import solid as sl import numpy as np from numpy import pi import os.path as path def deg2rad(degrees: float) -> float: return degrees * pi/180 def rad2deg(rad: float) -> float: return rad * 180/pi # ###################### # ## Shape parameters ## # ###################### nrows = 5 # key rows ncols = 6 # key columns alpha = pi/12.0 # curvature of the columns beta = pi/36.0 # curvature of the rows centerrow = nrows - 3 # controls front_back tilt centercol = 3 # controls left_right tilt / tenting (higher number is more tenting) tenting_angle = pi/12.0 # or, change this for more precise tenting control hot_swap = False if nrows > 5: column_style ='orthographic' else: column_style = 'standard' # options include :standard, :orthographic, and :fixed # column_style='fixed' def column_offset(column: int) -> list: if column == 2: return [0, 2.82, -4.5] elif column >= 4: return [0, -12, 5.64] # original [0 -5.8 5.64] else: return [0, 0, 0] thumb_offsets = [6, -3, 7] keyboard_z_offset = 9 # controls overall height# original=9 with centercol=3# use 16 for centercol=2 extra_width = 2.5 # extra space between the base of keys# original= 2 extra_height = 1.0 # original= 0.5 wall_z_offset = -15 # length of the first downward_sloping part of the wall (negative) wall_xy_offset = 5 # offset in the x and/or y direction for the first downward_sloping part of the wall (negative) wall_thickness = 2 # wall thickness parameter# originally 5 ## Settings for column_style == :fixed ## The defaults roughly match Maltron settings ## ## fixed_z overrides the z portion of the column ofsets above. ## NOTE: THIS DOESN'T WORK QUITE LIKE I'D HOPED. fixed_angles = [deg2rad(10), deg2rad(10), 0, 0, 0, deg2rad(-15), deg2rad(-15)] fixed_x = [-41.5, -22.5, 0, 20.3, 41.4, 65.5, 89.6] # relative to the middle finger fixed_z = [12.1, 8.3, 0, 5, 10.7, 14.5, 17.5] fixed_tenting = deg2rad(0) ####################### ## General variables ## ####################### lastrow = nrows-1 cornerrow = lastrow-1 lastcol = ncols-1 ################# ## Switch Hole ## ################# keyswitch_height = 14.4 ## Was 14.1, then 14.25 keyswitch_width = 14.4 sa_profile_key_height = 12.7 plate_thickness = 4 mount_width = keyswitch_width + 3 mount_height = keyswitch_height + 3 def single_plate(cylinder_segments=100): top_wall = sl.cube([keyswitch_width + 3, 1.5, plate_thickness], center=True) top_wall = sl.translate([ 0, (1.5/2)+(keyswitch_height/2), plate_thickness/2 ])(top_wall) left_wall = sl.cube([1.5, keyswitch_height + 3, plate_thickness], center=True) left_wall = sl.translate([ (1.5/2)+(keyswitch_width/2), 0, plate_thickness/2 ])(left_wall) side_nub = sl.cylinder(1, 2.75, segments=cylinder_segments, center=True) side_nub = sl.rotate(rad2deg(pi/2),[1, 0, 0])(side_nub) side_nub = sl.translate([ keyswitch_width/2, 0, 1])(side_nub) nub_cube = sl.cube([1.5, 2.75, plate_thickness], center=True) nub_cube= sl.translate([ (1.5/2)+(keyswitch_width/2), 0, plate_thickness/2])(nub_cube) side_nub = sl.hull()(side_nub, nub_cube) plate_half1 = top_wall + left_wall + side_nub plate_half2 = plate_half1 plate_half2 = sl.mirror([0, 1, 0])(plate_half2) plate_half2 = sl.mirror([1, 0, 0])(plate_half2) plate = plate_half1 + plate_half2 if hot_swap: hot_swap_socket = sl.import_(path.join(r'..', 'geometry', r'hot_swap_plate.stl')) hot_swap_socket = sl.translate([0, 0, plate_thickness-5.25])(hot_swap_socket) plate = sl.union()(plate, hot_swap_socket) return plate ################ ## SA Keycaps ## ################ sa_length = 18.25 sa_double_length = 37.5 def sa_cap(Usize = 1): #MODIFIED TO NOT HAVE THE ROTATION. NEEDS ROTATION DURING ASSEMBLY sa_length = 18.25 bw2 = Usize * sa_length / 2 bl2 = sa_length / 2 m = 0 pw2 = 6 * Usize + 1 pl2 = 6 if Usize==1: m = 17 / 2 k1 = sl.polygon([[bw2, bl2], [bw2, -bl2], [-bw2,-bl2], [-bw2, bl2]]) k1 = sl.linear_extrude(height=0.1, twist=0, convexity=0, center=True)(k1) k1 = sl.translate([0, 0, 