path: root/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40849b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+import sys
+import getopt
+import os
+import json
+pi = 3.14159
+d2r = pi / 180
+r2d = 180 / pi
+shape_config = {
+ # 'ENGINE': 'solid', # 'solid' = solid python / OpenSCAD, 'cadquery' = cadquery / OpenCascade
+ 'ENGINE': 'cadquery', # 'solid' = solid python / OpenSCAD, 'cadquery' = cadquery / OpenCascade
+ ######################
+ ## Shape parameters ##
+ ######################
+ 'save_dir': '.',
+ 'config_name': "DM",
+ 'show_caps': False,
+ 'show_pcbs': False, #only runs if caps are shown, easist place to initially inject geometry
+ 'nrows': 6, #5, # key rows
+ 'ncols': 6, #6, # key columns
+ 'alpha': pi / 12.0, # curvature of the columns
+ 'beta': pi / 36.0, # curvature of the rows
+ 'centercol': 3, # controls left_right tilt / tenting (higher number is more tenting)
+ 'centerrow_offset': 3, # rows from max, controls front_back tilt
+ 'tenting_angle': pi / 12.0, # or, change this for more precise tenting control
+ # symmetry states if it is a symmetric or asymmetric bui. If asymmetric it doubles the generation time.
+ 'symmetry': "symmetric", # "asymmetric" or "symmetric"
+ 'column_style_gt5': "orthographic",
+ 'column_style': "standard", # options include :standard, :orthographic, and :fixed
+ 'thumb_offsets': [6, -3, 7],
+ 'keyboard_z_offset': (
+ 11 # controls overall height# original=9 with centercol=3# use 16 for centercol=2
+ ),
+ 'extra_width': 2.5, # extra space between the base of keys# original= 2
+ 'extra_height': 1.0, # original= 0.5
+ 'web_thickness': 4.0 + 1.1,
+ 'post_size': 0.1,
+ # post_adj': post_size / 2
+ 'post_adj': 0,
+ ##############################
+ ##############################
+ # 'DEFAULT' 6-key, 'MINI' 5-key, 'CARBONFET' 6-key, 'MINIDOX' 3-key, 'TRACKBALL_ORBYL', 'TRACKBALL_CJ'
+ 'thumb_style': 'DEFAULT',
+ 'default_1U_cluster': True, # only used with default, makes top right thumb cluster key 1U
+ # Thumb key size. May need slight oversizing, check w/ caps. Additional spacing will be automatically added for larger keys.
+ 'minidox_Usize': 1.6,
+ # Thumb plate rotations, anything other than 90 degree increments WILL NOT WORK.
+ # Screw locations and extra screw locations for separable thumb, all from thumb origin
+ # Pulled out of hardcoding as drastic changes to the geometry may require fixes to the screw mounts.
+ # First screw in separable should be similar to the standard location as it will receive the same modifiers.
+ 'default_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-21, -58]],
+ 'default_separable_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-21, -58]],
+ 'mini_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-29, -52]],
+ 'mini_separable_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-29, -52], [-62, 10], [12, -25]],
+ 'minidox_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-37, -34]],
+ 'minidox_separable_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-37, -34], [-62, 12], [10, -25]],
+ 'carbonfet_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-48, -37]],
+ 'carbonfet_separable_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-48, -37], [-52, 10], [12, -35]],
+ 'orbyl_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-53, -68]],
+ 'orbyl_separable_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-53, -68], [-66, 8], [10, -40]],
+ 'tbcj_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-40, -75]],
+ 'tbcj_separable_thumb_screw_xy_locations': [[-40, -75], [-63, 10], [15, -40]],
+ 'thumb_plate_tr_rotation': 0.0, # Top right plate rotation tweaks as thumb cluster is crowded for hot swap, etc.
+ 'thumb_plate_tl_rotation': 0.0, # Top left plate rotation tweaks as thumb cluster is crowded for hot swap, etc.
+ 'thumb_plate_mr_rotation': 0.0, # Mid right plate rotation tweaks as thumb cluster is crowded for hot swap, etc.
+ 'thumb_plate_ml_rotation': 0.0, # Mid left plate rotation tweaks as thumb cluster is crowded for hot swap, etc.
+ 'thumb_plate_br_rotation': 0.0, # Bottom right plate rotation tweaks as thumb cluster is crowded for hot swap, etc.
+ 'thumb_plate_bl_rotation': 0.0, # Bottom right plate rotation tweaks as thumb cluster is crowded for hot swap, etc.
+ ##############################
+ 'separable_thumb': False, #creates a separable thumb section with additional screws to hold it down. Only attached at base.
