dotfiles/gitconfig .gitconfig create_symlink /dev/null .vimrc.local if [[ "${SHELL}" = *zsh* ]]; then create_symlink dotfiles/zshrc .zshrc else printf "${orange}[SKIPPED]${none} shell is not zsh :-(.\n" fi if which i3 >/dev/null; then mkdir -p .i3 create_symlink ../dotfiles/i3/config .i3/config else printf "${orange}[SKIPPED]${none} i3 not installed.\n" fi create_symlink dotfiles/vimrc .vimrc if [[ -e .vim/bundle/Vundle.vim ]]; then printf "${orange}[SKIPPED]${none} Vundle.vim already installed\n" else success=1 mkdir -p .vim/bundle git clone https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim \ || success=0 vim +PluginInstall +qall || success=0 if [[ "$success" == "1" ]]; then printf "${green}[OK]${none} installed vim plugins\n" else printf "${red}[WARNING]${none} failed to install vim plugins\n" fi fi