0.05])(k1) k2 = sl.polygon([[pw2, pl2], [pw2, -pl2], [-pw2,-pl2], [-pw2, pl2]]) k2 = sl.linear_extrude(height=0.1, twist=0, convexity=0, center=True)(k2) k2 = sl.translate([0, 0, 12.0])(k2) if m > 0: m1 = sl.polygon([[m, m], [m, -m], [-m,-m], [-m, m]]) m1 = sl.linear_extrude(height=0.1, twist=0, convexity=0, center=True)(m1) m1 = sl.translate([0, 0, 6.0])(m1) key_cap = sl.hull()(k1,k2,m1) else: key_cap = sl.hull()(k1,k2) key_cap = sl.translate([0, 0, 5 + plate_thickness])(key_cap) key_cap = sl.color([220/255, 163/255, 163/255, 1])(key_cap) return key_cap ######################### ## Placement Functions ## ######################### def rotate_around_x(position, angle): # print((position, angle)) t_matrix = np.array( [[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [0, np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]) return np.matmul(t_matrix, position) def rotate_around_y(position, angle): # print((position, angle)) t_matrix = np.array( [[np.cos(angle), 0, np.sin(angle)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(angle), 0, np.cos(angle)]]) return np.matmul(t_matrix, position) cap_top_height = plate_thickness + sa_profile_key_height row_radius = ((mount_height+extra_height)/2)/(np.sin(alpha/2))+cap_top_height column_radius = (((mount_width+extra_width)/2)/(np.sin(beta/2)))+cap_top_height column_x_delta = -1-column_radius*np.sin(beta) column_base_angle = beta*(centercol-2) def apply_key_geometry(shape, translate_fn, rotate_x_fn, rotate_y_fn, column, row, column_style=column_style): column_angle = beta*(centercol-column) if column_style=='orthographic': column_z_delta = column_radius*(1-np.cos(column_angle)) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, -row_radius]) shape = rotate_x_fn(shape, alpha*(centerrow-row)) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, row_radius]) shape = rotate_y_fn(shape, column_angle) shape = translate_fn(shape, [-(column-centercol)*column_x_delta, 0, column_z_delta]) shape = translate_fn(shape, column_offset(column)) elif column_style=='fixed': shape = rotate_y_fn(shape, fixed_angles[column]) shape = translate_fn(shape, [fixed_x[column], 0, fixed_z[column]]) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, -(row_radius+fixed_z[column])]) shape = rotate_x_fn(shape, alpha*(centerrow-row)) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, row_radius+fixed_z[column]]) shape = rotate_y_fn(shape, fixed_tenting) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, column_offset(column)[1], 0]) else: shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, -row_radius]) shape = rotate_x_fn(shape, alpha*(centerrow-row)) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, row_radius]) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, -column_radius]) shape = rotate_y_fn(shape, column_angle) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, column_radius]) shape = translate_fn(shape, column_offset(column)) shape = rotate_y_fn(shape, tenting_angle) shape = translate_fn(shape, [0, 0, keyboard_z_offset]) return shape def translate(shape, xyz): return sl.translate(xyz)(shape) def x_rot(shape, angle): return sl.rotate(rad2deg(angle), [1, 0, 0])(shape) def y_rot(shape, angle): return sl.rotate(rad2deg(angle), [0, 1, 0])(shape) def key_place(shape, column, row): return apply_key_geometry(shape, translate, x_rot, y_rot, column, row) def add_translate(shape, xyz): vals=[] for i in range(len(shape)): vals.append(shape[i] + xyz[i]) return vals def key_position(position, column, row): return apply_key_geometry(position, add_translate, rotate_around_x, rotate_around_y, column, row) def key_holes(): hole = single_plate() holes = [] for column in range(ncols): for row in range(nrows): if (column in [2, 3]) or (not row==lastrow): holes.append(key_place(hole, column, row)) return sl.union()(*holes) def caps(): caps = [] for column in range(ncols): for row in range(nrows): if (column in [2, 