+ ##############################
+ ###################################
+ ## Trackball in Wall ##
+ ###################################
+ 'trackball_in_wall': False, # Separate trackball option, placing it in the OLED area
+ 'tbiw_ball_center_row': 0, # up from cornerrow instead of down from top
+ 'tbiw_translational_offset': (2.0, -12.0, -10.0),
+ 'tbiw_rotation_offset': (30.0, -10.0, 0.0),
+ 'tbiw_left_wall_x_offset_override': 50.0,
+ 'tbiw_left_wall_z_offset_override': 0.0,
+ 'tbiw_left_wall_lower_x_offset': 15.0,
+ 'tbiw_left_wall_lower_y_offset': -15.0,
+ 'tbiw_left_wall_lower_z_offset': -25.0,
+ 'tbiw_oled_center_row': .75, # not none, offsets are from this position
+ 'tbiw_oled_translation_offset': (-3.5, 0, 1.5), # Z offset tweaks are expected depending on curvature and OLED mount choice.
+ 'tbiw_oled_rotation_offset': (0, 0, 0),
+ ##########################################################################
+ ## Finger Trackball in Wall EXPERIMENTAL WIP!!!! ##
+ ##########################################################################
+ # 'finger_trackball_in_wall': False, # Separate trackball option, placing it in the OLED area
+ # 'tbiw_ball_center_column': 0.2, # up from cornerrow instead of down from top
+ # 'tbiw_translational_offset': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ # 'tbiw_rotation_offset': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ # 'tbiw_top_wall_y_offset_override': 50.0,
+ # 'tbiw_top_wall_z_offset_override': 0.0,
+ # 'tbiw_top_wall_extension_cols': 4,
+ ###########################################
+ ## Trackball JS / ORBYL Thumb Cluster ##
+ ##########################################
+ 'other_thumb': 'DEFAULT', # cluster used for second thumb except if ball_side == 'both'
+ 'tbjs_key_diameter': 70,
+ 'tbjs_Uwidth': 1.2, # size for inner key near trackball
+ 'tbjs_Uheight': 1.2, # size for inner key near trackball
+ # Offsets are per key and are applied before rotating into place around the ball
+ # X and Y act like Tangential and Radial around the ball
+ # 'tbjs_translation_offset': (0, 0, 10), # applied to the whole assy
+ # 'tbjs_rotation_offset': (0, 10, 0), # applied to the whole assy
+ 'tbjs_translation_offset': (0, 0, 2), # applied to the whole assy
+ 'tbjs_rotation_offset': (0, -8, 0), # applied to the whole assy
+ 'tbjs_key_translation_offsets': [
+ (0.0, 0.0, -3.0-5),
+ (0.0, 0.0, -3.0-5),
+ (0.0, 0.0, -3.0-5),
+ (0.0, 0.0, -3.0-5),
+ ],
+ 'tbjs_key_rotation_offsets': [
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ ###################################
+ ## Trackball CJ Thumb Cluster ##
+ ###################################
+ 'tbcj_inner_diameter': 42,
+ 'tbcj_thickness': 2,
+ 'tbcj_outer_diameter': 53,
+ ###################################
+ ## Trackball General ##
+ ###################################
+ 'trackball_modular': False, # Added, creates a hole with space for the lip size listed below.
+ 'trackball_modular_lip_width': 3.0, # width of lip cleared out in ring location
+ 'trackball_modular_ball_height': 3.0, # height of ball from ring , used to create identical position to fixed.
+ 'trackball_modular_ring_height': 10.0, # height mount ring down from ball height. Covers gaps on elevated ball.
+ 'trackball_modular_clearance': 0.5, # height of ball from ring, used to create identical position to fixed.
+ 'ball_side': 'both', #'left', 'right', or 'both'
+ 'ball_diameter': 34.0,
+ 'ball_wall_thickness': 3, # should not be changed unless the import models are changed.
+ 'ball_gap': 1.0,
+ 'trackball_hole_diameter': 36.5,
+ 'trackball_hole_height': 40,
+ 'trackball_plate_thickness': 2,
+ 'trackball_plate_width': 2,
+ # Removed trackball_rotation, ball_z_offset. and trackball_sensor_rotation and added more flexibility.
+ 'tb_socket_translation_offset': (0, 0, 2.0), # applied to the socket and sensor, large values will cause web/wall issues.
+ 'tb_socket_rotation_offset': (0, 0, 0), # applied to the socket and sensor, large values will cause web/wall issues.
