import cadquery as cq from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull as sphull import numpy as np debug_trace = False def debugprint(info): if debug_trace: print(info) def box(width, height, depth): return cq.Workplane("XY").box(width, height, depth) def cylinder(radius, height, segments=100): return cq.Workplane("XY").union(cq.Solid.makeCylinder(radius=radius, height=height)) def sphere(radius): return cq.Workplane('XY').union(cq.Solid.makeSphere(radius)) def cone(r1, r2, height): return cq.Workplane('XY').union( cq.Solid.makeCone(radius1=r1, radius2=r2, height=height)) def rotate(shape, angle): origin = (0, 0, 0) shape = shape.rotate(axisStartPoint=origin, axisEndPoint=(1, 0, 0), angleDegrees=angle[0]) shape = shape.rotate(axisStartPoint=origin, axisEndPoint=(0, 1, 0), angleDegrees=angle[1]) shape = shape.rotate(axisStartPoint=origin, axisEndPoint=(0, 0, 1), angleDegrees=angle[2]) return shape def translate(shape, vector): return shape.translate(tuple(vector)) def mirror(shape, plane=None): debugprint('mirror()') return shape.mirror(mirrorPlane=plane) def union(shapes): debugprint('union()') shape = None for item in shapes: if shape is None: shape = item else: shape = shape.union(item) return shape def add(shapes): debugprint('union()') shape = None for item in shapes: if shape is None: shape = item else: shape = shape.add(item) return shape def difference(shape, shapes): debugprint('difference()') for item in shapes: shape = shape.cut(item) return shape def intersect(shape1, shape2): return shape1.intersect(shape2) def face_from_points(points): # debugprint('face_from_points()') edges = [] num_pnts = len(points) for i in range(len(points)): p1 = points[i] p2 = points[(i + 1) % num_pnts] edges.append( cq.Edge.makeLine( cq.Vector(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]), cq.Vector(p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]), ) ) face = cq.Face.makeFromWires(cq.Wire.assembleEdges(edges)) return face def hull_from_points(points): # debugprint('hull_from_points()') hull_calc = sphull(points) n_faces = len(hull_calc.simplices) faces = [] for i in range(n_faces): face_items = hull_calc.simplices[i] fpnts = [] for item in face_items: fpnts.append(points[item]) faces.append(face_from_points(fpnts)) shape = cq.Solid.makeSolid(cq.Shell.makeShell(faces)) shape = cq.Workplane('XY').union(shape) return shape def hull_from_shapes(shapes, points=None): # debugprint('hull_from_shapes()') vertices = [] for shape in shapes: verts = shape.vertices() for vert in verts.objects: vertices.append(np.array(vert.toTuple())) if points is not None: for point in points: vertices.append(np.array(point)) shape = hull_from_points(vertices) return shape def tess_hull(shapes, sl_tol=.5, sl_angTol=1): # debugprint('hull_from_shapes()') vertices = [] solids = [] for wp in shapes: for item in wp.solids().objects: solids.append(item) for shape in solids: verts = shape.tessellate(sl_tol, sl_angTol)[0] for vert in verts: vertices.append(np.array(vert.toTuple())) shape = hull_from_points(vertices) return shape def triangle_hulls(shapes): debugprint('triangle_hulls()') hulls = [cq.Workplane('XY')] for i in range(len(shapes) - 2): hulls.append(hull_from_shapes(shapes[i: (i + 3)])) return union(hulls) def polyline(point_list): return cq.Workplane('XY').polyline(point_list) # def project_to_plate(): # square = cq.Workplane('XY').rect(1000, 1000) # for wire in square.wires().objects: # plane = cq.Workplane('XY').add(cq.Face.makeFromWires(wire)) def extrude_poly(outer_poly, inner_polys=None, height=1): # vector=(0,0,1)): outer_wires = cq.Wire.assembleEdges(outer_poly.edges().objects) inner_wires = [] if inner_polys is not None: for item in inner_polys: inner_wires.append(cq.Wire.assembleEdges(item.edges().objects)) return cq.Workplane('XY').add( cq.Solid.extrudeLinear(outerWire=outer_wires, innerWires=inner_wires, vecNormal=cq.Vector(0, 0, height))) def import_file(fname): print("IMPORTING FROM {}".format(fname)) return cq.Workplane('XY').add(cq.importers.importShape( cq.exporters.ExportTypes.STEP, fname + ".step")) def export_file(shape, fname): print("EXPORTING TO {}".format(fname)) cq.exporters.export(w=shape, fname=fname + ".step", exportType='STEP') def export_dxf(shape, fname): print("EXPORTING TO {}".format(fname)) cq.exporters.export(w=shape, fname=fname + ".dxf", exportType='DXF')