3]) or (not row==lastrow): caps.append(key_place(sa_cap(), column, row)) return sl.union()(*caps) #################### ## Web Connectors ## #################### web_thickness = 3.5 post_size = 0.1 def web_post(): post = sl.cube([post_size, post_size, web_thickness], center=True) post = sl.translate([0,0, plate_thickness - (web_thickness/2)])(post) return post post_adj = post_size / 2 def web_post_tr(): return sl.translate([(mount_width/2)-post_adj, (mount_height/2)-post_adj, 0])(web_post()) def web_post_tl(): return sl.translate([-(mount_width/2)+post_adj, (mount_height/2)-post_adj, 0])(web_post()) def web_post_bl(): return sl.translate([-(mount_width/2)+post_adj, -(mount_height/2)+post_adj, 0])(web_post()) def web_post_br(): return sl.translate([(mount_width/2)-post_adj, -(mount_height/2)+post_adj, 0])(web_post()) def triangle_hulls(shapes): hulls = [] for i in range(len(shapes)-2): hulls.append(sl.hull()(*shapes[i:(i+3)])) return sl.union()(*hulls) def connectors(): hulls=[] for column in range(ncols-1): for row in range(lastrow): # need to consider last_row? # for row in range(nrows): # need to consider last_row? places=[] places.append(key_place(web_post_tl(), column+1, row)) places.append(key_place(web_post_tr(), column, row)) places.append(key_place(web_post_bl(), column+1, row)) places.append(key_place(web_post_br(), column, row)) hulls.append(triangle_hulls(places)) for column in range(ncols): # for row in range(nrows-1): for row in range(cornerrow): places=[] places.append(key_place(web_post_bl(), column, row)) places.append(key_place(web_post_br(), column, row)) places.append(key_place(web_post_tl(), column, row+1)) places.append(key_place(web_post_tr(), column, row+1)) hulls.append(triangle_hulls(places)) for column in range(ncols-1): # for row in range(nrows-1): # need to consider last_row? for row in range(cornerrow): # need to consider last_row? places=[] places.append(key_place(web_post_br(), column, row)) places.append(key_place(web_post_tr(), column, row+1)) places.append(key_place(web_post_bl(), column+1, row)) places.append(key_place(web_post_tl(), column+1, row+1)) hulls.append(triangle_hulls(places)) return sl.union()(*hulls) ############ ## Thumbs ## ############ def thumborigin(): origin = key_position([mount_width/2, -(mount_height/2), 0], 1, cornerrow) for i in range(len(origin)): origin[i] = origin[i] + thumb_offsets[i] return origin def thumb_tr_place(shape): shape = sl.rotate( 10, [1, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate(-23, [0, 1, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate( 10, [0, 0, 1])(shape) shape = sl.translate(thumborigin())(shape) shape = sl.translate([-12, -16, 3])(shape) return shape def thumb_tl_place(shape): shape = sl.rotate( 10, [1, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate(-23, [0, 1, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate( 10, [0, 0, 1])(shape) shape = sl.translate(thumborigin())(shape) shape = sl.translate([-32, -15, -2])(shape) return shape def thumb_mr_place(shape): shape = sl.rotate( -6, [1, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate(-34, [0, 1, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate( 48, [0, 0, 1])(shape) shape = sl.translate(thumborigin())(shape) shape = sl.translate([-29, -40, -13])(shape) return shape def thumb_ml_place(shape): shape = sl.rotate( 6, [1, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate(-34, [0, 1, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate( 40, [0, 0, 1])(shape) shape = sl.translate(thumborigin())(shape) shape = sl.translate([-51, -25, -12])(shape) return shape def thumb_br_place(shape): shape = sl.rotate(-16, [1, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate(-33, [0, 1, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate( 54, [0, 0, 1])(shape) shape = sl.translate(thumborigin())(shape) shape = sl.translate([-37.8, -55.3, -25.3])(shape) return shape