+ 'tb_sensor_translation_offset': (0, 0, 0), #deviation from socket offsets, for fixing generated geometry issues
+ 'tb_sensor_rotation_offset': (0, 0, 0), #deviation from socket offsets, for changing the sensor roll orientation
+ ##############################
+ ##############################
+ 'first_1_5U_row': 0,
+ 'last_1_5U_row': 5,
+ ##############################
+ 'wall_z_offset': 15, # length of the first downward_sloping part of the wall
+ 'wall_x_offset': 5, # offset in the x and/or y direction for the first downward_sloping part of the wall (negative)
+ 'wall_y_offset': 6, # offset in the x and/or y direction for the first downward_sloping part of the wall (negative)
+ 'left_wall_x_offset': 12, # specific values for the left side due to the minimal wall.
+ 'left_wall_z_offset': 3, # specific values for the left side due to the minimal wall.
+ 'left_wall_lower_x_offset': 0, # specific values for the lower left corner.
+ 'left_wall_lower_y_offset': 0, # specific values for the lower left corner.
+ 'left_wall_lower_z_offset': 0,
+ 'wall_thickness': 4.5, # wall thickness parameter used on upper/mid stage of the wall
+ 'wall_base_y_thickness': 4.5, # wall thickness at the lower stage
+ 'wall_base_x_thickness': 4.5, # wall thickness at the lower stage
+ 'wall_base_back_thickness': 4.5, # wall thickness at the lower stage in the specifically in back for interface.
+ ## Settings for column_style == :fixed
+ ## The defaults roughly match Maltron settings
+ ##
+ ## fixed_z overrides the z portion of the column ofsets above.
+ 'fixed_angles': [d2r * 10, d2r * 10, 0, 0, 0, d2r * -15, d2r * -15],
+ 'fixed_x': [-41.5, -22.5, 0, 20.3, 41.4, 65.5, 89.6], # relative to the middle finger
+ 'fixed_z': [12.1, 8.3, 0, 5, 10.7, 14.5, 17.5],
+ 'fixed_tenting': d2r * 0,
+ #################
+ ## Switch Hole ##
+ #################
+ # plate options are
+ # 'HOLE' = a square hole. Also useful for applying custom plate files.
+ # 'NUB' = original side nubs.
+ # 'UNDERCUT' = snap fit undercut. May require CLIP_THICKNESS and possibly CLIP_UNDERCUT tweaking
+ # and/or filing to get proper snap.
+ # 'NOTCH' = snap fit undercut only near switch clip. May require CLIP_THICKNESS and possibly CLIP_UNDERCUT
+ # tweaking and/or filing to get proper snap.
+ # 'HS_NUB' = hot swap underside with nubs.
+ # 'HS_UNDERCUT' = hot swap underside with undercut. Does not generate properly. Hot swap step needs to be modified.
+ # 'HS_NOTCH' = hot swap underside with notch. Does not generate properly. Hot swap step needs to be modified.
+ # 'plate_style': 'NUB',
+ 'plate_style': 'NOTCH',
+ 'hole_keyswitch_height': 14.0,
+ 'hole_keyswitch_width': 14.0,
+ 'nub_keyswitch_height': 14.4,
+ 'nub_keyswitch_width': 14.4,
+ 'undercut_keyswitch_height': 14.0,
+ 'undercut_keyswitch_width': 14.0,
+ 'notch_width': 5.0, # If using notch, it is identical to undecut, but only locally by the switch clip
+ 'sa_profile_key_height': 12.7,
+ 'sa_length': 18.5,
+ 'sa_double_length': 37.5,
+ 'plate_thickness': 4 + 1.1,
+ 'plate_rim': 1.5 + 0.5,
+ # Undercut style dimensions
+ 'clip_thickness': 1.3,
+ 'clip_undercut': 1.0,
+ # Custom plate step file
+ 'plate_file': None,
+ 'plate_offset': 0.0,
+ ##########################
+ ## OLED Mount Location
+ ##########################
+ # Initial pass will be manual placement. Can be used to create other mounts as well.
+ # Mount type options:
+ # None or 'NONE' = No OLED mount
+ # 'UNDERCUT' = Simple rectangle with undercut for clip in item
+ # 'SLIDING' = Features to slide the OLED in place and use a pin or block to secure from underneath.
+ # 'CLIP' = Features to set the OLED in a frame a snap a bezel down to hold it in place.
+ 'oled_mount_type': 'CLIP',
+ 'oled_center_row': 1.25, # if not None, this will override the oled_mount_location_xyz and oled_mount_rotation_xyz settings
+ 'oled_translation_offset': (0, 0, 4), # Z offset tweaks are expected depending on curvature and OLED mount choice.
+ 'oled_rotation_offset': (0, 0, 0),
+ 'oled_configurations': {
+ # Common parameters
+ 'oled_mount_width': 15.0,
+ 'oled_mount_height': 35.0,
+ 'oled_mount_rim': 3.0,
+ 'oled_mount_depth': 6.0,
+ 'oled_mount_cut_depth': 20.0,
+ 'oled_mount_location_xyz': (-80.0, 20.0, 45.0), # will be overwritten if oled_center_row is not None
+ 'oled_mount_rotation_xyz': (13.0, 0.0, -6.0), # will be overwritten if oled_center_row is not None
+ 'oled_left_wall_x_offset_override': 28.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_z_offset_override': 0.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_lower_y_offset': 12.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_lower_z_offset': 5.0,
+ # 'UNDERCUT' Parameters
+ 'oled_mount_undercut': 1.0,
+ 'oled_mount_undercut_thickness': 2.0,
+ },
+ 'SLIDING': {
+ # Common parameters
+ 'oled_mount_width': 12.5, # width of OLED, plus clearance
+ 'oled_mount_height': 25.0, # length of screen
+ 'oled_mount_rim': 2.5,
+ 'oled_mount_depth': 8.0,
+ 'oled_mount_cut_depth': 20.0,
+ 'oled_mount_location_xyz': (-78.0, 10.0, 41.0), # will be overwritten if oled_center_row is not None
+ 'oled_mount_rotation_xyz': (6.0, 0.0, -3.0), # will be overwritten if oled_center_row is not None
+ 'oled_left_wall_x_offset_override': 24.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_z_offset_override': 0.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_lower_y_offset': 12.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_lower_z_offset': 5.0,
+ # 'SLIDING' Parameters
+ 'oled_thickness': 4.2, # thickness of OLED, plus clearance. Must include components
+ 'oled_edge_overlap_end': 6.5, # length from end of viewable screen to end of PCB
+ 'oled_edge_overlap_connector': 5.5, # length from end of viewable screen to end of PCB on connection side.
+ 'oled_edge_overlap_thickness': 2.5, # thickness of material over edge of PCB
+ 'oled_edge_overlap_clearance': 2.5, # Clearance to insert PCB before laying down and sliding.
+ 'oled_edge_chamfer': 2.0,
+ },
+ 'CLIP': {
+ # Common parameters
+ 'oled_mount_width': 12.5, # whole OLED width
+ 'oled_mount_height': 39.0, # whole OLED length
+ 'oled_mount_rim': 2.0,
+ 'oled_mount_depth': 7.0,
+ 'oled_mount_cut_depth': 20.0,
+ 'oled_mount_location_xyz': (-78.0, 20.0, 42.0), # will be overwritten if oled_center_row is not None
+ 'oled_mount_rotation_xyz': (12.0, 0.0, -6.0), # will be overwritten if oled_center_row is not None
+ 'oled_left_wall_x_offset_override': 24.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_z_offset_override': 0.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_lower_y_offset': 12.0,
+ 'oled_left_wall_lower_z_offset': 5.0,
+ # 'CLIP' Parameters
+ 'oled_thickness': 4.2, # thickness of OLED, plus clearance. Must include components
+ 'oled_mount_bezel_thickness': 3.5, # z thickness of clip bezel
+ 'oled_mount_bezel_chamfer': 2.0, # depth of the 45 degree chamfer
+ 'oled_mount_connector_hole': 6.0,
+ 'oled_screen_start_from_conn_end': 6.5,
+ 'oled_screen_length': 24.5,
+ 'oled_screen_width': 10.5,
+ 'oled_clip_thickness': 1.5,
+ 'oled_clip_width': 6.0,
+ 'oled_clip_overhang': 1.0,
+ 'oled_clip_extension': 5.0,
+ 'oled_clip_width_clearance': 0.5,
+ 'oled_clip_undercut': 0.5,
+ 'oled_clip_undercut_thickness': 2.5,
+ 'oled_clip_y_gap': .2,
+ 'oled_clip_z_gap': .2,
+ }
+ },
+ 'screws_offset': 'INSIDE', # 'OUTSIDE', 'INSIDE', 'ORIGINAL'
+ 'screw_insert_height': 3.8,
+ # 'screw_insert_bottom_radius': 5.31 / 2, #Designed for inserts
+ # 'screw_insert_top_radius': 5.1 / 2, #Designed for inserts
+ 'screw_insert_bottom_radius': 2.5 / 2, # Designed for self tapping
+ 'screw_insert_top_radius': 2.5 / 2, # Designed for self tapping
+ 'screw_insert_outer_radius': 4.25, # Common to keep interface to base
+ # Does anyone even use these? I think they just get in the way.