def thumb_bl_place(shape): shape = sl.rotate( -4, [1, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate(-35, [0, 1, 0])(shape) shape = sl.rotate( 52, [0, 0, 1])(shape) shape = sl.translate(thumborigin())(shape) shape = sl.translate([-56.3, -43.3, -23.5])(shape) return shape def thumb_1x_layout(shape): return sl.union()( thumb_mr_place(shape), thumb_ml_place(shape), thumb_br_place(shape), thumb_bl_place(shape), ) def thumb_15x_layout(shape): return sl.union()( thumb_tr_place(shape), thumb_tl_place(shape), ) def double_plate(): plate_height = (sa_double_length-mount_height) / 3 # plate_height = (2*sa_length-mount_height) / 3 top_plate = sl.cube([mount_width, plate_height, web_thickness], center = True) top_plate = sl.translate([ 0, (plate_height+mount_height) / 2, plate_thickness-(web_thickness / 2) ])(top_plate) return sl.union()(top_plate, sl.mirror([0, 1, 0])(top_plate)) def thumbcaps(): t1 = thumb_1x_layout(sa_cap(1)) t15 = thumb_15x_layout(sl.rotate(pi/2,[0, 0, 1])(sa_cap(1.5))) return t1 + t15 def thumb(): shape = thumb_1x_layout(single_plate()) shape += thumb_15x_layout(single_plate()) shape += thumb_15x_layout(double_plate()) return shape def thumb_post_tr(): return sl.translate([(mount_width/2)-post_adj, (mount_height/1.15)-post_adj, 0])(web_post()) def thumb_post_tl(): return sl.translate([-(mount_width/2)+post_adj, (mount_height/1.15)-post_adj, 0])(web_post()) def thumb_post_bl(): return sl.translate([-(mount_width/2)+post_adj, -(mount_height/1.15)+post_adj, 0])(web_post()) def thumb_post_br(): return sl.translate([(mount_width/2)-post_adj, -(mount_height/1.15)+post_adj, 0])(web_post()) def thumb_connectors(): hulls = [] # Top two hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_tr()), thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_br()), thumb_tr_place(thumb_post_tl()), thumb_tr_place(thumb_post_bl()), ])) # bottom two on the right hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ thumb_br_place(web_post_tr()), thumb_br_place(web_post_br()), thumb_mr_place(web_post_tl()), thumb_mr_place(web_post_bl()), ])) # bottom two on the left hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ thumb_br_place(web_post_tr()), thumb_br_place(web_post_br()), thumb_mr_place(web_post_tl()), thumb_mr_place(web_post_bl()), ])) # centers of the bottom four hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ thumb_bl_place(web_post_tr()), thumb_bl_place(web_post_br()), thumb_ml_place(web_post_tl()), thumb_ml_place(web_post_bl()), ])) # top two to the middle two, starting on the left hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ thumb_br_place(web_post_tl()), thumb_bl_place(web_post_bl()), thumb_br_place(web_post_tr()), thumb_bl_place(web_post_br()), thumb_mr_place(web_post_tl()), thumb_ml_place(web_post_bl()), thumb_mr_place(web_post_tr()), thumb_ml_place(web_post_br()), ])) # top two to the main keyboard, starting on the left hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_tl()), thumb_ml_place(web_post_tr()), thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_bl()), thumb_ml_place(web_post_br()), thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_br()), thumb_mr_place(web_post_tr()), thumb_tr_place(thumb_post_bl()), thumb_mr_place(web_post_br()), thumb_tr_place(thumb_post_br()), ])) hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_tl()), key_place(web_post_bl(), 0, cornerrow), thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_tr()), key_place(web_post_br(), 0, cornerrow), thumb_tr_place(thumb_post_tl()), key_place(web_post_bl(), 1, cornerrow), thumb_tr_place(thumb_post_tr()), key_place(web_post_br(), 1, cornerrow), key_place(web_post_tl(), 2, lastrow), key_place(web_post_bl(), 2, lastrow), thumb_tr_place(thumb_post_tr()), key_place(web_post_bl(), 2, lastrow), thumb_tr_place(thumb_post_br()), key_place(web_post_br(), 2, lastrow), key_place(web_post_bl(), 3, lastrow), key_place(web_post_tr(), 