+ 'wire_post_height': 7,
+ 'wire_post_overhang': 3.5,
+ 'wire_post_diameter': 2.6,
+ ###################################
+ ## Controller Mount / Connectors ##
+ ###################################
+ # connector options are
+ # 'RJ9_USB_WALL' = Standard internal plate with RJ9 opening and square cutout for connection.
+ # 'USB_WALL' = Standard internal plate with a square cutout for connection, no RJ9.
+ # 'RJ9_USB_TEENSY' = Teensy holder
+ # 'USB_TEENSY' = Teensy holder, no RJ9
+ # 'EXTERNAL' = square cutout for a holder such as the one from lolligagger.
+ # 'NONE' = No openings in the back.
+ 'controller_mount_type': 'EXTERNAL',
+ 'external_holder_height': 12.5,
+ 'external_holder_width': 28.75,
+ 'external_holder_xoffset': -5.0,
+ 'external_holder_yoffset': -4.5, #Tweak this value to get the right undercut for the tray engagement.
+ # Offset is from the top inner corner of the top inner key.
+ ###################################
+ ## PCB Screw Mount ##
+ ###################################
+ "pcb_mount_ref_offset": [0, -5, 0],
+ "pcb_holder_size": [34.6, 7, 4],
+ "pcb_holder_offset": [8.9, 0, 0],
+ "pcb_usb_hole_size": [7.5, 10.0, 4],
+ "pcb_usb_hole_offset": [15, 0, 4.5],
+ "wall_thinner_size": [34, 7, 10],
+ "trrs_hole_size": [3, 20],
+ "trrs_offset": [0, 0, 1.5],
+ "pcb_screw_hole_size": [.5, 10],
+ "pcb_screw_x_offsets": [- 5.5, 7.75, 22], # for the screw positions off of reference
+ "pcb_screw_y_offset": -2,
+ ###################################
+ ## Bottom Plate Dimensions
+ ###################################
+ 'screw_hole_diameter': 3,
+ 'base_thickness': 3.0, # thickness in the middle of the plate
+ 'base_offset': 3.0, # Both start flat/flush on the bottom. This offsets the base up (if positive)
+ 'base_rim_thickness': 5.0, # thickness on the outer frame with screws
+ 'screw_cbore_diameter': 6.0,
+ 'screw_cbore_depth': 2.5,
+ # Offset is from the top inner corner of the top inner key.
+ ###################################
+ ###################################
+ 'plate_holes': True,
+ 'plate_holes_xy_offset': (0.0, 0.0),
+ 'plate_holes_width': 14.3,
+ 'plate_holes_height': 14.3,
+ 'plate_holes_diameter': 1.6,
+ 'plate_holes_depth': 20.0,
+ ###################################
+ 'plate_pcb_clear': False,
+ 'plate_pcb_size': (18.5, 18.5, 5),
+ 'plate_pcb_offset': (0, 0, 0),# this is off of the back of the plate size.
+ ###################################
+ ###################################
+ ###################################
+ 'pcb_width': 18.0,
+ 'pcb_height': 18.0,
+ 'pcb_thickness': 1.5,
+ 'pcb_hole_diameter': 2,
+ 'pcb_hole_pattern_width': 14.3,
+ 'pcb_hole_pattern_height': 14.3,
+ ###################################
+ ####################################
+ 'column_offsets': [
+ [0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 2.82, -4.5],
+ [0, 0, 0],
+ [0, -6, 5],# REDUCED STAGGER
+ [0, -6, 5],# REDUCED STAGGER
+ [0, -6, 5],# NOT USED IN MOST FORMATS (7th column)
+ ],
+ ####################################
+ ####################################
+def save_config():
+ # Check to see if the user has specified an alternate config
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["config=", "update="])
+ got_opts = False
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt in ('--update'):
+ with open(os.path.join(r"..", "configs", arg + '.json'), mode='r') as fid:
+ data = json.load(fid)
+ shape_config.update(data)
+ got_opts = True
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt in ('--config'):
+ # If a config file was specified, set the config_name and save_dir
+ shape_config['save_dir'] = arg
+ shape_config['config_name'] = arg
+ got_opts = True
+ # Write the config to ./configs/<config_name>.json
+ if got_opts:
+ with open(os.path.join(r"..", "configs", shape_config['config_name'] + '.json'), mode='w') as fid:
+ json.dump(shape_config, fid, indent=4)
+ else:
+ with open(os.path.join(r".", 'run_config.json'), mode='w') as fid:
+ json.dump(shape_config, fid, indent=4)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ save_config()
+ from dactyl_manuform import *
+ run() \ No newline at end of file