2, lastrow), key_place(web_post_tl(), 3, lastrow), key_place(web_post_bl(), 3, cornerrow), key_place(web_post_tr(), 3, lastrow), key_place(web_post_br(), 3, cornerrow), key_place(web_post_bl(), 4, cornerrow), ])) hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ key_place(web_post_br(), 1, cornerrow), key_place(web_post_tl(), 2, lastrow), key_place(web_post_bl(), 2, cornerrow), key_place(web_post_tr(), 2, lastrow), key_place(web_post_br(), 2, cornerrow), key_place(web_post_bl(), 3, cornerrow), ])) hulls.append(triangle_hulls([ key_place(web_post_tr(), 3, lastrow), key_place(web_post_br(), 3, lastrow), key_place(web_post_tr(), 3, lastrow), key_place(web_post_bl(), 4, cornerrow), ])) return sl.union()(*hulls) ########## ## Case ## ########## def bottom_hull(p, height=.001): shape = None for item in p: proj = sl.projection()(p) t_shape = sl.linear_extrude(height=height, twist=0, convexity=0, center=True)(proj) t_shape = sl.translate([0, 0, height/2-10])(t_shape) if shape is None: shape = t_shape shape = sl.hull()(p, shape, t_shape) return shape left_wall_x_offset = 10 left_wall_z_offset = 3 def left_key_position(row, direction): pos = np.array(key_position([-mount_width*0.5, direction*mount_height*0.5, 0], 0, row)) return pos - np.array([left_wall_x_offset, 0, left_wall_z_offset]) def left_key_place(shape, row, direction): pos = left_key_position(row, direction) return sl.translate(pos)(shape) def wall_locate1(dx, dy): return [dx * wall_thickness, dy * wall_thickness, -1] def wall_locate2(dx, dy): return [dx * wall_xy_offset, dy * wall_xy_offset, wall_z_offset] def wall_locate3(dx, dy): return [dx * (wall_xy_offset + wall_thickness), dy * (wall_xy_offset + wall_thickness), wall_z_offset] def wall_brace(place1, dx1, dy1, post1, place2, dx2, dy2, post2): hulls=[] hulls.append(place1(post1)) hulls.append(place1(sl.translate(wall_locate1(dx1, dy1))(post1))) hulls.append(place1(sl.translate(wall_locate2(dx1, dy1))(post1))) hulls.append(place1(sl.translate(wall_locate3(dx1, dy1))(post1))) hulls.append(place2(post2)) hulls.append(place2(sl.translate(wall_locate1(dx2, dy2))(post2))) hulls.append(place2(sl.translate(wall_locate2(dx2, dy2))(post2))) hulls.append(place2(sl.translate(wall_locate3(dx2, dy2))(post2))) shape1 = sl.hull()(*hulls) hulls=[] hulls.append(place1(sl.translate(wall_locate2(dx1, dy1))(post1))) hulls.append(place1(sl.translate(wall_locate3(dx1, dy1))(post1))) hulls.append(place2(sl.translate(wall_locate2(dx2, dy2))(post2))) hulls.append(place2(sl.translate(wall_locate3(dx2, dy2))(post2))) shape2 = bottom_hull(hulls) return shape1 + shape2 def key_wall_brace(x1, y1, dx1, dy1, post1, x2, y2, dx2, dy2, post2): return wall_brace( (lambda shape: key_place(shape, x1, y1)), dx1, dy1, post1, (lambda shape: key_place(shape, x2, y2)), dx2, dy2, post2 ) def back_wall(): x=0 shape = key_wall_brace(x, 0, 0, 1, web_post_tl(), x, 0, 0, 1, web_post_tr()) for i in range(ncols-1): x=i+1 shape += key_wall_brace(x, 0, 0, 1, web_post_tl(), x , 0, 0, 1, web_post_tr()) shape += key_wall_brace(x, 0, 0, 1, web_post_tl(), x-1, 0, 0, 1, web_post_tr()) shape += key_wall_brace(lastcol, 0, 0, 1, web_post_tr(), lastcol, 0, 1, 0, web_post_tr()) return shape def right_wall(): y=0 shape = key_wall_brace(lastcol, y, 1, 0, web_post_tr(), lastcol, y , 1, 0, web_post_br()) for i in range(lastrow-1): y=i+1 shape += key_wall_brace(lastcol, y, 1, 0, web_post_tr(), lastcol, y , 1, 0, web_post_br()) shape += key_wall_brace(lastcol, y, 1, 0, web_post_br(), lastcol, y-1, 1, 0, web_post_tr()) shape += key_wall_brace(lastcol, cornerrow, 0, -1, web_post_br(), lastcol, cornerrow, 1, 0, web_post_br()) return shape def left_wall(): shape = wall_brace( (lambda sh: key_place(sh, 0, 0)), 0, 1, web_post_tl(), (lambda sh: left_key_place(sh, 0, 1)), 0, 1, web_post() ) shape += wall_brace( (lambda sh: left_key_place(sh, 0, 1)), 0, 1, web_post(), (lambda sh: left_key_place(sh, 0, 1)), -1, 0, web_post() ) for i in range(lastrow): y=i temp_shape1 = wall_brace( (lambda sh: left_key_place(sh, y, 1)), -1, 0, web_post(), (lambda sh: left_key_place(sh, y,-1)), -1, 0, web_post() ) temp_shape2 = sl.hull()( key_place(web_post_tl(), 0, y), key_place(web_post_bl(), 0, y), left_key_place(web_post(), y, 1), left_key_place(web_post(), y, -1), ) shape += temp_shape1 + temp_shape2 for i in range(lastrow-1): y=i+1 temp_shape1 = wall_brace( (lambda sh: left_key_place(sh, y-1, -1)), -1, 0, web_post(), (lambda sh: left_key_place(sh, y , 1)), -1, 0, web_post() ) temp_shape2 = sl.hull()( key_place(web_post_tl(), 0, y ), key_place(web_post_bl(), 0, y-1), left_key_place(web_post(), y , 1), left_key_place(web_post(), y-1, -1), ) shape += temp_shape1 + temp_shape2 return shape def front_wall(): shape = key_wall_brace( lastcol, 0, 0, 1, web_post_tr(), lastcol, 0, 1, 0, web_post_tr() ) shape += key_wall_brace( 3, lastrow, 0, -1, web_post_bl(), 3, lastrow, 0.5, -1, web_post_br() ) shape += key_wall_brace( 3, lastrow, 0.5, -1, web_post_br(), 4, cornerrow, 1, -1, web_post_bl() ) for i in range(ncols-4): x=i+4 shape += key_wall_brace( x, cornerrow, 0, -1, web_post_bl(), x, cornerrow, 0, -1, web_post_br() ) for i in range(ncols-5): x=i+5 shape += key_wall_brace( x , cornerrow, 0, -1, web_post_bl(), x-1, cornerrow, 0, -1, web_post_br() ) return shape def thumb_walls(): # thumb, walls shape = wall_brace(thumb_mr_place, 0, -1, web_post_br(), thumb_tr_place, 0, -1, thumb_post_br()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_mr_place, 0, -1, web_post_br(), thumb_mr_place, 0, -1, web_post_bl()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_br_place, 0, -1, web_post_br(), thumb_br_place, 0, -1, web_post_bl()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_ml_place, -0.3, 1, web_post_tr(), thumb_ml_place, 0, 1, web_post_tl()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_bl_place, 0, 1, web_post_tr(), thumb_bl_place, 0, 1, web_post_tl()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_br_place, -1, 0, web_post_tl(), thumb_br_place, -1, 0, web_post_bl()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_bl_place, -1, 0, web_post_tl(), thumb_bl_place, -1, 0, web_post_bl()) # thumb, corners shape += wall_brace(thumb_br_place, -1, 0, web_post_bl(), thumb_br_place, 0, -1, web_post_bl()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_bl_place, -1, 0, web_post_tl(), thumb_bl_place, 0, 1, web_post_tl()) # thumb, tweeners shape += wall_brace(thumb_mr_place, 0,-1, web_post_bl(), thumb_br_place, 0, -1, web_post_br()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_ml_place, 0, 1, web_post_tl(), thumb_bl_place, 0, 1, web_post_tr()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_bl_place, -1, 0, web_post_bl(), thumb_br_place, -1, 0, web_post_tl()) shape += wall_brace(thumb_tr_place, 0,-1, thumb_post_br(), (lambda sh: key_place(sh, 3, lastrow)), 0, -1, web_post_bl()) return shape def thumb_connection(): # clunky bit on the top left thumb connection (normal connectors don't work well) shape = bottom_hull([ left_key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate2(-1, 0))(web_post()), cornerrow, -1), left_key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate3(-1, 0))(web_post()), cornerrow, -1), thumb_ml_place(sl.translate(wall_locate2(-0.3, 1))(web_post_tr())), thumb_ml_place(sl.translate(wall_locate3(-0.3, 1))(web_post_tr())), ]) shape += sl.hull()([ left_key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate2( -1, 0))(web_post()), cornerrow, -1), left_key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate3( -1, 0))(web_post()), cornerrow, -1), thumb_ml_place(sl.translate(wall_locate2(-0.3, 1))(web_post_tr())), thumb_ml_place(sl.translate(wall_locate3(-0.3, 1))(web_post_tr())), thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_tl()), ]) shape += sl.hull()([ left_key_place(web_post(), cornerrow, -1), left_key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate1(-1, 0))(web_post()), cornerrow, -1), left_key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate2(-1, 0))(web_post()), cornerrow, -1), left_key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate3(-1, 0))(web_post()), cornerrow, -1), thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_tl()), ]) shape += sl.hull()([ left_key_place(web_post(), cornerrow, -1), left_key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate1(-1, 0))(web_post()), cornerrow, -1), key_place(web_post_bl(), 0, cornerrow), key_place(sl.translate(wall_locate1(-1, 0))(web_post_bl()), 0, cornerrow), thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_tl()), ]) shape += sl.hull()([ thumb_ml_place(web_post_tr()), thumb_ml_place(sl.translate(wall_locate1(-0.3, 1))(web_post_tr())), thumb_ml_place(sl.translate(wall_locate2(-0.3, 1))(web_post_tr())), thumb_ml_place(sl.translate(wall_locate3(-0.3, 1))(web_post_tr())), thumb_tl_place(thumb_post_tl()), ]) return shape def case_walls(): return back_wall()+left_wall()+right_wall()+front_wall()+thumb_walls()+thumb_connection() rj9_start = list(np.array([0, -3, 0]) + np.array(key_position( list(np.array(wall_locate3(0, 1))+np.array([0, (mount_height/2), 0])), 0, 0))) rj9_position = [rj9_start[0], rj9_start[1], 11] def rj9_cube(): return sl.cube([14.78, 13, 22.38], center=True) def rj9_space(): return sl.translate(rj9_position)(rj9_cube()) def rj9_holder(): shape = sl.union()( sl.translate([0, 2, 0])(sl.cube([10.78, 9, 18.38], center=True)), sl.translate([0, 0, 5])(sl.cube([10.78, 13, 5], center=True)), ) shape = sl.difference()(shape, rj9_cube()) shape = sl.translate(rj9_position)(shape) return shape usb_holder_position = key_position(np.array(wall_locate2(0, 1)) + np.array([0, (mount_height/2), 0]), 1, 0) usb_holder_size = [6.5, 10.0, 13.6] usb_holder_thickness = 4 def usb_holder(): shape = sl.cube([usb_holder_size[0]+usb_holder_thickness, usb_holder_size[1], usb_holder_size[2]+usb_holder_thickness], center=True) shape = sl.translate([usb_holder_position[0], usb_holder_position[1], (usb_holder_size[2]+usb_holder_thickness)/2])(shape) return shape def usb_holder_hole(): shape = sl.cube(usb_holder_size, center=True) shape = sl.translate([usb_holder_position[0], usb_holder_position[1], (usb_holder_size[2]+usb_holder_thickness)/2])(shape) return shape teensy_width = 20 teensy_height = 12 teensy_length = 33 teensy2_length = 53 teensy_pcb_thickness = 2 teensy_holder_width = 7 + teensy_pcb_thickness teensy_holder_height = 6 + teensy_width teensy_offset_height = 5 teensy_holder_top_length = 18 teensy_top_xy = key_position(wall_locate3(-1, 0), 0, centerrow-1) teensy_bot_xy = key_position(wall_locate3(-1, 0), 0, centerrow+1) teensy_holder_length = teensy_top_xy[1]-teensy_bot_xy[1] teensy_holder_offset = -teensy_holder_length/2 teensy_holder_top_offset = (teensy_holder_top_length/2)-teensy_holder_length def teensy_holder(): s1 = sl.cube([3, teensy_holder_length, 6+teensy_width], center=True) s1 = sl.translate([1.5, teensy_holder_offset, 0])(s1) s2 = sl.cube([teensy_pcb_thickness, teensy_holder_length, 3], center=True) s2 = sl.translate([(teensy_pcb_thickness/2)+3, teensy_holder_offset, -1.5-(teensy_width/2)])(s2) s3 = sl.cube([teensy_pcb_thickness, teensy_holder_top_length, 3], center=True) s3 = sl.translate([(teensy_pcb_thickness/2)+3, teensy_holder_top_offset, 1.5+(teensy_width/2)])(s3) s4 = sl.cube([4, teensy_holder_top_length, 4], center=True) s4 = sl.translate([teensy_pcb_thickness+5, teensy_holder_top_offset, 1+(teensy_width/2)])(s4) shape = sl.union()(s1, s2, s3, s4) shape = sl.translate([-teensy_holder_width, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.translate([-1.4, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.translate([teensy_top_xy[0], teensy_top_xy[1]-1, (6+teensy_width)/2])(shape) return shape def screw_insert_shape(bottom_radius, top_radius, height): shape = sl.union()( sl.cylinder(r1=bottom_radius, r2=top_radius, h=height, center=True), sl.translate([0, 0, (height/2)])(sl.sphere(top_radius)), ) return shape def screw_insert(column, row, bottom_radius, top_radius, height): shift_right = column==lastcol shift_left = column==0 shift_up = (not (shift_right or shift_left)) and (row==0) shift_down = (not (shift_right or shift_left)) and (row>=lastrow) if shift_up: position = key_position(np.array(wall_locate2(0, 1))+np.array([0, (mount_height/2), 0]), column, row) elif shift_down: position = key_position(np.array(wall_locate2(0, -1))-np.array([0, (mount_height/2), 0]), column, row) elif shift_left: position = list(np.array(left_key_position(row, 0))+np.array(wall_locate3(-1, 0))) else: position = key_position(np.array(wall_locate2(1, 0))+np.array([(mount_height/2), 0, 0]), column, row) shape = screw_insert_shape(bottom_radius, top_radius, height) shape = sl.translate([position[0], position[1], height/2])(shape) return shape def screw_insert_all_shapes(bottom_radius, top_radius, height): shape = sl.union()( screw_insert(0, 0, bottom_radius, top_radius, height), screw_insert(0, lastrow, bottom_radius, top_radius, height), screw_insert(2, lastrow+0.3, bottom_radius, top_radius, height), screw_insert(3, 0, bottom_radius, top_radius, height), screw_insert(lastcol, 1, bottom_radius, top_radius, height), ) return shape screw_insert_height = 3.8 screw_insert_bottom_radius = 5.31/2 screw_insert_top_radius = 5.1/2 screw_insert_holes = screw_insert_all_shapes(screw_insert_bottom_radius, screw_insert_top_radius, screw_insert_height) screw_insert_outers = screw_insert_all_shapes(screw_insert_bottom_radius+1.6, screw_insert_top_radius+1.6, screw_insert_height+1.5) screw_insert_screw_holes = screw_insert_all_shapes(1.7, 1.7, 350) wire_post_height = 7 wire_post_overhang = 3.5 wire_post_diameter = 2.6 def wire_post(direction, offset): s1 = sl.cube([wire_post_diameter, wire_post_diameter, wire_post_height], center = True) s1 = sl.translate([0, -wire_post_diameter*0.5*direction, 0])(s1) s2 = sl.cube([wire_post_diameter, wire_post_overhang, wire_post_diameter], center = True) s2 = sl.translate([0, -wire_post_overhang*0.5*direction, -wire_post_height/2])(s2) shape = sl.union()(s1, s2) shape = sl.translate([0, -offset, (-wire_post_height/2)+3])(shape) shape = sl.rotate(-alpha/2, [1, 0, 0])(shape) shape = sl.translate([3, -mount_height/2, 0])(shape) return shape def wire_posts(): shape = thumb_ml_place(sl.translate([-5, 0, -2])(wire_post(1, 0))) shape += thumb_ml_place(sl.translate([0, 0, -2.5])(wire_post(-1, 6))) shape += thumb_ml_place(sl.translate([5, 0, -2])(wire_post(1, 0))) for column in range(lastcol): for row in range(lastrow-1): shape += sl.union()( key_place(sl.translate([-5, 0, 0])(wire_post( 1, 0)), column, row), key_place(sl.translate([ 0, 0, 0])(wire_post(-1, 6)), column, row), key_place(sl.translate([ 5, 0, 0])(wire_post( 1, 0)), column, row), ) return shape def model_right(): shape = sl.union()( key_holes(), connectors(), thumb(), thumb_connectors(), ) s2 = sl.union()( case_walls(), screw_insert_outers(), teensy_holder(), usb_holder(), ) s2 = sl.difference()( s2, rj9_space(), usb_holder_hole(), screw_insert_holes() ) shape = sl.union()( shape, s2, rj9_holder(), wire_posts(), ) shape -= sl.translate([0, 0, -20])(sl.cube([350, 350, 40], center=True)) return shape sl.scad_render_to_file(model_right(), path.join(r'..', 'things', r'right_py.scad')) sl.scad_render_to_file(sl.mirror([-1, 0, 0])(model_right()), path.join(r'..', 'things', r'left_py.scad')) def baseplate(): shape = sl.union()( case_walls(), teensy_holder(), # rj9_holder(), screw_insert_outers(), ) tool = sl.translate([0, 0, -10])(screw_insert_screw_holes()) shape = shape - tool shape = sl.translate([0, 0, -.1])(shape) return sl.projection(cut=True)(shape) sl.scad_render_to_file(baseplate(), path.join(r'..', 'things', r'plate_py.scad'))